Legendary Godfather

400: Should we introduce a central defender?

"Shocking! Munich 1860 went dark to the end and won the European Super Cup!" - "Munich Sport"

"The dark horse defeated Barcelona and won the European Super Cup!" - "AS"

"2:1! Tong Yi shattered Barcelona's dream of becoming the top of Europe!" - "Gazzetta dello Sport"

"Tong Yi! The first Chinese championship coach in the history of the European Super Cup!" - "The Times"

"26 years old! The youngest European Super Cup champion coach is born!" - "L'Equipe"

"The birth of a godfather!" - "Sports Weekly"

"Tong Yisenderos is seriously injured, which is a shame for the European Super Cup!" - "Berlin Morning Post"

"Guardiola is a very good head coach!" - "Marca"

"Unpopular! Munich defeated Barcelona in 1860 to win the European Super Cup!" - "Corriere dello Sport"

"Guardiola's dream shattered at Monaco, Barcelona suffered a disastrous defeat in the UEFA Super Cup!" - "World Sports News"

"The biggest upset of the century! Munich defeated Barcelona in 1860!" - "Hamburg Sport"

"Miracle! The Chinese coach led the team to win the European Super Cup!" - "Asahi Shimbun"

"The light of Asia! The Chinese coach defeated Barcelona and won the European Super Cup!" - "Football News"

"Macy Walker is very powerful, and his killer kill made me remember him!" - "Daily Mail"

"Barcelona paid a heavy price for their carelessness!" - "Bild"

"The light of the Bundesliga! Munich 1860 wins the European Super Cup!" - "Kicker"

The next day, the whole world reported on the game, praising Tong Yi crazily and praising Tong Yi to the sky.

It’s hard not to praise him, Tong Yi’s performance in leading the team is really great!

There is simply nothing to complain about!

Tong Yi actually led Munich 1860 to defeat the powerful Barcelona and win the European Super Cup. This is simply a plot that can only happen in a dream. But this guy Tong Yi really did it, he really killed Barcelona.


Tong Yi led his Munich 1860 to create a miracle.

Even some media reporters have begun to call Tong Yi, who is only 26 years old and has debuted for more than two years, a world-famous coach!

Tong Yi's achievements in the past two years are really amazing.

In his first season in the industry, he led Munich 1860, which was in deep financial crisis, to win the Bundesliga title, lead the team to promotion, and win the German Cup. In the second season, as a newly promoted team, they won the German Super Cup, the Bundesliga runner-up, the German Cup and the Europa League.

Now he has won the European Super Cup.

Tong Yi's strength has explained everything!

He is a world-class coach.

At this time, media reporters really

The only thing that blew Tong Yi to the sky.

However, Bild's Hernandez doesn't think so at all. He believed that the reason why Munich 1860 won this game was obviously because the Barcelona people themselves had problems. The Barcelona people were too arrogant and did not take Tong Yi and the Munich 1860 people seriously, which caused them to be very loose in this game and thus lost this game.

Even under such circumstances, Munich 1860 defeated Barcelona with difficulty, which shows that Munich 1860 is not actually very strong, and Tong Yi is not very powerful either.

Hernandez also pointed out that in this season's German Super Cup, Munich 1860 led by Tong Yi lost to Dortmund 0-3, thus losing the German Super Cup championship this season. This is already very clear. Problem.

Munich 1860 is really not strong.

But it's not so weak that Barcelona can win without paying any attention to it.

The Barcelona people lost because of their pride.

Hernandez even took out photos and words of Guardiola, Messi and others when they were interviewed by media reporters before the game to illustrate the Barcelona people's frivolity and arrogance before the game.

To use Hernandez's words, Barcelona did not lose to Munich 1860, but lost to themselves.

After the Barcelona fans saw this report, they nodded one after another and felt that Hernandez was right. Barcelona did not lose to Munich 1860 at all, but lost to their arrogance and the arrogance of the coaching staff.

Many Barcelona fans feel that Guardiola's smooth success in recent years has fostered his inner pride. Guardiola is so arrogant now that he has forgotten his original intention. Some extreme Barcelona fans feel that Guardiola is no longer suitable to be Barcelona's head coach. Barcelona should fire Guardiola and then promote a new head coach from La Masia or the second team to take over Guardiola.

The complacent Guardiola has lost his aggressive spirit.

Guardiola should step down and make way for others.

Obviously, these extreme Barcelona fans put all the responsibility for the failure of this game on Guardiola. They were very angry and very angry. How could we lose to a Chinese, how could we lose to Munich 1860?

This is unacceptable to them!

What makes them even more unacceptable is that if they lose this game, they have not become the king of La Liga, let alone the king of Europe!

Guardiola messed everything up!

Guardiola must pay the price!

Let him go!

Tell Guardiola to get out of Barcelona, ​​I

We don't need such a head coach!

Of course, such people are in the minority. After all, Guardiola is a very amazing championship coach. How long has it been since he took over Barcelona? He has brought more than ten championships to Barcelona. Will such a coach also be ousted? You scumbag fans are so worthless.

Most Barcelona fans support Guardiola.

They believe that only Guardiola is the most suitable for their Barcelona, ​​and only under the leadership of Guardiola can their Barcelona develop better and win more championships.

However, after Guardiola saw the words of these extreme fans, he suddenly felt that his stay in Barcelona did not make much sense. He has already won the championship that he can almost win here, and it is meaningless for him to stay here. He wants to go to other places to pursue new excitement and honors.

Therefore, at this time, Guardiola was actually thinking about leaving Barcelona.

But he hasn't expressed it yet.

Originally, he was interested in Munich 1860 goalkeeper Ter Stegen. He was originally going to contact Tong Yi immediately to discuss the introduction of Ter Stegen.

But now he just gave up!

Because he himself doesn't know how long he will stay in Barcelona. Maybe he will leave Barcelona after this season. What is the use of bringing Ter Stegen to Barcelona at this time? Maybe it would be better to wait until you find a new owner and then take this kid over.

Guardiola did not contact Tong Yi.

At the same time, Guardiola also knows very well that Tong Yi is very angry now. Not only will Tong Yi not be able to win Ter Stegen at this time, but he will also annoy Tong Yi.

After all, Senderos, the main center back of Munich 1860 and the core of the rear, was seriously injured in this game and will be out for at least a month. This has a really big impact on Munich 1860, and will even affect their results and plans throughout the season.

Now to go find Tong Yi, isn't this asking for trouble?

Indeed, Tong Yi is very angry now.

He has received clear news from Wagner that Senderos' condition is very serious and he will have to be out for at least three months before he can return from injury!

Tong Yi was stunned at the time!


After being out for three months, doesn't this directly announce that Senderos will be injured for the entire first half of the season?

This had a huge impact on Munich 1860. The core of the defense cannot participate in the first half of the season. How can Munich 1860's results be guaranteed in this first half of the season?

This time it really made Tong Yi a little bit blind!

When Tong Yi was even more worried, Senderos's condition declined rapidly, and he once hit rock bottom and could no longer get up.

I came here because of my previous serious injury. He finally pulled Senderos out of the shadows and brought Senderos back to the top, even further.

Well, at this time Senderos was seriously injured again.

Will this make Senderos depressed again? Moreover, Senderos had been seriously injured before, and now he was seriously injured again. Can his body bear it?

Can he stand up again?

Tong Yi was very worried and confused.

However, when he was in Senderos, Tong Yi was very calm and did not show any worry. Instead, he told Senderos not to think about anything, to recover from his injuries, and to come back after he recovers. The entire Munich 1860 team is waiting for Senderos.

Senderos was naturally very grateful, and his eyes were a little red.

After saying goodbye to Senderos, Tong Yi's face was very ugly. Without Senderos, this will have a huge impact on Munich 1860. What will Munich 1860 do next?

The transfer period is not over yet. Do you want to introduce a main central defender at this time?

But now there are only about three days until the end of the transfer period. Is it too late?

Obviously it's too late!

Moreover, Senderos has just been injured, and you are introducing a central defender in the transfer market to replace him. What do you make Senderos think? Can Senderos recover from his injuries in peace? By then, after he recovers from his injury, who will be the main center back of Munich 1860?

Tong Yi had to consider many issues like this and think them through clearly.

It's not just about bringing in a centre-back.

The problems here are complicated!

Tong Yi must think carefully before making a decision.

But time waits for no one!

Tong Yi must make a decision as soon as possible!

Tong Yi suddenly felt that at this time, he could actually go to the transfer market to introduce a veteran central defender. Such a central defender is experienced and will not occupy Senderos' position in the future. This will not make Senderos look like him, and will also help the team temporarily overcome this difficulty and be able to last half a season.

After half a season, Senderos can still play as a substitute after he recovers from injury.

This should be considered a very good choice.

However, Tong Yi thought about the current substitute players Campbell, Givania Nieze and Nacho in Munich's 1860 lineup. Can these guys really step up?

Tong Yi is still thinking about whether to introduce a central defender during this transfer period?

There is still time for Tong Yi to think about it, because at this time the Bundesliga has entered the offseason and the international match day. The next round of the Bundesliga will not start until September 10, so he still has time to think about it.

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