Legendary Godfather

776: You really understand the effects of the program!

Manchester City fans are doing nothing but scolding, scolding fiercely!

Scold Tong Yi, scold the commentator, scold the referee Bridge!

Especially Bridge!

Now they don't even watch the game, they just output like crazy.

This game really made them feel so disgusting. This damn German referee, you will be hit by a car when you go out!

Manchester City fans really hope something happens to Bridge. ??

But Bridge didn't think there was anything wrong with him at all.

Not only was there no problem with the penalty against Manchester City, but there was also no problem with the penalty against Crystal Palace. In this game, he had basis for every penalty he made, and he firmly believed that he did not make any mistakes.

He didn't take sides, he was unselfish.

This game will be Bridge's masterpiece.

He, Bridge, dare not say that he is the best referee, but he is definitely the most fair and selfless referee.

I Bridge, did it.

This game, I Bridge, have a clear conscience!

As for the curses from Manchester City fans, he ignored them. The butts of these guys determine their emotions. They are originally sitting on the side of Manchester City. When they see a penalty that is unfavorable to Manchester City, they will be angry and curse. They don't care whether your penalty is correct.

Therefore, Bridge doesn't have to care about the opinions of these so-called fans.

It's fine if you have a clear conscience.

Therefore, Bridge still showed no mercy in the subsequent penalties, not only for Manchester City, but also for Crystal Palace. In the last ten minutes of the game, he also frequently played cards to control the game, and he was not lenient at all when playing cards.

By the end of the game, Bridge had shown a total of 14 yellow cards, which was quite astonishing.

Bridger is simply a card master.

In the last ten minutes of the game, the Manchester City people did not play well. They just vented their anger and depression and committed crazy fouls. Bridge felt that he had given the Manchester City people a lot of face by not showing a direct red card.

Manchester City people, you should have some fun.

In the final game, Crystal Palace defeated Manchester City 4-1 at their home court.

After the game, Crystal Palace fans were very satisfied with the result and generally satisfied with the process.

Mainly because the referee's decision made them feel disgusted.

If this guy didn't make random penalties in the first half, Crystal Palace would have won the game directly in the first half without having to wait until the second half.

At the end of the game, Crystal Palace fans were not satisfied with Bridge's penalty.

However, they did not react as fiercely as Manchester City fans.

After all, the Crystal Palace team also won this game, and the result was good. Moreover, this guy’s misjudgment did not cause any injuries to the players.

Missing games or suspensions will have little impact. It just affects their mood and has no impact on the subsequent games.

Crystal Palace fans are such a team.

After the game, Tong Yi originally wanted to go over and shake hands with Guardiola.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, he saw Guardiola rush to the referee Bridge, gave Bridge a thumbs up, and roared "You are awesome, you are awesome" , how much is the price you put on your conscience? Is your sentence true to your original intention? Do you think you have received illegal money? "

Tong Yi and Bridge were both stunned. They didn't expect Guardiola to behave like this, nor did they expect Guardiola's reaction to be so big?

This is completely different from the usual Guardiola.

Guardiola seems to have never lost his temper like this before, right?

Was it because he was so suppressed by Crystal Palace this season that he suffered a mental breakdown?

No way? Guardiola's mentality is not so fragile, right?

But think about it carefully, if he were Guardiola, Tong Yi would have the same reaction, right?

After all, in this game, Bridge made many penalties that seemed unfriendly to Manchester City and were extremely targeted at Manchester City. He even blew away two Manchester City goals. It’s hard for Guardiola not to be angry!

Especially in such a crucial game!

And it was against Manchester City's fateful opponent this season. No wonder Guardiola's mentality was a bit broken.

The assistant coaches of Manchester City reacted instantly and immediately grabbed Guardiola, trying to pull Guardiola away.

After all, this game is not the final battle, and losing this game is not the end of the world.

Both hands still have the next round of competition!

In the next round, our Manchester City team cannot do without you Guardiola. You Guardiola is the real core of our Manchester City team. If you are sent off, what will our Manchester City team do in the second round?

Some of the Manchester City assistant coaches pulled Guardiola, and some went to apologize to Bridge, saying that Guardiola was too excited and asked Bridge not to be as knowledgeable as Guardiola and to be merciful!

After all, Guardiola already has a yellow card on his body. His current behavior is likely to result in a second yellow card. In that case, two yellow cards will become one red card, and then Guardiola will not be able to appear in the next round. Bian is in charge of the Manchester City team.

Therefore, Guardiola is really a little irrational at this time.

Seriously, they should have pulled Guardiola away just now. Who would have thought that this guy would turn around halfway through, rush directly into Bridge's face, and slap him in the face like crazy


Isn't this because I took the initiative to apply for a yellow card?

Even some angry referees directly showed red cards.

The Manchester City fans were very excited to see this. They were very excited to see Guardiola's actions. What Guardiola did won their hearts. Guardiola did what they wanted to do but couldn't do. They screamed in support of Guardiola and praised Guardiola one after another.

Of course, at this time, Manchester City fans also followed Guardiola and furiously dealt with Bridge.

And the words of Manchester City fans are much worse than those of Guardiola.

When the assistant coaches of Manchester City heard the words of these fans, their eyes darkened and they almost fainted.

You should not fan the flames at this time and anger Bridge again.

Didn't you betray Guardiola and send Guardiola to the guillotine with your own hands?

You are trying to trick Guardiola! ??

At this time, the Manchester City assistant coaches obviously saw the expression on Bridge's face becoming increasingly ugly. They immediately secretly said that it was bad and they were going to be doomed now.

Sure enough, Bridge did not disappoint them.

Bridge directly pulled away the Manchester City assistant coaches who were pulling him, and then took out the yellow card from his jacket pocket with difficulty. Yes, the game was originally over. Bridge had already packed up the yellow cards and props and was ready to get off work. Who would have thought that when I was about to leave the company, I would still be working! He had to take the time to find the yellow card from a lot of props, and then showed it to Guardiola and gave him a yellow card warning.

And he clearly remembered that Guardiola had a yellow card.

Because Guardiola's yellow card left such a deep impression on him, this guy raised an international friendly gesture to him in the tunnel during halftime, and then he found him before the start of the second half. Guardiola was shown a yellow card.

Therefore, Bridge remembers it very clearly.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to find another red card from the props, and then showed it to Guardiola.

To be honest, everyone at the scene was stunned and in disbelief.

"Hey, what happened? The referee Bridge showed another yellow card to Manchester City's head coach Guardiola. Two yellow cards turned into one red. Bridge sent Guardiola off. So the two sides played In the first round of the game, Guardiola has no way to appear on the sidelines. This will be a fatal blow to Manchester City. Manchester City may not have a chance now." Mortensen was very shocked and couldn't believe it. said.

To be honest, he really didn't expect that the game was over and there would be such a drama.

This Guardiola has a big problem.

Manchester City's Champions League journey this season

, it should end here.

Manchester City's road to the Champions League is ruined in the hands of its own people, what a pity!

Crystal Palace fans were also very shocked.

They all thought that the game was over, but they didn't know that at this time, they actually gave us a big job. It was wonderful! It’s really wonderful! We really have you, Manchester City people, you know the effect of the program!

At this time, our already silent hearts were stirred up again.

So beautiful.

Tong Yi also smiled when he saw this. He really didn't expect that he would see such a good show.

This is great news for Crystal Palace. There should be no surprises in the second round of the match between the two sides. Guardiola can't even appear on the sidelines. What can Manchester City do to compete with our Crystal Palace? It should be certain that Crystal Palace will advance to the semi-finals of this season's UEFA Champions League.

To be honest, Tong Yi didn't understand why Guardiola behaved like this at this time? He should know very well that he has a yellow card. Then isn't he digging his own grave by doing this?

So, Tong Yi really doesn’t understand?

Or is it that the Manchester City people are preparing to appeal after the game, thinking that their appeal will win, Bridge will be killed, and Guardiola's red card will be cancelled?

Tong Yi shook his head slightly, feeling that this was unlikely.

It seems that Guardiola will really be upset by this guy Bridge.

"I think Guardiola is still irrational now. To be honest, he really shouldn't be! Because the next Champions League game is really critical for them. It's not like there is no head coach at such a critical time. Surrender in advance? Is there any suspense in this second round? Let us congratulate Crystal Palace for advancing to the semi-finals of this season's UEFA Champions League. David is really amazing, so amazing!" Shearer said at this time It severely punished Guardiola and greatly stimulated the Manchester City fans.

Manchester City fans cursed Shearer crazily, and their words became more and more ugly and dirty.

But Shearer didn't care. On the contrary, he was very happy at this time, especially when he saw the confused expressions of Manchester City fans, he felt very funny and happy. Manchester City really had no chance at this time, and they ruined it themselves. Although the point difference of one to four is still quite large, it cannot be said that the second round of the game was not played. Maybe the Manchester City people are really a little bit depressed, so...

At this time, Tong Yi didn't go up to look for trouble.

He immediately turned and left.

When leaving, he also felt that there should be no big problems in the second round. But he also knew that the game hadn't started yet and anything could happen. Therefore, at this time, the Crystal Palace players cannot relax and must be prepared!

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