Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 538: audition

This is the first time the two have officially met, which is different from the false communication in the past, because it is about a movie, and the topic is easier to develop, but Lehman did not rush to confirm cooperation at the beginning. Since he said the audition, of course Also for auditions.

In the past time line, this person should belong to the type of late bloomer. When he got old, he suddenly became popular.

It was also when he was in his 40s, when he was about to fade out of the fans' vision, he suddenly rose up, and then his career was like a hang-up. He was also an Oscar winner, and he became the world's 700 million-strong male protagonist with "Interstellar". Adding these two together, neither one of the honors is easy, let alone getting them all.

Moreover, it was only on the actor's resume that he sent him that Lyman knew that Matthew McConaughey graduated from the University of Texas with a major in theater performance.

This fellow is from a college.

The threshold for actors in Hollywood seems to be very low, and it seems that anyone can enter, but in fact, almost everyone who can really succeed has been systematically studied. Even if there is no chance at the beginning, they will actively seek further education.

After all, a good skin is indeed a good stepping stone, but an actor who lacks acting experience will definitely not be able to go far.

Likewise, even if Lehmann has achieved good results in Hollywood, he still cannot be too casual about his work.

So, how could the selection of the actor with the most roles be not meticulous?

To send out an invitation, at the very least, this person can complete the performance task, and Matthew McConaughey's experience and qualifications are sufficient.

Another advantage that impresses Lehman is that "Monster in the Lake" is a special effects movie after all. The budget for the actors is not high, and the proportion is very low. Lehman hopes that more money can be spent on the cutting edge, and the remuneration High is basically not considered, but I want the audience to be more popular and appealing, and the horse in front of me will be satisfied.

"Your image needs to be changed. Your hairstyle is messy, and you have to wear a baseball cap to cover your forehead." Lyman said suddenly.

"What?" Matthew McConaughey didn't know how to answer Lehman's words for a while, so he had to ask, "Is it the character's need?"


"Uh, can I know what the story is?"

"The story is simple, deliveryman Gray saw a monster in the lake, ran to tell the police, no one believed it, and was considered mentally ill, then he went to a lawyer and wanted to sue several chemical plants , but was beaten, and in the end, many people discovered the monster, and many people died because of this..."

"It sounds good." Matthew McConaughey gave a little flattery.

"Well, you are a delivery man now. After being ridiculed that you have mental problems, you feel aggrieved. Can you perform?" Lehman really began to audition. This is almost the most emotional change in the movie. From the fear and panic of seeing monsters, to the suffocation, suffocation, and dissatisfaction with the police that no one understands...

Matthew McConaughey also knew that his next performance would decide his stay, so he immediately cheered up, took a deep breath, closed his eyes and thought for a moment, and then he opened his eyes for a while.

His performance is far from mature, and his emotions are generally superficial, but his body language is in place. He may be from a major, and his eyes are not bad. Some of the anger can be seen in his eyes.


Matthew's aura suddenly vented, and he became a calm and handsome guy again, but his uneasy pupils revealed his thoughts.

This made Lehman want to laugh a little, so he said: "You need to sacrifice a little of your appearance in this movie, it's better to get a darker tan, the skin is dry and rough, and you will add a few small scars on your hands, It shows the physical labor temperament of moving and delivering goods all the year round, as well as being sturdy."

"Don't worry, I will do it."

Matthew, who was sitting opposite Lyman, nodded affirmatively. He didn't think there was anything wrong with changing his image in order to adapt to the role. As an actor, what he learned was how to find a way to get closer to the role.

Now that he talked about the role, Lyman probably recognized Matthew McConaughey in his heart, and then took out the script to give him a better idea of ​​the scene, and unknowingly continued to chat around the topic of performance.

As Lehman introduced more details about the shooting of "Monster in the Lake", Matthew McConaughey gradually realized that this project has great potential. In any case, at least Lehman himself is working hard in the direction of box office sales, and reminded him To adapt to the green screen shooting without physical objects.

The two chatted in the office for more than an hour before Lehman said, "Okay, go back and prepare first, and ask your agent to come over to discuss the salary."

Matthew McConaughey said goodbye and left, and repeated that he would definitely change his image according to the character's requirements, and he would also bask more to adapt to the upcoming filming work.

He walked out of the office with the script and was very excited. After seeing his agent Moloch, he couldn't wait to talk about the smooth audition and the issue of remuneration.

Morlock said: "Leave this to me, you can think about the script when you go back, don't slack off~www.readwn.com~ Matthew McConaughey was sent home, and Penelope was still waiting.

Then he shared the joy in his heart.

Seeing the movie script in Matthew's hand (the one who signed a non-disclosure agreement), Penelope asked side by side whether the project needed any more actresses?

Matthew didn't ask, he shook his head not knowing.

But this time, Penelope became unhappy, thinking that her boyfriend didn't have her at all, and only worried that the two of them were hindered by the big pit of "Saharan Raiders" at the same time. In the end, you caught up with Lyman in a blink of an eye. Opportunity, why not pull yourself?

To be honest, this is completely unfounded anger.

Maybe in a few days, after calming down, Penelope will be able to figure out that this project is not a must for horse grooming, and he is not joining the group with money. What position does he have to recommend other actors?

But today's mood changes were too great, Penelope felt extremely unbalanced, and when he saw that Matthew didn't do anything, he didn't even mention it, so he pulled his face down and left.

Matthew McConaughey was also a little confused, thinking, what does this mean?

Well, there is a gap in the relationship that has only been together for less than half a month.

In fact, even if it didn't happen, the two would not last long. In the original time and space, they had lived together for more than half a year before breaking up.

The reason is, Penelope Cruz is a very emotional woman, love comes and goes quickly, not to mention that she has never thought about getting married or anything at all, but Matthew is also a playful person, but Once you have established a relationship, you want a stable character.

On this point, the two have differences. Of course, this is a later story...


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