Legendary Godfather

689: This guy Webster is very good at playing.

The next day, major media reported on the match between Crystal Palace and Tottenham Hotspur. After the game, the focus was indeed on Flanders. Countless media reports doubted Flanders. Are you involved in gambling? Otherwise, how could the penalty in this game be so weird?

This is simply an obvious manipulation of the game.

However, there are also people who complain about Flanders!

Maybe Flanders's level is just like this.

To be honest, except for the first penalty kick, which was a bit problematic, the other penalties were not too big of a problem.

As for the second penalty awarded to Tottenham Hotspur, it was entirely due to sight. He didn't see it clearly. It was the linesman who made the decision. As for the two penalty kicks awarded to Crystal Palace, there is no problem. They should have been awarded penalty kicks. So overall, there are not too many problems with Flanders' penalty, right?

If there is a problem, it is that Flanders's own level is not good enough.

Of course, all conclusions will be known only after the FA conducts an investigation.

Yes, not long after the game ended, the FA received complaints from Tottenham Hotspur and Crystal Palace. The Football Association immediately stated that it would set up an investigation team to investigate this matter, and they would make a public announcement at that time.

So, all we can do now is wait.

Before that, Flanders had also been interviewed by media reporters. He only said one sentence to the reporters. He said, "I don't think there is any problem with my judgments. I made the most correct decisions." I will be responsible for the penalty I made, thank you!"

Then, he said nothing more.

Moreover, at this time, the Football Association also asked Flanders to no longer accept any interviews, and he could no longer talk about this matter publicly. Everything had to wait for the results of the investigation to come out.

Of course, Crystal Palace and Tottenham Hotspur are paying attention to this matter, and they will not just let it go. But now Tong Yi will not put too much energy on this matter. What he has to consider is the subsequent games. These matters are left to other people in the club to follow up.

Currently, Tong Yi is leading the team to prepare for this weekend's game.

This weekend, what Crystal Palace will usher in is not a Premier League game, but the final of this season's English League Cup, which will face Arsenal at Wembley Stadium.

This game is also very important, after all, this is the final!

Crystal Palace naturally hopes to win the final championship, and naturally attaches great importance to this game.

However, at this time, the "Times" reported a piece of news - the Chinese men's soft rice man is about to bid farewell to the Crystal Palace and coach the Chinese men's football team to compete in the World Cup!

Yes, at this time Webster was reporting that Tong Yi was currently

After contacting the Chinese Football Association, Tong Yi is likely to directly coach the Chinese men's football team. After all, their contact before was no longer news. In the past six months or so, they must have contacted each other no less than six or seven times, right?

Just yesterday, Yuan Zhenshi, the chairman, vice chairman and current head coach of the Chinese Football Association, appeared at the Tongyi Stadium, home of Crystal Palace, to watch the game between Crystal Palace and Tottenham Hotspur. This shows that the Chinese Football Association still has not given up on Tong Yi and is still chasing Tong Yi.

Webster claimed that the contact between them should have produced further results. Otherwise, the Chinese Football Association would not have appeared at Tongyi Stadium with such fanfare, right?

It is very likely that Tong Yi has already reached an agreement with the Chinese Football Association. After this season, Tong Yi will coach the Chinese men's football team in the 2018 World Cup in Russia.

Under this report, they still posted a large picture, which was the picture of Huachang Youth Donglai and the others sitting at the Tongyi Stadium watching the game between Crystal Palace and Tottenham Hotspur. Everyone could see it clearly, even accompanied by staff from the Crystal Palace Club.

What does this mean?

At least it shows that the Chinese Football Association is really in contact with Tong Yi, and it is really possible that Tong Yi will coach the Chinese men's football team.

Although, after the game, Webster tried to interview Nian Donglai, Yuan Zhen and others, they refused directly and did not accept any interviews at all.

However, Webster still said that Tong Yi's coaching of the Chinese men's football team is basically a certainty.

As soon as this news came out, it really caused an uproar.

Crystal Palace fans were very angry. They all felt that Webster was spreading rumors and wanted to cause trouble for Crystal Palace. Especially if it causes chaos within Crystal Palace, it will affect Crystal Palace's performance in the league this season.

There are people who are jealous of Crystal Palace's performance and use these despicable methods to disrupt Crystal Palace.

Our legendary godfather of Crystal Palace, Mr. Tong Yi, has said many times that he currently has no plans to coach the Chinese men’s football team, or even the national team. People have clarified it many times, why do you still spread such rumors? You guy just has ulterior motives!

Crystal Palace fans criticized Webster crazily, and even left crazy messages on Webster's social media account to curse this guy, and blocked his message board.

There are even various rumors about Webster spread on the Internet, saying that Webster cheated on his wife during marriage, worked with young models, and some even claimed that Webster was involved in gambling and so on.

Webster is also under a lot of pressure.

At first everyone thought these were all rumors.

Who would have known that someone would actually release some evidence on the Internet later on? There were actually intimate photos of Webster and some young models, and even some more unsightly photos.

This really brought Webster's credibility to an extremely low level.

However, Webster also stood up at this time and claimed that he had had contact and relationships with these young models, but that was before he got married and after the marital relationship with his wife had problems. He did not cheat in marriage, he is innocent!

To be honest, this surprised many people. They didn't expect that he would actually dare to admit it!

Moreover, at this time, Webster's wife and his lawyer also came out to speak. At present, Webster's marriage has indeed broken down and they are dealing with divorce. Therefore, even if Webster has an affair with a young model, it is not a big deal!

Moreover, Webster's wife also said in interviews with media reporters that her divorce from Webster was not due to Webster's cheating during marriage.

Seriously, this was a surprise to everyone.

Everyone really didn't expect that Webster's wife would even say good things to Webster when you were about to get divorced.

A little surprised!

And if you didn't divorce because of Webster's affair during marriage, then what was the reason for your divorce?

Media reporters and the public are very concerned.

But Webster and his wife remained silent and refused to accept any interviews. And this is someone’s private matter. If they don’t tell anyone, no one will know.

But there are still many paparazzi digging for news in this regard.

After all, this is considered a hot news nowadays!

However, even so, Crystal Palace fans still did not let Webster go. There are still many people criticizing Webster on the Internet, saying that Webster is a bad person who can do nothing but make up nonsense and is just garbage.

In response, Webster did not respond at all.

However, the outside world is still very concerned about whether Tong Yi really wants to coach the Chinese men's football team. There are even many media reporters who are preparing to interview Tong Yi and personnel from the Chinese Football Association. They want to clarify this matter.

Of course, Crystal Palace fans also want to find out these things.

Tong Yi is really important to their Crystal Palace, and they really don't want to see Tong Yi leave the Crystal Palace like this.

Moreover, in their opinion, the Crystal Palace is Tong Yi's property. How could he leave the Crystal Palace?

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