Legendary Godfather

371: The Italian Cup championship is not the end!

The moment the final whistle sounded, the hearts of Inter Milan fans were broken.

They felt that their efforts and expectations throughout the season were in vain at this moment. That kind of heartache is not something ordinary people can understand. Countless Inter Milan fans at the scene burst into tears at this moment, and the tears poured down like a torrent, washing away the numb face.

All the Inter Milan players in the stadium lost all their strength at this moment and fell to the turf.

Some players even dared not look into the eyes of the Inter Milan fans on the stage.

They buried their heads deep in the turf and remained motionless.

On the sidelines, Conte's mouth twitched a little when he saw all this, and his hands in his pockets were trembling uncontrollably.

He really didn't expect that they would actually lose this game, to... AC Milan.

He turned his head and looked at Tong Yi, who was surrounded by AC Milan players. .??.

Damn it, it's him!

He couldn't help but think of the years when he struggled in England, and it was this Chinese who stood between him and his great goal, crushing his ideals time and time again.

Is this guy really my nemesis?

As long as he's around, I can't succeed?

From now on, will I shy away from him when I see him?

"get out of class is over! Conte is out of class! Get out! Conte is out of here!" At this moment, some Inter Milan fans at the scene immediately roared crazily. The sound became clear and neat in an instant, and everyone could hear it clearly. .

Conti was stunned for a moment, not expecting it.

In his first season at Inter Milan, is he about to go from a much-anticipated hero to a scum being kicked out?

Recalling the excitement and excitement of all Inter Milan fans when he came to Inter Milan at the beginning of the season, Conte felt very bitter when looking at the current scene.

His reputation was completely disgraced in just one season.

It seems that my past is not worth mentioning.

Listening to the shouts of these Inter Milan fans, Conte, who originally had no idea of ​​leaving, suddenly had the idea of ​​​​leaving Inter Milan. Maybe Inter Milan is not suitable for me, so what place is suitable for me?

At this time, Conte thought of his former club-Juventus!

Juventus' current situation is as embarrassing as his.

Juventus is also suppressed by AC Milan, especially this season. So far, AC Milan is still one point ahead of Juventus in the league. If nothing happens to AC Milan in the last two rounds, Juventus will also lose the Serie A championship this season.

Juventus will also be empty of all four this season.

Then the situation of the current Juventus head coach Sarri will be even worse. It is a certainty that Sarri will be kicked out. Therefore, after the end of this season, he has a chance to return to Juventus.

After going to Juventus, he will have the opportunity to compete with Tong Yi.

He doesn't think he is inferior to Tong Yi.

He has only been with Inter Milan for one season this season, and has not completed the transformation of the club's lineup and tactics. This season does not represent his level. Losing to Tong Yi this season is nothing. If you give him one or two more seasons, he will definitely be able to lead Inter Milan to overtake AC Milan and put AC Milan under his feet forever.

But now it seems that Inter Milan

Lan should not give him so much time.

Maybe after this season, he will be kicked out.

However, going to Juventus is a good choice.

He would not be defeated by Tong Yi like this.

Therefore, when he heard the shouts of the Inter Milan fans, he didn't have any extra thoughts. It can even be said that he doesn't care at all. The only person he feels a little sorry for is Inter Milan's chairman Zhang Suyang.

Zhang Suyang gave a lot of support and help, but unfortunately he was not able to lead the team to achieve good results in return for Zhang Suyang. This is what he is very unhappy about.

But now when he sees the AC Milan people celebrating wantonly, he is still very uncomfortable.

Especially when I saw Tong Yi being lifted up by the AC Milan players and thrown into the sky again and again.

The excitement of AC Milan is Conte's shame!

Conte secretly took a deep breath, and then secretly said, "Huaxia Tong, don't be happy yet. Our competition has just begun. I will definitely surpass you and trample you severely. In Serie A, I am the one who is the best." king!"

Then, Conte immediately walked into the stadium to comfort the Inter Milan players.

At the same time, he also wanted to thank these Inter Milan players for their support and cooperation with him this season. He also knew that this was probably the last time he would see all the Inter Milan players. Therefore, at this time, He wants to thank these players.

At the same time, he also wants to tell these Inter Milan players that the responsibility for the loss does not lie with them, but with him as the head coach. All this is his problem as the head coach. I hope the players will not be sad or blame themselves!

Just perform well in the next games.

Although all Inter Milan's games this season have ended so far, after all, there are still two league games, and they still have to play well. I hope this game will not affect their state and mentality. After all, the following leagues are also very important for Inter Milan.

If Inter Milan wants to qualify for the Champions League next season, there must be no problems with peace and harmony in the last two rounds of the league.

So, now is not the time to be sad!

Everything will have to wait until the end of the season. At present, Inter Milan's season is not over yet.

But in the hearts of Inter Milan fans, this season is over.

Because it is impossible for Inter Milan to win any championships this season.

They prepared a lot before this season and invested a lot, aiming for the league championship. The results of it? Not only is the league title out of the question, but now there is also no chance of winning the Italian Cup.

Why is Inter Milan not losing everything this season?

No wonder the fans of Inter Milan are criticizing the damn Conte so crazily and hope that Conte will be dismissed from get out of class.

The voices of the Inter Milan fans at the scene were very loud, and they are still chanting now.

Hearing these words, Tong Yi shook his head slightly.

He doesn't think that Inter Milan's performance this season is entirely Conte's problem. Conte is still very capable. He has only been at Inter Milan for less than a season. In fact, Inter Milan should

He should be given more time. But obviously, now Inter Milan seems to be a little unable to tolerate Conte.

However, this is a good thing for AC Milan.

As a result, Inter Milan and Juventus have been in turmoil in the next few seasons. If they change coaches every year, AC Milan's direct competitor in Serie A in the future may be Atalanta. If Atlanta can maintain its current lineup and make reinforcements at any time, Atlanta may really become AC Milan's direct championship rival.

Atlanta's strength is indeed very strong this season, which has impressed many people.

Especially their performance in the second half of the season.

If they hadn't been hampered too much by the Champions League in the first half of the season and had gone all out to attack the league, it would be hard to say that Atalanta would be the strongest contender for the Serie A championship this season.

However, Atlanta's problem is also quite obvious, that is, Ilicic and others are all in their thirties. How long can they maintain their condition? This is a big problem. If there is no successor, then Atlanta will be short-lived after all, and there is no possibility of becoming a strong contender for the Serie A championship.

Many media reporters now feel that Italian football is about to enter the era of AC Milan.

Of course, Di Marzio, Di Carlo and others feel that Italian football is about to enter the era of Tong Yi.

If Inter Milan and Juventus really can't stabilize as soon as possible, Serie A will really be AC ​​Milan's world in the future! ??

This season, AC Milan has initially shown its dominance.

Don't look at AC Milan. It seems that they are not leading much on all fronts and are stumbling. But even so, they still keep all fronts moving forward together, which speaks volumes. Each of their fronts looked very dangerous, but as a result, each of their fronts came to the end. Is this a reflection of their strength?

What's more important is that these main players of AC Milan are still very young. They are still growing. They will be in their current state and strength for a long time in the future. Even as they grow, their strength will become stronger and stronger. Then who else can stop AC Milan in the future?

Therefore, Di Marzio and the others think that Italian football has entered the era of Tong Yi.

Even they now feel that AC Milan is very likely to win the final league championship this season. Even though AC Milan is only one point ahead of Juventus, with only two rounds left in the league, it should be difficult for AC Milan to make mistakes, right?

They will not lose at such a critical moment and give Juventus a chance!

Therefore, there is almost no suspense in Serie A this season.

Now only the Juventus people still think they have a chance. In fact, they really have no chance.

After all, in the last two rounds of the league, Juventus's opponents are all good, while AC Milan's opponents are not very strong, and almost all of them have no desires or desires.

Why did you let AC Milan lose unexpectedly?

This is impossible!

The only suspense is this season's UEFA Champions League final. Whether AC Milan can defeat Bayern Munich is a big unknown.

However, this matter is still relevant for now

It's early, and now the AC Milan people are celebrating excitedly, celebrating that their team has won the Italian Cup this season. This is also the third championship that AC Milan has won this season. They are very excited, very happy. excited!

"Friends, spectators and fans! The 2019-2020 Coppa Italia match is over, and the champion of this season's Coppa Italia has just been born. Now we invite AC Milan, the champion of the 2019-2020 Coppa Italia, to take the stage. Receive the award!" C on the scene roared with a very passionate voice, causing all the AC Milan fans on the scene to cheer and jump excitedly!

AC Milan people are really excited to the extreme, they AC Milan are finally back!

After many years, AC Milan is finally on the top of Italy again.

The players of AC Milan walked onto the podium amidst the passionate singing of the fans, received the gold medals representing the championship one after another, and then jumped with excitement. It wasn't until captain Romagnoli raised the championship trophy high above his head that the atmosphere at the scene reached its climax, and golden rain poured down, watering this moment of glory!

The champion of the Italian Cup in the 2019-2020 season is born - AC Milan!

The fans at the scene sang "We are the Champions" in unison, and the passionate voice brought the entire stadium to its peak. The scene was as if it was dyed by passionate lava, and it was extremely boiling!

Even the media reporters and commentators at the scene jumped up excitedly.

There is really no one else in this atmosphere.

At this time, no one paid attention to the loser Inter Milan. The Inter Milan fans also left the stadium early and gave it all to the AC Milan people. AC Milan celebrates here, jumps here, dances here!

This moment belongs to AC Milan!

This made the AC Milan fans in the stands very excited and excited. At this moment, everything about this season flashed before their eyes. Only then did they realize how difficult it was for them this season. AC Milan is really lucky to be able to win the Italian Super Cup, European Super Cup and Italian Cup. This is all due to Tong Yi.

Without Tong Yi, AC Milan would not be where they are today!

Now these AC Milan fans are shouting Tong Yi's name loudly and shouting the legendary godfather. They claim that Tong Yi is the glorious beginning in the history of AC Milan club and a legendary godfather in the history of their club. His name will definitely be recorded in the glory book of AC Milan and be admired by the world!

All the AC Milan fans at the scene roared excitedly, and the sound was like thunder, shaking the sky.

At this time, Tong Yi was not floating!

He knows that this is not the end of the season, there are still very crucial games waiting for them later. Now is not the time to celebrate, nor is it the time to reward people based on their merits. They still need to continue to work hard and fight to win the Serie A championship and the UEFA Champions League championship!

AC Milan's journey this season is not over yet, and the Italian Cup championship is not the end of AC Milan.

However, at this time, he did not dampen the excitement of the AC Milan players and let them celebrate wantonly. But wait until tomorrow, everyone will put all the honors they have now behind and devote themselves to the next game. If anyone can't do it, go and sober up on the bench!

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