Legendary Godfather

320: Defeating Manchester City will lead to top spot in the Premier League

Seeing the upcoming game between Crystal Palace and Manchester City, the media reporters were full of curiosity.

Webster came to Tong Yi and interviewed Tong Yi.

Webster asked, "Mr. David, in the next three games, will your Crystal Palace make any choices? Give up some games to ensure that certain games can be won? After all, these three consecutive games are not easy to play. !”

Obviously, this is the issue that the outside world is most concerned about now.

In their opinion, at this time, the Crystal Palace people will definitely make a choice.

Otherwise, Crystal Palace will be waiting for a total collapse.

Now it depends on the choice of Tong Yi and Crystal Palace. Should they protect the league or the Europa League?

At this time, if Crystal Palace wants to keep it and doesn't want to give up, it is undoubtedly looking for death.

Tong Yi said calmly, "We don't think about it that much now. We only know to play one game at a time. In every game, our Crystal Palace will go all out to win every game. Of course, I also We know that Manchester City is very strong, but we still made a lot of targeted arrangements in this game. We have a good chance of defeating our opponent! My players are also full of confidence in this!" .?? .

Webster and the media reporters were very surprised and frowned.

Tong Yi What does this mean?

Do you, Crystal Palace, really intend to not give up a single game and win them all?

Are you too greedy?

With your current lineup, are you confident that you can advance on both fronts? In the league, you are currently ranked second in the Premier League. Do you still think that you are far ahead of other teams and are alone at the top of the list?

Can't afford to lose!

You Crystal Palace can't afford to lose a game now!

If you are so greedy and want everything, you will most likely get nothing!

Now Webster and the others seem to have seen the Crystal Palace collapse across the board, and they really feel it is a pity.

Mr. Tong Yi, can you think of good things now?

Is it really that difficult to choose one or the other?

Don't ruin a great situation!

You Crystal Palace newly promoted team can win the championship in any line. You are already very powerful and you are making history. And you also have the EFL Cup championship. If you win a championship, you will also be a double champion.

Don't end up collapsing on both sides because of greed!

These media reporters all wanted to persuade Tong Yi to be more sensible and not to be confused.

Don’t end up with nothing.

However, Tong Yi continued, "Now we are ready. We will definitely go all out for this game against Manchester City. We have only one goal in this game, and that is victory!"

Hearing this, Webster and others shook their heads.

They think Tong

Yi is really too stubborn and too young.

So idealistic!

Your newly promoted team wants to win the Triple Crown. This is simply wishful thinking!

The local media reporters in England all think that Tong Yi is a little crazy. How is this possible?

How could Crystal Palace win the Triple Crown as a newly promoted team? Who are you looking down on? Or do you think you are better than all the coaches in the world?


Tong Yi, a young man, is still crazy!

To be honest, Webster and the others are not very optimistic about Crystal Palace or Tong Yi.

Crystal Palace could have achieved good results this season, but it will all be in vain because of Tong Yi's greed and idealism.

Crystal Palace, it’s really only Tong Yi who succeeds and Tong Yi who fails!

The Crystal Palace collapse is just around the corner!

At this time, media reporters also went to interview the head coach of Manchester City.

Pellegrini is now confident and high-spirited.

Facing media reporters, he said: "To be honest, I think David's considerations are not wrong. Even if I were in his position, I would not give up any game. I must win both championships." Take it! Young people should have such momentum, not afraid of anything, and move forward bravely. In fact, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers! I support him, come on!"

The media reporters were speechless!

This Pellegrini is really not too big a deal to watch the excitement!


Pellegrini, I'm afraid you really want Tong Yi to collapse. In this case, your Manchester City team will have a chance!

Especially this game directly faced Crystal Palace.

Pellegrini must be extremely excited and proud now. He feels that Manchester City must have won this game in advance!

They even saw a chance for their Manchester City team to win the Premier League title.

Winning the Premier League title this season starts with defeating Crystal Palace.

Pellegrini also said, "David is actually very powerful. He is the best young coach in world football at the moment. He must think more comprehensively than laymen like you. He is actually able to do this. The decision shows that they have already thought of a countermeasure and are confident. In this case, how could they give up and choose one of the two?"

Pellegrini is pushing Tong Yi forward crazily!

Webster shook his head slightly, feeling that Pellegrini's face was too ugly.

Pellegrini also said, "Don't use your experience to define David and the Crystal Palace coached by David. Maybe this summer, David and his Crystal Palace

It will really create unprecedented miracles! "

Webster and others were speechless. They all felt that Pellegrini was too bad and insidious.

Pellegrini also said, "Crystal Palace is very strong. In this game, they are still playing at home, which is also very, very difficult for our Manchester City team. It is still difficult for us to defeat them. Of course, our Manchester City team will definitely go all out. Our goal is to defeat Crystal Palace and score three points! Our Manchester City team also needs to win the league championship. In this season’s Premier League, our Manchester City team has not given up yet! Never give up!"

The media reporters nodded one after another. This second half of the sentence was Pellegrini's true thoughts.

They Manchester City people have not given up yet and will not give up.

The fight for the Premier League title starts with today's victory over Crystal Palace!

Pellegrini also said, "Of course, we are very well prepared for this game. The current Crystal Palace does have a problem of two-front combat, and their physical fitness must be a big problem. I think , our Manchester City team has a great chance!”

Webster and others nodded, yes!

Pellegrini said, "Of course, David, the head coach of Crystal Palace, must have taken this into consideration! Since they have not given up, it means they have found a solution. So, you media reporters really shouldn't underestimate David." , he is very strong! In this game, our Manchester City team must go all out and be extremely cautious! To be honest, I am not 100% sure of defeating Crystal Palace."

Media reporters all feel that Pellegrini has turned bad and is too insidious.

At this time, Liverpool head coach Rogers also accepted interviews from media reporters.

He said, "I think David's choice is correct. This is the David I am familiar with. I also believe he can create miracles. Of course, I definitely hope that Crystal Palace loses. In this case, the pressure on our Liverpool will be It will be much smaller, and we can even win the championship early.”

Yes, Rogers also stood up and gave Tong Yi a push. He was also afraid that Tong Yi would choose one of the two and give up an all-out effort to win the league championship.

Therefore, at this time, we should encourage Tong Yi to advance on both sides, so that Liverpool will not worry.

After all, the pressure on Liverpool is also very high now.

This weekend, Liverpool also faces Chelsea at home.

This game is also very difficult for Liverpool. Even Rogers is not confident that he can beat Chelsea 100%. So at this time, if their competitor Crystal Palace loses 100%, they Liverpool will not have to worry so much, their pressure will be much less, and they will play more freely.

So, Rogers spoke up.

Rogers also said, "My thoughts are the same as Pellegrini's. If I were David, I would not give up at this time. I must

A two-pronged approach is needed. I want both championships! And I think David has made all the preparations, so at this time, you media reporters should stop meddling, let alone underestimate our David. "

Webster and others were speechless.

You people, watch your faces!

Tong Yi is naturally very clear about what these guys think. But Tong Yi really doesn't care at all. He will not change his mind because of what these people think. He is already prepared and will follow his own preparation.

April 27, 2014, Selhurst Park Stadium, South London, England, the weather was sunny!

What will be played here today is a focus game in the 36th round of the 2013-2014 Premier League season. The two sides are Crystal Palace playing at home and Manchester City playing away.

Today, the stadium is packed with people!

Yes, the entire stadium was filled, not a single space was left.

It can be seen that the fans of Crystal Palace attach great importance and attention to this game. They all came to Crystal Palace to win the Manchester City team at their home court and launch a fatal charge towards Liverpool.

Because before this game starts, Liverpool's home game against Chelsea has ended.

0 to 2!

Liverpool, who are ranked first, actually lost, losing to Chelsea.

This news is undoubtedly great news for Crystal Palace!

If Crystal Palace remains unbeaten in this round of games, they will surpass Liverpool and reach the top of the Premier League! Of course, it will be more stable if you win!

No wonder the Crystal Palace fans were so excited at this time, every one of them was as if they had been given a shot of blood.

This is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Crystal Palace!

Win Manchester City and reach the top of the Premier League!

Come on, come on Tong Yi, come on Crystal Palace!

Crystal Palace fans really can't wait any longer. They don't want to wait any longer. They want to see the Crystal Palace people defeat Manchester City and reach the top of the Premier League!

"Hello, viewers and fans! I am the Mortensen you are familiar with, and I will be commentating on today's game." Of course, for such an important game, BBC Sports will naturally broadcast it live. of.

Moreover, they had just finished live broadcasting the match between Liverpool and Chelsea, and they were still excited at this time.

Of course, they are full of more expectations for this game.

Today, can the Crystal Palace people successfully counterattack and reach the top of the Premier League?

They are looking forward to it!

At this time, the players from both sides walked into the stadium, and the game was about to start.

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