Legendary Godfather

056: Sheffield Wednesday lasted only seven minutes

After hearing Tong Yi's words, Jones was naturally very angry, very angry!

He felt that he had been despised by a Chinese.

This is so infuriating!

Why do you, a Chinese, dare to do this to me?

You kid, wait, I will make you look good in this game, I will make you lose completely!

You are dead!

Chinese guy!

Jones was very angry and ignored Tong Yi when he appeared on the court. Tong Yi's outstretched right hand was right in front of him, but he regarded it as air. That kind of arrogance can be clearly felt by Stevoni and others in the stands, which makes Stevoni and the others very angry.

This Jones is really nothing.

Tong Yi's expression also changed slightly, and then he turned and left. .??.

And just when Tong Yi turned around to leave, Jones actually spit at the place where Tong Yi had just stood to humiliate Tong Yi.


The Crystal Palace fans at the scene immediately gave endless boos to this damn Jones.

Of course, those Crystal Palace fans who returned to the stadium were on Tong Yi's side, madly criticizing and cursing Jones, calling Jones a "criminal" and criticizing Jones.

Jones' face was livid.

His fists were clenched and veins popped out on his forehead!

Damn it!

You all deserve to die!

Jones immediately came to the sidelines and gloomily reminded the Sheffield Wednesday players not to hold back, to teach the Crystal Palace team a lesson and massacre the Crystal Palace team.

Sheffield Wednesday's players nodded in understanding.

These guys all have a fierce look in their eyes.

Seeing Sheffield Wednesday's players in such a state, assistant coach Paul Wilkinson was full of worries. He came over and reminded, "Dave, is this a little too extreme? Their mood is a little wrong!"

Wilkinson also played for Everton as a player and worked with Jones, and the two had a good relationship. His ability to come to Sheffield Wednesday as an assistant coach was also invited by Jones, and he is a member of Jones' coaching staff.

Jones raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "No, you don't have to worry, Crystal Palace has nothing to worry about!"

Wilkinson still feels that Jones is a little too arrogant and looks down on Crystal Palace too much.

Crystal Palace was able to win all the first five games, which shows that they still have some strength, which is not something ordinary teams can do. Now, they Sheffield Wednesday despise Crystal Palace so much, will there be a problem?

Wilkinson is genuinely worried.

However, as soon as he saw Jones in this state, he knew that persuasion was useless at this time.

Because Wilkinson is very familiar with it

Learn more about Jones's character.

However, Wilkinson glanced at the Crystal Palace players in the stadium and suddenly saw Mane, who had been discussed the most before the game. He cautiously reminded Jones, "Dave, I think we should focus on keeping an eye on the opponent's Mane and don't give him a chance..."

Jones directly raised his hand to interrupt Wilkinson and said, "You are worrying too much. This guy is not worthy of attention at all. He is nothing. Look, he has no chance to perform in this game! He is just mediocre. That’s all!”

Seeing Jones like this, Wilkinson couldn't say anything more, so he turned back to the coaching bench and sat down. Then he looked at Tong Yi and then at Mane, and the ominous premonition in his heart became stronger.

But at this time, it was hard for him to say anything to Jones? If he continues to talk, not only will Jones not listen to him, but he will actually make Jones hate himself. Therefore, Wilkinson could only comfort himself by saying that his feelings were wrong and that there was no danger at all.

Sheffield Wednesday must win this game!

Wilkinson sat quietly on the coaching bench, waiting for the game to start.

Harris in the press box in the stands looked at the Crystal Palace lineup in the stadium with contempt on his face. He suddenly turned to Webster and said, "Just watch, Jockey Club's true colors will be revealed in this game, and he will become a parallel importer! Crystal Palace will lose in this game!"

Webster raised his eyebrows slightly, glanced at Harris, and said lightly, "I really hope you are still so confident at the end of the game!"

The veins on Harris' forehead jumped, and the hatred for Webster in his heart became even stronger.

Damn Webster, you're going to know what a piece of shit you are after this game is over.

Tong Yi came to the sidelines and said to his players, "Pay attention. Sheffield Wednesday will definitely attack like crazy in this game. Pay attention to seize the opportunity. In this game, we should be able to win easily. But I hope you don't Keep your hands and score as much as you can, don’t give anyone face, just score!”

The Crystal Palace players nodded and expressed their understanding.

Especially Mane, this guy has a particularly serious expression.

Soon, the referee of this game blew the whistle to start the game.

Just as Tong Yi expected, as soon as the game started, the arrogant Sheffield Wednesday players did not take the Crystal Palace people seriously and started attacking like crazy. It was as if the Crystal Palace people's defense was transparent in their eyes and simply vulnerable.

But Sheffield Wednesday's players did not remain arrogant for long, as their pride was ruthlessly shattered by the Crystal Palace people.

In the seventh minute of the game, Crystal Palace’s midfielder

Kanter directly cut off the football at the opponent's feet.

Then Kanter made a long diagonal pass and quickly handed the football to the feet of Mane on the wing.

Facing the arrogant Sheffield Wednesday full-back, Mane passed the ball over with ease, instantly destroying the pride of all Sheffield Wednesday people.

Harris in the stands turned even pale!

Damn it!

This game has only started seven minutes, are you going to slap us in the face?


Mane slapped Harris and others hard in the face with a loud slap, which directly swollen their faces.

Mane passed the full-back and entered the penalty area. Facing Gardner, who was 196 tall, Mane easily passed Gardner with continuous spikes and changes of direction, and then directly volleyed with his legs. The football soared forward. Sheffield Wednesday goal.

One to zero!

Sheffield Wednesday's pride and arrogance only existed for seven minutes!

People who came all the way from Sheffield Wednesday were stunned, while the Crystal Palace fans who returned to the stadium were crazy with excitement, jumping, jumping, laughing and crying in the stands.

Stevoni roared up to the sky with excitement!

Vent the anger in your heart!

Even Albramo was jumping with excitement, he was also very excited!

Webster in the stands was equally excited, and then excitedly shouted Mane's name in Harris's ear, like a loud slap in the face to Harris. Harris's face became even more ugly, so gloomy that he almost shed water.

At this time, Harris hated Webster in his heart!

This guy must have done it on purpose, definitely!

On the coaching bench, Wilkinson covered his face with his hands, feeling very regretful!

He should have reminded Jones more just now, otherwise the game would not have turned out like this.

Jones, on the other hand, was pale and trembling all over, like chaff.

For Jones and Harris, their nightmare is not over yet, it is just the beginning!

Three minutes later, Mane received a pass from wing teammate Zhang Linpeng in the penalty area, and he stretched out his leg before the tall and bulky Gardner and kicked the flying football.

The ball then went directly under the arm of Sheffield Wednesday goalkeeper Chris Elland Kirkland and rolled into the goal behind him.

Two to zero!

The former England substitute goalkeeper was twice scored by Mane.

The expressions on the faces of Jones and Harris were as if a close relative had suddenly left this world.

And Mane's performance isn't over yet.

In the 19th minute of the first half, Mane received a pass from Pogba on the wing. He actually started playing on the wing. He actually broke through Sheffield Wednesday's full-back and midfielder in succession, and then broke into Sheffield Wednesday's penalty area.

Facing the tall central defender Gardner, Mane surprisingly passed Gardner in the penalty area through his crotch. Gardner was like a wooden stake in front of Mane, useless at all.

Mane passed Gardner humiliatingly, and Jones was so angry that he cursed wildly on the sidelines, and was then given a frantic warning by the fourth official.

After passing Gardner humiliatingly, Mane saw the 198-foot-tall Kirkland lying in front of him, and he had almost no shooting angle. He immediately swung his leg to fake a shot and pass, shaking Kirkland, and the football quickly rolled sideways to the center.

Center forward Murray followed up and easily pushed the shot into the empty net.

Three to zero!

Harris was in despair and his face was very ugly!

Now he couldn't stand the teasing and mocking looks from his fellow travelers around him, so he got up and fled Selhurst Park in despair.

Jones, on the other hand, stood on the edge of the court like a stone sculpture.

He didn't dare to look at Tong Yi or the Crystal Palace players.

No one knows how he feels now?

At the end of the first half, Ward, who was running forward from the wing, made a pass. Gardner in the center deflected the ball under the interference of Murray, and the football rolled directly to the feet of Zaha who came up. Zaha blasted the ball into the Sheffield Wednesday goal.

Four to zero!

Zaha's goal caused Olbramo in the stands to dance excitedly and shout Zaha's name excitedly. Stevoni was also very happy and excited to see it.

Sure enough, Tong Yi did not disappoint them!

The Crystal Palace players did not disappoint either!

Well done!

In the 11th minute of the second half, Mane made consecutive breakthroughs in the penalty area and humiliated Gardner. Gardner received a red dot package with a direct foul, he was spotted himself and Sheffield Wednesday were awarded a penalty.

Taking safety into consideration, Tong Yi directly replaced Manet.

Pogba on the pitch sent the ball into Sheffield Wednesday's goal in one fell swoop.

Five to zero!

When the game was about to end, Goretzka, who came on as a substitute, fired a shot from the front of the penalty area. The football bombed the opponent's players and changed direction. Then it hit the goal post and bounced back, directly hitting Kirkland. on the back and bounced into the goal.

Six to zero!

Crystal Palace beat Sheffield Wednesday at home.

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