Legendary Godfather

018: First Roundtable at Crystal Palace

Beckenham Training Base, Crystal Palace Club Building, Croydon, South London, England.

meeting room!

Crystal Palace executives are holding their first roundtable meeting before the new season.

The meeting was held under the auspices of Ms. Martina, the club’s boss and president!

Those present included the club's second owner, honorary vice president and team head coach Tong Yi, team vice president Baker, executive CEO Louisa, honorary director Bremy Hoskin and the manager of the press department, among other senior officials. .??.

This can be regarded as the first such large-scale high-level meeting held by Crystal Palace after Martina took over. Almost all the senior leaders of the club attended.

Obviously this meeting is very important.

Martina said directly, "I know you should know why I bought the Crystal Palace football team. Therefore, for you, the real owner of the team is my lover David, and he is the real helmsman of the team. .”

The senior executives at the scene nodded in agreement.

But their psychology is still a bit awkward, and they don't show affection as well as you do. Are we just here to watch you show off your dog food today?

Tong Yi felt very grateful in his heart. Martina had really done too many things for him.

Martina continued, "You should also know that I am usually very busy. I will not be based in London permanently, and I will have less time to come to the club. As the chairman, I basically don't care about things. Then the club's affairs are completely decided by David. After all, he is the real leader of the Crystal Palace Club!"

The senior executives at the scene immediately understood the main content of today's meeting.

Obviously, it is establishing Tong Yi's supreme status and giving Tong Yi supreme power, which is related to the future power distribution of the club.

This is very important to them, because it is related to the future of each of them!

These senior executives are very serious!

of course there are exceptions!

For example, Hosking, honorary director of Crystal Palace Football Club.

In fact, he has never had any real power in the Crystal Palace club. He is just a die-hard Crystal Palace fan with a bit of fame and money. He had indeed generously donated money to help Crystal Palace tide over difficulties, so in order to repay him, the Crystal Palace club gave him the title of honorary director.

Hosking is a celebrity in England. He is a famous rich man in England. He has been on the rich list compiled by the local media in England many times. His assets reach 340 million pounds.

Therefore, he is just here to listen on behalf of the fans today.

Therefore, he seemed very leisurely.

There is also Baker. Baker can appear here solely to help his niece and niece-in-law. As for this power, he really doesn't value it particularly. He came here more to help Martina and Tong Yi supervise other senior officials.

Therefore, he is also very calm.


Others seemed a little nervous. After all, this was related to their future power and future, etc. It was very important. It would be impossible not to be nervous.

Martina continued, "But a person's energy is limited. David's focus will obviously be on the team and team competition."

The people below are listening more and more carefully.

Tong Yi also nodded slightly, he thought so too. His energy is indeed limited. Just dealing with the competitive aspects of the team is enough to give him a headache. He really has no energy to deal with other things.

Martina also considered Tong Yi's health and said the following: "Then the daily operations and commercial promotion of the club will be handed over to others!"

Everyone else was refreshed and it was time to get to the point!

Everyone turned their heads and stared at Martina with great hope.

Martina pondered for a while, and then said directly, "I have discussed this with David before. We will leave the daily operations of the club to Mr. Baker!"

Everyone looked at Baker, with some surprise and some understanding in their eyes.

After all, Baker is Martina's biological uncle, so it makes sense for Martina to use her own people.

The daily operations of the team are not simple either. They have to deal with some trivial matters, such as ensuring the logistics of the team and the club, maintaining the relationship between the club and the fans, and even dealing with some public opinion crises, etc. within the category.

Baker's work is still very heavy.

Hearing this, Louisa's beautiful eyes lit up instantly.

Martina glanced at Louisa, and then said, "The club's executive CEO Louisa will be responsible for the club's commercial promotion."

Louisa clenched her fists and secretly applauded, her guess was indeed correct.

Martina still gave her the most important job!

Business promotion is also very important and very complicated, ranging from small merchandise stores around the club to establishing the Crystal Palace industry brand, etc. Louisa is responsible for the club's external relations, sponsorship, etc. Louisa is responsible for everything else.

Starting today, the Big Three of Crystal Palace Football Club are born: Baker, Louisa and Tong Yi.

Martina finally said, "Of course, in the end, David has to make the final decision on all major matters of the team. Do you understand?"

The senior executives of the Crystal Palace Club nodded and expressed their understanding.

They can still tell clearly who is the big king.

Then, the meeting discussed the focus of Crystal Palace Football Club’s work in the coming period and made a detailed analysis of Crystal Palace Football Club’s work.

The club’s five-year plan…

Anyway, this conference room has been open for a long time.

Open from 10am to 1pm.

After the meeting, Tong Yi gave himself a day off to accompany Martina.

Because Martina will be busy again soon, and Tong Yi will also be completely busy after this, and the team will soon gather for the new season. Therefore, the two of them don't have much free time now, so Tong Yi is going to spend some time with Martina these two days.

The two of them didn't go anywhere. They just stayed in a small villa that Tong Yi bought in London for more than a day. It wasn't until Martina was about to fly to Italy that the two came out of the villa. Tong Yi drove Martina to the airport and personally put Martina on the plane.

It was at the same time that Haman and Mandel returned from Scotland.

Also returning with them is Scottish youngster Andrew Robertson!

Suddenly, the media across England were reporting on the first player transaction officially announced by Crystal Palace Football Club this summer. Crystal Palace Football Club introduced the 18-year-old Robertson from the Scottish Football League Second Division team Queen's Park Youth Team.

At this time, one question emerged in the minds of all reporters - who is this kid?

Media reporters had never heard of this little guy's name before. They even learned about this name for the first time after they saw the transfer news posted on the Crystal Palace official website. They really don’t know what’s so magical about this little guy? After all, this little guy is already eighteen years old, but he has never entered any first-level national youth team in Scotland.

In other words, this kid had nothing special or even outstanding before, otherwise he would not be so unknown.

The media reporters instantly became more curious!

How did Tong Yi discover this boy? What did Tong Yi like about this boy? Is this kid really a genius?

No one else knew, not even Harman and Mandel.

Because they have never seen Robertson play football until now, they just followed Tong Yi's arrangement and brought this kid back from Scotland's Queen's Park team. Now they are also full of curiosity about Robertson. What is the strength of this guy?

Suddenly, all the English media and fans were paying attention to Robertson. Even the English media reporters were observing Robertson with magnifying glasses. This made Harman and Mandel very worried. They were afraid that Robertson, a young man, would not be able to hold back under such great pressure and collapse.

These media reporters are really not human beings!

You should give the young lads some slack, not like this.

They are really worried about Luo

Berson couldn't bear it.

Fortunately, at this time, two more amazing transactions appeared in English football, which instantly attracted the attention of media reporters and fans, and only then gave Robertson a chance to breathe a sigh of relief.

For 35 million pounds, Chelsea introduced Belgian genius Eden Hazard from French Ligue 1 team Lille!

For 24 million pounds, Manchester United introduced Dutch striker Robin Van Persie from Arsenal!

Suddenly, the media's attention shifted away from Robertson and turned to the transfer of these two people. Especially with Robin van Persie's transfer, Arsenal's captain finally left the team and switched to Manchester United.

Arsenal fans were very angry. Some radical fans even burned Van Persie's Arsenal jersey in front of the media and reporters, and angrily called Van Persie a traitor in front of the camera. Some guys even sent death threats to Van Persie. threaten.

Then the guy was taken away by the police the next second.

This shocked the fans, and they all joked that this should be the fastest police dispatch in the UK.

These days, almost everyone is talking about Van Persie leaving Arsenal and moving to Manchester United, and the popularity is very high. Robertson felt relieved, and Harman and others felt relieved instantly.

But Tong Yi is not worried at all!

After all, he knows very well that Robertson will be Liverpool's main left back in the future and has helped Liverpool win the Premier League championship and the UEFA Champions League championship. His mental quality is not as bad as everyone thinks.

This difficulty should not defeat Robertson.

Of course, media reporters are discussing Hazard's astonishing transfer fee to join Chelsea, because this price is really too high and shocking.

However, when they think that Hazard played 48 times for Lille in the French Ligue 1 this past season, scored 21 goals and provided an astonishing 18 assists, the media reporters felt that it was very worthwhile. Moreover, at this time, "Sun" reporter Webster also dug out the 2009 newspaper, which wrote that Tong Yi, the current head coach of Crystal Palace, was very optimistic about Hazard and wanted to introduce Hazard, but at that time Hazard's worth was upwards of 5 million euros, so Tong Yi gave up.

Webster claimed that Hazard was indeed one of Tong Yi's favorites. This guy was definitely a genius. Although Chelsea spent 35 million pounds to introduce him, it was definitely worth it. Because the young people Tong Yi is interested in have never failed, Webster claims that Chelsea has found a treasure this time.

Reporters from other media want to interview Tong Yi and ask what Tong Yi thinks of Hazard now. They want to see how Tong Yi evaluates Hazard now.

It's a pity that they didn't find anyone at all. At this time, Tong Yi was meeting with Raiola, the legendary agent in world football, because Tong Yi wanted to introduce one of his talented players!

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