Little Ash, Frosty, Little White, Big Rumble, Little Black, everyone’s War Pet, is experiencing this painful situation.

“Your master does not love you at all. You are old, and your master has a new and powerful War Pet Frosty. The War Pet she really loves is Frosty, not you! Your master is now To keep you by your side is to pity you. When her patience is lost, she will send you to euthanasia.”


“Frosty, you forget what you have experienced What happened? When you were killed countless times by the mighty War Pet, where is your master? Does she know your pain? Does she care? She handed you to her big brother, the demon, It was her hands! She didn’t care about your feelings at all in her heart, never!”


“Little White, you have always been so weak, and your master has not taken care of you Good you. She is too weak, it is difficult to take care of herself, how can she be able to take care of you. She has no money, let you eat better rations, accept better War Pet Cultivator cultivation, how much she let you eat Bitter. You should hate her!…”

“Big Rumble, have you forgotten how many people’s War Pets have bullied you? How many have you beaten This time, how many tears have you shed? Your master doesn’t understand your pain. She was mad at you and vented with you. She didn’t love you at all and never cared about you!…”


“Little Black, how many War Pets have you seen in front of you, driven to death by these humans! How many times, you almost died. Have you forgotten it? They don’t care about your lives at all. They only care about themselves!”


More than them, Su Youfu War Squadron, Chu Ming War Squadron, each of them All of War Pets are experiencing the same mind control.

One thing that used to be very small, today will be under the mind control of the mother of Demonic beast. The dark side is magnified a thousand times, and ten thousand times is the mind control of these War Pets. Disconnect them from the Soul Contract of humans.

This kind of power far exceeds Xiao Mengyue’s hypnotic ability and Xiao Luo’s lethargic battle skill ability.

This is a powerful way to block the contractual connection.

From Extraterrestrial, the mother of Demonic beast!

It’s so powerful, but War Pets don’t give in at all.

Although they have experienced countless suffering, they are still resisting.

Never give up!

Even at such a moment, there is still a misty voice in their hearts telling them that this is not the case. not like this. not like this!

Even though Demonic beasts are powerful, their War Pet heart will never give in easily!

They are War Pets, they will always be War Pets!

Buried in the bones, the Soul Contract, which is a lifetime partner of mankind, is as powerful as the emperor beast. I don’t want to easily change this War Pet and human beings for generations. A lifetime partnership!



Faced with the bewilderment of the mother of Demonic beast, Ballz remembered why the former Xia Mo abandoned it. That is Xia Mo is too weak, he can’t bring it the dignity of War Pet, for it, it is to break the contract with it, and hope that there will be a powerful War Pet Master in the future that can bring it the dignity of War Pet. This kind of thinking may not be right, but there is no doubt that Xia Mo’s love for it has never changed.

Later, during the meeting on the street, Xia Mo saw it and didn’t give up on it anymore. Even if it resisted so strongly at that time, his claws scratched him, and Xia Mo didn’t. Let go again.

Seeing that it’s not doing well, Xia Mo feels more distressed than anyone else. He took good care of it, bathed it, gave it medicine, it had a nightmare, he hugged it, accompanied it.

They concluded the Soul Contract at that time, and it knew what Xia Mo wanted.

Xia Mo’s love for it has never changed!

Later, he cultivated it and fought side by side with it. They are Life and Death Together!

Xia Mo is even more in danger, he himself desperately fights the most powerful enemy, fights his own life to protect it, and other people, other people’s War Pet.

The days when Xia Mo slept in the hospital bed, could it be forgotten?

Xia Mo fights the Extraterrestrial monster warrior, fighting for his own life, fighting desperately to protect them, will it forget?

The happiness they are together, the table in the Xia Mo store, that warm corner, will it forget?

It, never will!



Xiao Mengyue’s past experience really made it painful. However, it also thought of many things that made it feel happy and unforgettable, making it painful and hideous at this moment, and even gradually smiled.

It was abandoned. However, the caregivers in the War Pet shelter, the female dean Xiao Jinling, are very kind to it.

It had nails in its feet, and those few days were the most painful days it had spent. However, when I remembered, Xia Mo came to the War Pet Containment Station that day, took care of it, and talked a lot with it, and worked with the female dean to help it pull out the nails on its feet, and then help it to bandage it up. Let it not hurt at all, and it will feel that it is the beginning of a life of happiness.

Later, Xia Mo took it with him to heal Da Hui and help nurture that many War Pet, who were all its friends.

Xia Mo also took it to his shop. It met a lot of friends at once, Ballz, Little White, Little Ash, Frosty, Big Rumble, Little Black, they are all very good War Pet.

They are best friends, and they take good care of it.

Especially Ballz, not at all, because it also recognizes Master Xia Mo, so get angry with it.

They are still best friends now! Lifelong friends!

It’s mentally unconscious, it’s after the injury, and it is sometimes painful, uncontrollable pain, but Xia Mo took care of it and told it that it was a mental illness after the injury But, as long as it works hard, it can be cured. You can also make this originally painful mental illness its 2nd day gift and make it a powerful War Pet. Xia Mo said so and did so.

He cultivated its powerful hypnotic battle skill, allowing it to gain strength that was unimaginable before.

Today, I gave it a stronger medicine pill, and Promote its battle strength.

More importantly, he accepted its petition. He did not dislike it as a weak and sometimes crazy cat pet. He has that many powerful War Pet and he accepted it. It’s the recognizing Master!

Let it go from a crazy cat pet that no one wants to a War Pet that also has an owner, a home, and a warmth.

It will not be forgotten!

Never forget that others bring it pain, far less happiness than others bring it! Happiness is sweet.

Humans are still War Pet’s forever partners, and their overwhelming majority are worthy of trust!

It will never forget, and its owner will never betray!

No betrayal!


Little Ash is also laughing.

It remembered that Xia Anan sent it to the big brother for nurturing, and Xia Mo gave it genetic medicine. It thought it was euthanasia.

It was crying sadly.

That incident, I really thought about it afterwards, it was so funny.

However, whenever I think of it, I will make it happy.

It was very painful to take the genetic medicine, but Xia Mo has been with it, holding it, and spending every minute, every second with it.

He is always there!

Never absent!

Then, it became young at once, and it felt like it could live for many more years, so happy!

The owner Xia Anan is the same. When it gets old, Xia Anan will often take it to play games, help it care for its hair, and comb the fur.

She has Frosty, and she did not neglect to take care of it.

Every time she gives Frosty, she will try her best to give it.

The reverse is also true.

With the master, with the master’s big brother, his life has always been happy!

Don’t try to confuse it!

Don’t think about anyone!



Frosty also issued it, the King of Frost Wolf, Wolf Howl.

Xia Mo abuse it?

Something never happened!

That time it was a battle training. Although the process was painful, it didn’t understand it long afterwards. The master’s big brother did not dislike it at all, let alone abuse it.

That’s just a training that’s all.

It has been with the big brother of the owner for so long, and after so many experiences, don’t you know what the real feelings of the big brother of the owner are for it?

He took its life more seriously than his own life.

Mother of Demonic beast, don’t try to confuse him.

Xia Mo, the big brother of is Master, is its relatives. They are a family, a real family, a family that no one can separate!

It will always fight for this family, the master, and the big brother of the master!

Even if you die, you will never be afraid!

Even if Blade Mountain Sea of ​​Flames is crushed, I am not afraid!


Little White also remembered happily. Although its owner is not rich and wealthy, he has always tried to give it the best. In the past, although I was not rich, I was really happy. It was a happy day with its owner. Especially, every day with the host, two people get up early together, just to go to the Xia Mo store early together, that is the happiest day in his life!

If the master loves it or not, Xia Mo loves it or not, how can it not know in his heart?

No one should try to discredit it and its owner, it and Xia Mo!

Don’t think about it. Little White is never a War Pet who will be a traitor. It has spirituality. It will be Master and Xia Mo’s eternal life partner.

Don’t let anyone betray it!


Big Rumble has never forgotten that even though it was weak before, the battle is always defeated, but its owner has never given up on it. All the pain and frustration, they face together. During those days, although bitter, they depended on each other for fate. Now thinking about it, isn’t it sweet?

Later, I met Xia Mo, and the owner did his best to ask Xia Mo to cultivate its battle strength. It became stronger, so did all the weaknesses have passed?

The owner has always been proud of it, whether it was when it was weak in the past or when it has become strong now.

They are partners for life, they will never abandon or give up.

No one wants to separate it from its owner, and no one wants to discredit its relationship with Xia Mo!


Little Black is even simpler.

Fighting is what it wants. The is Master takes it, and braves the mortal danger to fight. Yes! Some War Pets died in front of it, but there were also humans who died in front of it.

Human and War Pet are lifelong partners, they both have sacrifices!

Every time, the owner will be equally sad. Be sad with it.

Then, they continued to fight together, working hard to protect others, their War Pet.

I just don’t want to let this death happen again!

To this day, the battle in the Lost City has been the same!

This is the whole truth of the fact, no one should try to deceive it, it is even more impossible to make it believe in the bewitching!

Because that is Life and Death Together, fighting side by side, not abandoning or giving up is the friendship formed.

That is the true feeling that has been tempered by real gold.

It’s the same with Xia Mo’s mutual trust. How many times have they fought side by side, Life and Death Together, what kind of person Xia Mo is, is it not clear?

It trusts Xia Mo for longer than its own life.

I want it to believe that Xia Mo is not a good person, that is a foolish dream!

Always impossible!

Death is also impossible!


The battle is fierce.

There is no War Pet to fight. The members of each hero War Squadron draw their swords by themselves to fight the powerful Extraterrestrial Demon Beast!

This is a battle that few people have ever fought.

War Pet Master draws his sword to battle.

There are few War Pet Masters who can do their own battle!

However, in order to protect War Pet, none of them retreated!

They played fiercely!

Because there is no step back.

Behind them is the mind-controlled War Pet. At this moment, they have no ability to move. Any attack may kill them!

Even so, they still work together to cast the King Tier battle skill of the hero sword together, and first gather the fire to kill the King Beast that is the most dangerous to them, super King Beast.

Faced with the Demonic beasts of Low Tier, they fought hard, even if they were cutting with a sword, they had to block their attack!

At this time, suddenly, the bright Flame Dragon guard rose up, guarding everyone and War Pet in it again.

It’s the fire pet, and the fire pet is awake!

Not only the fire pet, but the other War Pets also wake up!

As soon as they woke up, they saw the masters who stood in front of them and faced many demonic beasts charging and attacking, fighting desperately with swords to protect them.

At this moment, they immediately felt the love of their master for them. It was really so tall and unforgettable.


“ka ka!”




“gu lu, gu lu!”

“si si!”



At this moment, they are all back.

They all jumped up, jumped in front of the master, and immediately played the most powerful battle skill, killing the Extraterrestrial Demon Beast in front of them with all their strength!

In an instant, the gorgeous battle skills of War Pets are all over the battlefield!

The battle skill is gorgeous, bright enough to illuminate the night sky!

The battle situation has also been reversed, instantly!


“roar! ”

“roar! ”

The hundreds of millions of viewers in front of the TV suddenly made the most exciting cheer!

War Pets are back!

The mother of Demonic beast, the emperor beast is powerful and has the ability to block the Soul Contract, and it has not been able to successfully confuse these War Pets!

These War Pets are really cute and powerful!

Like it!


“woof! woof! woof!”

“Hey! Hey! Hey!”

“roar! roar ! roar! ”

“meow! meow! meow! ”

“chiu~chiu~ !chiu~chiu~ !chiu~chiu~ !”

The War Pet in the War Pet Containment Station was also madly happy, constantly raising his head and roaring.

Xiao Jinling also embraced them with excitement, and wept with joy together.

War Pets are back, they never leave!


“Xia Mo big brother!”

“Xia Mo brother!”

War Pets are back, War The members of Pet team all looked at Xia Mo excitedly.

They have been able to sustain them up to now, without War Pet, relying on them to draw their swords and fighting, and they were not defeated by the powerful Extraterrestrial Demon Beast, all relying on the leadership and encouragement of Xia Mo.

Xia Mo said, to believe in War Pet, now, it turns out that War Pets did not disappoint!

They didn’t believe in the enchantment of Extraterrestrial Demon Beast, even though the Demonic beast was powerful!

In the face of the excited people, Xia Mo was very excited in her heart. She raised her sword and raised her arms in one fell swoop: “What are you still trying to do! Take War Pet to fight! Kill the mother of Demonic beasts? , Kill the emperor beast! You can do it!”

“Little White! Moon Wheel breaks through the air, get me on!”

“Little Ash, Purgatory, burn me!”

“Frosty, Blizzard, black ice cluster thorns, don’t stop, kill me!”

“Big Rumble, the raging sea, crush them for me!”

“Little Black, ground thorn 2, ground sink, don’t stop me!”


Everywhere around you are your own team members, summon’s own War Pet, Use powerful battle skills to fight and charge!

Many powerful battle skills, the light of battle skill is even brighter to make the night sky bright as day, and the most brilliant fireworks in the dazzling and splendid world cannot be compared with it!

That scene, shocking, shocking the Federation!

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