Legendary Godfather

029: Please bring Mr. Li Ning out.

The press conference hall at the Green Forest Avenue training base was overcrowded.

A lot of reporters flocked here.

Although Munich 1860 is a Bundesliga second division team, it did not receive much attention before. But after Tong Yi joined the team and the youngest head coach in the history of German professional football was born, Munich 1860 attracted more attention. Recently the media is all about Munich 1860 and Tong Yi.

Of course, what they reported the most was the dissatisfaction of Munich 1860 fans with Tong Yi, who took to the streets to demonstrate, went to sit-ins in front of the club building, and other news. It seems that the fans of Munich 1860 want to break with the team and are determined to fight to the death. This naturally attracted a lot of media attention.

Yesterday, they suddenly received an invitation from Munich 1860 Club to attend a press conference. They all realized that something big was going to happen, so they all came one after another.

Even many reporters who were not on the invitation list came and flocked to the press conference hall.

Of course, many reporters were not qualified to enter the venue, but they had no intention of leaving, so they stayed outside the venue to conduct random interviews.

There are a lot of Munich 1860 fans gathered outside the Green Forest Street training base. They are very excited today. They are all here to witness history. They finally won the "war" this time. The club's top management compromised, agreed to sack the team, and invited local coach Lining to coach Munich 1860. They saw hope.

These fans gathered together, held up signs that read "Go away, you loser" and "Welcome Lining". They gathered together excitedly and sang the Munich 1860 team anthem, which attracted countless reporters to take photos.

The situation in the press conference hall was also very lively. These qualified reporters could no longer wait and gathered together to discuss intensely. .??.

Hannah, dressed in white professional attire, asked Jacob next to her, "Mr. Jacob, is today really the press conference for Munich 1860's coaching change?"

When other reporters heard Hannah ask this, they all pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

Munich 1860 did not officially state that this press conference was a press conference for the new coach to take office, but before today, both the fans and the media got the news that today is a press conference for Munich 1860 to change coaches. But whether it is specific or not, no one knows.

However, they all also know that the general manager of Munich 1860, Stoffels, secretly met with Lining, and the photos of Lining appearing on the streets of Munich yesterday were all taken by Jacob. It can be said that no one here knows better than Jacob about whether to change the coaching staff.

In fact, Jacob didn't know the specific content of today's press conference. But based on what has happened in recent days, today's coaching change is almost certain.

He nodded and said, "Although I don't have 100% information, based on the information I have and some internal information I got, I can basically confirm

, Munich 1860 is going to change coaches today. "

When he said this, Jacob felt comfortable and proud.

Huh, you bastard, you're finished!

Hannah and others nodded, indicating that they understood.

Hannah suddenly said, "If I remember correctly, that Chinese coach should have only been in office for a week, less than ten days, right?"

The other reporters smiled and said, "It seems so!"

Jacob said firmly, "Today is only the seventh day!"

Hannah said happily, "Then this soft-hearted man should be the shortest-term head coach in the history of Bundesliga, right? He is really a record-breaker, and he has set a new record."

Everyone laughed when they heard this, with sarcastic smiles on their faces.

Jacob was very happy and said, "Tong Yi's incident tells us that any crooked things will not last long. This stupid Chinese thinks that he can do whatever he wants if he finds a woman as his backer. It's really funny. It's so funny to us. The grown man has lost all his face!”

A male reporter wearing glasses said, "He's not a big man, he's just a pretty guy. Hahaha!"

Everyone agreed, mocking and humiliating Tong Yi, which made Jacob very happy.

This is what he wants.

Humph, you idiot, if you fight with me, you are simply looking for death.

At this time, the media reporters were getting impatient and began to urge them. Munich 1860 press officer Deitrich felt the pressure. He motioned for everyone to be quiet, then immediately turned around and walked out of the press conference hall.

He found club chairman Baker and asked, "Mr. Chairman, can the press conference begin?"

Baker did not answer him, but turned to look at Tong Yi and asked, "Are you really not going out with us?"

Tong Yi said, "You guys take a step first, I will come later."

Of course Baker knew what Tong Yi was going to do? He held a moment of silence for the reporters at the scene. If you mess with anyone, you have to mess with this strong and petty Chinese. Hey, it’s your own fault.

Baker nodded slightly and said, "Okay, but please be careful and don't make things too tense."

Tong Yi said, "I know."

Baker then turned to Detrich and said, "We can start now!"

Detrich nodded toward Baker, glanced at Tong Yi again, and then turned and walked into the press conference hall. He immediately said, "First of all, thank you friends from the media for coming, and secondly, I would like to apologize to everyone. Finally, I announce that today's press conference will begin immediately, and now we have invited our Munich 18

60 Club Chairman Mr. Baker, General Manager Mr. Stoffels and Sports Director Mr. Stewicz welcome everyone. "

The reporters at the scene applauded, but they had puzzled expressions on their faces.

Why don't you invite Li Ning to come out? ?

Is Li Ning going to make his final appearance later? Is Munich 1860 Club still keeping everyone secret?

Jacob frowned slightly, feeling slightly uneasy and having an ominous premonition. His eyes were fixed on the passage of the press conference hall. He wanted to see who was coming out of here?

The three Bakers walked into the venue with smiles on their faces, went directly to the podium, and sat down in their respective seats.

The sights of the media reporters at the scene still stayed at the door of the hall passage. They always felt that there should be someone behind who had not come out? None of them wanted to take their eyes back.

When Baker on the stage saw this, he smiled bitterly in his heart.

These reporters were manipulated by Tong Yi.

Baker immediately said, "Today, we invite everyone here because of one thing, that is, our club will officially announce a new player today."


Everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that their guess is correct, today is the day when Munich 1860 changes coaches. The top management of Munich 1860 is still keeping secrets from them. They really underestimate them. They have known about it for a long time. What you are hiding is no longer news.

Jacob also breathed a sigh of relief, and felt even more proud.

Baker on the stage had a panoramic view of all the reporters' expression changes, and he kept shaking his head. If you don't control your expressions now, you will make a big fool of yourself later.

Baker was still hesitating, and the reporters below were impatient. They all turned to look at Bild reporter Jacob, seemingly looking for a backbone.

Jacob enjoyed the spotlight and the feeling of being held high in the clouds.

He was very proud of himself and refused to step on Tong Yi. He thought to himself, "Do you see, you soft-boiled man? This is the gap between you and me."

Jacob could see what everyone was thinking. On behalf of all the reporters present, he said to Baker, the chairman of Munich 1860, on the stage, "Mr. Baker, stop hiding it. Quickly reveal the new coach of your club. I think Mr. Li Ning must be almost exhausted."

Everyone agreed, "Yes, let your new coach come out quickly!"

Baker looked at the smiling reporters in the audience, silently observed a minute of silence for them in his heart, and then said, "Now, we invite the new players of our club to enter."

Immediately, all the reporters in the audience turned to look at the entrance of the press conference hall. Countless spotlights were also pointed at this place. Their hands were on the shutters, ready to speak at any time.

Ready to press.

Suddenly, all the reporters on the scene were stunned, their eyes widened, and their jaws dropped, as if they had been subjected to a body-holding spell. They were all stunned.

Because what appeared in front of them turned out to be the Chinese who they had thought had been kicked out.

Jacob was so shocked that he stood up and sat down quickly. He couldn't sit still and even knocked his butt so hard that tears came out of his eyes. But he didn't care at all. His eyes were fixed on Tong Yi, his mind filled with doubts.

How could it be him? Wasn't he fired?

What about Li Ning?

The other reporters at the scene were no better than Jacob, they were all confused.

Seeing the changes in the expressions on the faces of the media reporters, Baker really felt sorry for them.

Tong Yi strode onto the stage with the players he introduced. He directly took the microphone handed over by Detrich, brought it to his mouth, and said with a sneer, "I'm sorry to disappoint you. I, Tong Yi, haven't Even though I was fired, I am still the head coach of 1860 Munich."

Suddenly, all the reporters at the scene were stunned for a moment, and then they all turned to look at Jacob. Those eyes seemed to be saying, "What's going on? Didn't you say this Chinese guy was fired? Why is he here?"

Jacob was livid and angry.

He seemed to see endless ridicule and hatred in the eyes of these reporters.

He is so embarrassed today. Who will believe his words in the future? What will these reporters think of him in the future?

Jacob immediately raised his head and glared at Tong Yi fiercely. It was all caused by this damn Chinese. This damn guy was so insidious. Damn it!

Tong Yi directly ignored Jacob, as if there was no such person now.

Tong Yi said, "Whether you like me or not, I am still the head coach of Munich 1860. This is something you have changed and not practiced. Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Today's press conference is held for the players around me. , they are the new players introduced by our club this summer. From today on, they will become an important part of our club, and they will be the hope for the rise of our club. Now I will introduce them to everyone and the fans of Munich 1860, you A new idol has emerged."

At this time, the media at the scene remembered that you noticed the players around Tong Yi. Suddenly, they were all stunned and showed horrified expressions.

Campbell, Senderos and Hamann actually joined 1860 Munich. Oh my god, how is this possible? How could these people come to play in the Bundesliga 2?

As for the young people around Campbell, including De Gea Griezmann, they were completely ignored by them. Their eyes fell on Campbell and Senderos. They immediately raised their hands and had many questions to ask.

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