Legendary Godfather

033: The parallel import coach’s first defeat is coming

Tong Yi took the newspaper handed over by Pintus and did not read it at first. Instead, he looked at Pintus and said, "Is it that Jacob again?"

Pintus nodded and shook his head and said, "Yes, not entirely."

Tong Yi was stunned, "What's going on?"

Pintus said, "You'd better take a look for yourself."

Tong Yi immediately picked up the newspaper and read it. The first thing that caught his eye was a big headline - Little Hoffman Tong Yi is the largest parallel import coach in history!

Tong Yi raised his eyebrows, not expecting little Hoffman to jump out so quickly. .??.

This report comes from Jacob, but the content is almost entirely an interview with Munich 1860 player Junior Hofmann.

In this report, Hoffman Jr. said, "This Chinese is the weirdest and worst coach I have ever seen in my career. He doesn't understand anything at all. I doubt he even practices professional football." I don’t know, he’s just an amateur. If it weren’t for his girlfriend, he, a pretty boy, would never have entered Munich 1860.”

Tong Yi sneered, this little Hoffman seems to have accumulated a lot of resentment.

He continued to read, and Little Hoffman said, "He has only done one thing since joining us in Munich in 1860. Do you know what it is? Let me tell you, the only thing he has done is to travel around the world. Today it's England, tomorrow it's Spain, the day after tomorrow France... he doesn't even know that his job is football."

In the newspaper, little Hoffman also said, "Training? He doesn't know how to do it at all. All training is left to his assistant. Usually when we train, he stands on the sidelines like a wooden stake, doing nothing." Just watch. Sometimes, I think that the eyes under the sunglasses he is wearing have long been closed. This Chinese must have the ability to sleep standing up. This should be him The only skill I know..."

Little Hoffman's words are not finished yet. "After he came to the team, he made a training plan. That was physical training. There was nothing else except this. And he just made a plan, and the rest was The training is all handed over to Pintus. As for tactical training, there is no such thing. Our team is still doing physical training... Yes, you heard it right, the game is around the corner, and our team has not done any training yet. Tactics training. This is our new coach, a pretty boy. Munich 1860 fans, can you still let such a 'coach' continue to lead the team?"

Tong Yi could see that little Hoffman wanted to get out of here immediately.

Hoffman Jr. also said, "I just raised my doubts about why I have been doing physical training without any skills and tactics, and then he kicked me out of the team. He is really a dictator who knows nothing." To be honest, my heart goes cold. If we let such a coach who knows nothing lead the team, our Munich 1860 will probably go to the Bundesliga 3. This damn Chinese pretty boy will become the sinner of our Munich 1860. We cannot let it. If he continues to ruin the team like this, let him get out of the team as soon as possible. I dare to say that if this Chinese soft-boiled man does not leave, Munich 1860 will be finished."\u003c


In this newspaper, little Hoffman also listed a lot of Tong Yi's crimes, describing Tong Yi as a person who knew nothing, but became the head coach of the team with the help of his girlfriend. After coming to the team, he did nothing but traveled at public expense in one day.

Even young Hoffman said that Tong Yi did not understand professional players at all, and trained football players as track and field athletes, not even as human beings. The amount of training in one day was two to three times that of other teams. He felt that if they continued to practice like this, their bodies would be completely useless before the new season started.

For the safety of himself and the team, he reminded Tong Yi, and Tong Yi kicked him out of the team.

Obviously, this report is a blood and tear accusation against Tong Yi, and expresses concern for the team, and hopes that the fans will unite to drive Tong Yi away as soon as possible and restore a clear sky to Munich 1860.

Afterwards, reporter Jacob also asked Hoffman Jr. his opinion on the outcome of the game a few days later. Little Hoffman said, "Munich 1860 will definitely lose! That Chinese pretty boy is a waste."

After reading this, Tong Yi smiled lightly and didn't pay too much attention.

This is nothing more than the barking of a corrupt dog.

Pintus frowned and said, "David, you are in trouble now. Those fans who are making trouble are really in trouble now."

Tong Yi patted Pintus on the shoulder and said, "It's okay. The sky won't fall. Keep practicing."

At the same time, Tong Yi also said, "Starting from today, we will conduct technical and tactical training in the morning and physical reserve recovery training in the afternoon. Next, your task will be very heavy and very critical. Can our team have a good performance this season?" Performance is all up to you.”

Pintus nodded slightly, indicating that he understood. At the same time, he was still a little worried about Tong Yi.

Tong Yi patted Pintus again, smiled and said, "Don't worry, this won't affect me."

Then, Tong Yi turned around and walked towards the training, shouting at the players who were training, "Press, press, bring out your enthusiasm, press the opponent's space, surround him..."

The players on the court were shocked, and then they pressed forward one after another and started training seriously.

But it was obvious that they were still very unfamiliar and had no tacit understanding. There are big problems with the timing of pressure and overall movement. Although people are up, there is almost no pressure on the opponent. The players of Munich 1860 are a little anxious themselves. After all, the game will be played in a few days. .

Tong Yi continued to shout, "Run, run, don't skimp on your physical strength and run for me."

Tong Yi was really busy during this period. From time to time, he would stop training and go to the normal school in person. Changing from his previous style, Pintus and the others were shocked. They all saw Tong Yi's pair.

Pay attention to techniques and tactics.

Stecrus was also watching the records carefully on the sidelines. From now on, he would be responsible for the team's offensive training. He needed to figure out Tong Yi's tactical demands.

After this day's training, the players of Munich 1860 were very hard and very tired. Many people couldn't stand still. This training was really too devilish. No wonder Tong Yi said that the next step is the real devil training, they are so painful.

Especially those veterans, they really can't bear it any longer. This intensity of training is killing them.

Tong Yi immediately signaled the team medical and physical therapy team to come quickly to provide these people with post-exercise conditioning and recovery. Tong Yi pays more attention to the health of the players. He does not want the players to get injured.

When the players were doing physical therapy, Tong Yi said, "You did a good job today. I am very satisfied with it. I hope you will continue to do it. The training intensity in the future will be more intense and harder. I hope you can be mentally alert." Prepare."

The players of Munich 1860 suddenly became nervous. This must be too hard.

Tong Yi continued, "Pre-season preparation is very critical. We don't have a lot of time, so our training intensity will be so intense. In order to ensure that we can have good results in the new season, we must do this. Of course, you can rest assured. , after the start of the season, our training intensity will not be so intense, it will only be like this for nearly a month, so stick to it, boys."

Big Hoffman and others looked a little embarrassed. It was indeed embarrassing to be called a young man by a 24-year-old young man.

But this team is indeed very young. After Tong Yi joined the team, many of the players he introduced were young and younger than Tong Yi. There is nothing wrong with Tong Yi calling him a young man.

Tong Yi continued, "Next, our focus is still on training. Training and running-in tactics are our only goal at the moment, so for the game in a few days, we don't pay too much attention to the result of the game, or even the warm-up afterwards. I don't pay much attention to the results of the games. These games are prepared for the team to run into tactics and find problems, so don't feel pressure. Play well and follow our pre-game tactical arrangements. If you can play our The tactical requirements are considered successful.”

After hearing this, the players of Munich 1860 all understood why Tong Yi had not arranged tactical training before this. It turned out that he did not care about the results of the warm-up match at all.

After knowing this, the pressure on the players of Munich 1860 was much reduced. In the next few days, they focused on training to familiarize themselves with the new tactics.

The players are very active and serious, and Tong Yi is very satisfied. The team's training progress is also very good, which also makes Tong Yi full of confidence in the new season.

Soon, the day of the game came, and the first warm-up match of the new season of Munich 1860 was about to begin.

Agree to coach 1860 Munich

The first game is coming.

On this day, a lot of fans flocked to the Allianz Stadium. They were all attracted by a game in Zhejiang. They all want to see how good Tong Yi is? They want to uncover the mystery of Tong Yi.

Of course, there were also many reporters who came to the scene, and they paid more attention to this game than Tong Yi and the players of Munich 1860.

Of course, Jacob must have come to the scene and sat not far behind the bench.

Sitting next to him is Junior Hoffmann, a player from the second team of Munich 1860.

Obviously, these two people formed a group to watch Tong Yi look ugly. In their view, even if they face the Bayern Munich youth team, the team led by Tong Yi cannot win. They just came to see Tong Yi's jokes.

When the game came, the players of Munich 1860 were still a little nervous and looking forward to it. After all, many of them were new players and represented the new team for the first time. They also wanted to show their strength to the fans and coaches. , leaving a deep impression on them.

Facing these players, Tong Yi said, "This is our first game. I hope you can pay attention to it, play according to our tactical arrangements seriously, and implement what our coaching staff wants to see." Play it out. Of course, you have only been exposed to this new tactic for three or four days. You must not be familiar with it, and you will definitely make a lot of mistakes. But don’t be afraid of mistakes, and don’t care about them. After all, this is a game. In the warm-up match, the result is not important. It is also a good thing to expose our problems and deficiencies in this match, so that our next training focus will be revealed."

The players of Munich 1860 nodded one after another. They all knew that Tong Yi was going to use competition as a substitute for training.

The players of Munich 1860 were suddenly worried about the results of the team's warm-up match.

Tong Yi said, "Okay, let's go prepare for the game."

The players of Munich 1860 walked out of the locker room to warm up before the game.

Bruns immediately came to Tong Yi and said, "Wouldn't it be good to do this? If you lose the warm-up match, or if your results in the warm-up match are too poor, the pressure on you will be even greater. Then... …”

Tong Yi waved his hands calmly and said, "It's okay. I have three months. No matter how bad my results in the warm-up match are, they can't fire me."

Bruns immediately said, "But where are the fans and the media..."

Tong Yi waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about them! We just need to be ourselves and follow our training plan. This is the key point. As long as we follow our training plan, we will definitely be good at the beginning of the new season." Shock everyone!”

Hearing what Tong Yi said, Bruns couldn't say anything else. He just hoped that everything would go according to Tong Yi's expectations.

Soon, the players from both sides finished warming up and the game was about to begin.

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