This night, the Internet was really crazy.

There is a liar master who actually touched the porcelain hero. Netizens took the initiative and stripped off their shameless panties.

Among them, there is a video blogger whose identity authentication is the only heir of the 33rd generation of Immortal Medicine of Tianxuan, the founder of the new medicine pill theory, the founder of many wonderful medicine pill, and the leader of the contemporary medicine pill master. With over one million fans, he used to be well-known, known as the master, and has some popularity on the Internet.

At this moment, he is completely hot.

However, it should not be the kind of fire he wants.

No one has studied his titles and identities, and they can even bluff people when they are taken out.

At this moment, because of traffic, he wanted to touch the unknown hero, but he was outraged.

That’s a true hero who fought for the Federation, after life and death, not for fame and fortune!

These people, because of traffic, because they want to be famous, they meet porcelain heroes, which is unbearable!

Many netizens came to watch, punch in and punch the tower!

A fake is a fake, there is no way to withstand a deep pick.

Netizens have verified that the so-called Immortal Medicine gate of Tianxuan has never existed! Sect is purely made up, nothing is true!

The so-called new medicine pill theory is even more shit!

The so-called wonderful medicine pill, dogs don’t eat it!

The so-called medicine pill master leader, no one has admitted, they are all self-styled!

Many netizens only asked in the comment section, “You are so awesome, your War Pet should be an emperor! Then what realm is your current War Pet!”

“You are so capable, why didn’t I see you fight the Extraterrestrial Demon Lord Warrior!”

“You are so strong, how many Extraterrestrial Demon Beasts have been killed, and what demonful contributions have you made? ?”

“Show your Adventurer medal and level! Talk with Merit Points!”

“I called the police! For traffic and for fame, I encountered porcelain The hero is on his head. Bring about one’s own destruction!”

More netizens have turned up the video of Dong Zhengjie’s refining medicine pill before. I used to think it was like that, until now I have really seen the hero. In the lost city, helping Adventurer refining medicine pill, the difference is immediately found.

as different as heaven and earth!

Adventurer from Xiangling City posted a secret shot of the hero Xia Mo in the Lost City, making a medicine pill, to compare it with the opponent’s refining medicine pill.

That effect comparison, look at obvious at a glance.

Even ordinary netizens can see that the hero has array assistance when refining medicine pill, and the alchemic furnace is a magic weapon with automatic weighing and automatic pill concocting functions.

However, the so-called pill concocting of master Dong Zhengjie is to use a pet to heat and bake a copper pot like an incense burner, without an array, the so-called alchemic furnace is an ordinary thing like an iron pot, which is dead Thing, this kind of pill concocting is actually like using the Fire Element battle skill to simply boil a pot of water.

It’s no wonder that the following video showed a medicine pill refined by a hero, with the spirit of Danhua lingering, looking like Immortal Pill.

However, Dong Zhengjie refined medicine pill, which is more like the bottom ash of a pot. It needs to be prepared with beeswax to become a black pill. Just like this, I don’t know if it’s really useful. .

After all, no one has seen him use this to refine a medicine pill, really Promote himself or War Pet’s realm.

Those so-called magical medicine efficacy are all made by him. Anyway, there is no tax on boosting, he can say anything.

However, the hero refining medicine pill, let many War Pets and many Adventurer Promote realm, that scene, but in the Lost City, right in front of them, appeared under the eyes of everyone.

They saw it with their own eyes!

One is the so-called Divine Pill that no one has seen medicine efficacy in the bottom of the pot with ash and beeswax. The other is the effect that everyone has seen with their own eyes. Everyone thinks it is Immortal Pill, but the hero says it is just a normal medicine pill medicine pill .

Who is true and who is false, who is top grade and who is low grade, naturally obvious at a glance.

The public opinion is fierce, and the angry blogger Dong Zhengjie posted a video to refute it in the middle of the night.

He said that after the incident, he was in great pain. I wanted to immediately go to the court to sue the unsung hero for plagiarizing his Pill Recipe, but considering that Pill Recipe was announced, it could benefit all mankind, so I didn’t do so.

He is now making the matter public, just wanting to get an apology from the hero, but didn’t expect to get the so-called loyal fans of the unknown hero, ignoring the facts, the matter is for his body and mind, for him Sect caused great pain.

He hopes that the majority of netizens and the unsung heroes who have caused him deep harm will do their best.

Say, people are doing, the sky is watching!

Karmic Retribution, I must be upset!

The appearance of this high-level discussion made him a joke of the whole network.

What he said he seemed to be greater than a hero. Hear what he said, Pill Recipe caused him great harm after the announcement, but for the benefit of all mankind, he did not file a lawsuit to the court and let the court ban medicine recipe.

Then someone asked him, in that case, when everyone is suffering, why didn’t you publish the medicine recipe earlier.

Someone will ask again, just assume that the medicine recipe belongs to you. Are you not the so-called descendant of Danmen? Are you not Grand Alchemist? Then, you will also refine a medicine pill like a hero, and as long as you refine it, they will help him find the hero to seek justice.

Dong Zhengjie went off in person and argued with many netizens in the comment area.

As for the demands of netizens, he just said, how can the real ability of refining medicine be able to perform.

The hero’s pill concocting scenes are all special effects concocted by someone with a heart.

Pill concocting is really not like that.

This defense made everyone have seen many Adventurer snort disdainfully from Xia Mo pill concocting.

Can the facts you see with your own eyes be special effects?

When their eyes are blind.

The netizens rushed to the tower, they were all crazy.

There are dozens of other bloggers who follow the news and rubbish traffic. Seeing the public opinion is raging, some people call the police. They know that they are terrible, and they know that they are afraid. Delete the posts by themselves, clarify and apologize. I just want to take advantage of the hero traffic, I’m making a joke with everyone, I hope everyone forgive me.

“It’s late. It’s already called the police. Attacking a federal hero is a felony. You wait to go to court and eat jail!” Many netizens have come to enthusiastically “consolute” these repentant Internet celebrities. Lord, they have ordered prison meals for them.

“Dozens of people all came out and said it was their ancestral secret recipe. This is funny. A medicine recipe, they all say it’s their own ancestral secret recipe. Are they all an ancestor? It doesn’t look like it. !”

The netizens not only went crazy on the Internet, they also laughed crazy.

A Pill Recipe has never been published before. Now that the hero has announced it, dozens of Internet celebrity bloggers have come out to recognize the ancestral secret recipe.

An ancestral thing, there can be dozens of more ancestors, obviously it is a fake thing.

“Probably only the post just posted by Herbtang can convince people. They just posted it. Their ancestral secret recipe for Qi Pill and the Huajing Pill announced by the hero are very imaginative, only two medicinal herb However, they have said it themselves. After their urgent research, they found that the Pill Recipe announced by the hero is better than their ancestral secret recipe. They even hope that they can get the authorization of the hero to allow them to follow the hero The Pill Recipe refining and selling new Huajing Dan. This is the decent pharmacy, which should have a century-old reputation. It is a real old pharmacy, a real ancestral secret recipe. If not this time the hero announced the medicine recipe of the Huajing Dan. It’s better than their ancestral medicine recipe, and they won’t make it public.”

“I think heroes can make Herb Hall produce Huajing Pill. The old medicine shop is worthy of trust!”

“Originally, the hero publicized the Pill Recipe, so that everyone can make their own pill. Therefore, Herb Hall does not need to ask for authorization. Others do it, just follow the rules that’s all. It’s worth it. Sure!”

At this time, Xia Mo was already asleep. He didn’t even know that when he was asleep, tens of millions of netizens on the Internet helped him kill those swindlers who touched porcelain. People turn their backs.

These swindlers are completely nailed to the pillar of shame.

They have also called the police, and the federal functional departments have carried out investigations overnight. Waiting for these swindlers will definitely be severely punished by the law.

No one can escape!

Xia Mo didn’t know this night of online public opinion war, as if others were not in the arena, but his legends are still everywhere in the arena.

Xia Mo is also 2nd day early in the morning. Seeing the news in the group, I know that there is such a thing.

Last night, the official media spoke out all night, blasting these swindlers and criticizing this evil spirit. This represents the official attitude. Next, waiting for Dong Zhengjie’s swindlers and others will definitely not be easy.

Although the liar has been hammered, Xia Mo still sees the bad effects that the liar’s remarks may have.

After all, some people may be deceived by scammers.

If someone believes the patchwork given by those scammers and randomly adds medicine recipe modified by medicinal herb, it may cause great harm to the body of the person and War Pet.

Xia Mo doesn’t care how these scammers will be dealt with. What Xia Mo cares about is that there may be people and War Pet victimized by these scammers’ irresponsible remarks.

So, I still have to worry about this early in the morning.

Look carefully at the remarks of those scammers and make a statement.

There are roughly the following points.

One, the so-called wonderful Pill Recipe of Dong Zhengjie is completely unreliable, purely contrived.

Second, there are some Internet celebrity masters who added precious medicinal herb without authorization on the basis of the medicine recipe he announced. Forgery is an ancestral secret recipe. One is to increase the cost of medicine pill, and the other is that some people even basic Disregarded the pharmacology of the medicine. Some medicinal herbs that cannot be matched together are put together just because they are expensive. This even makes medicine pill a poison. If it causes bad consequences, these people will be responsible for hurting others. .

Three, once again emphasize the medicine recipe of Huajing Dan, just follow the Pill Recipe and quantity, refining into a pill, or boil three bowls of water into a bowl of medicinal liquid, and it will have an effect. No need to add any expensive medicinal herb.

Fourth, once again, this medicine pill cannot be taken continuously. Take at least a few months before taking it again. After all, too much is too late. Please be especially cautious and don’t rush.

Fifth, if you have symptoms of discomfort after taking the medicine, you can contact Xiangling City City Defense Bureau. After he knows the situation, he can help with diagnosis and treatment.

Six. Herbal Tang’s Qi Pill has its own unique features, especially its mild body strengthening effect. It can be taken multiple times and is indeed a good prescription. Recommend everyone who has the ability to buy.

In the morning, after writing these statements on the dining table at home, Xia Mo photographed them with his mobile phone and sent them to Chief Lieutenant Luo Wei, asking him to publish them on the official account of the City Defense Bureau.

“This is the hero’s mind. Publish it.” After this incident, Xia Mo did not raise any responsibility for the confederacy of the rumors. This paper statement is still unwilling to read. To the point that some people believe that the fake medicine recipes of those scammers have caused serious harm to people and War Pet. What can Director Meng Shanwei say to such a hero who really cares about War Pet Master and War Pet.

Only admire, sign immediately, and approve the staff to post immediately on the official account.

The hero has made a statement!

Everyone would have thought that the hero would fight back against those swindlers.

However, until they see the hero’s statement, they will know that they are also wrong.

After reading a statement, they only saw the hero’s Yin Yin request. Don’t make the liar’s Pill Recipe into a medicine pill for War Pet.

I emphasize again that as long as the Huajing Dan is prepared according to the Pill Recipe, even if it does not refining into a pill, it is just brewed into a medicinal liquid, and it is equally effective when taken by War Pet.

You don’t even need to add any expensive medicinal herb.

Moreover, if any War Pet is unwell due to taking medicine pill, you can contact the City Defense Bureau and he will give diagnosis and treatment.

“These scammers are really damn! They just use their mouths to spread rumors and harm people, and heroes have to clean up the mess for them!”

“Yes, these scammers are too damn! I don’t understand. If you mix medicinal herbs that cannot be matched together, let them take them. Isn’t this harmful!”

“Severe punishment, severe punishment!”

“In contrast, what is a noble spirit, obvious at a glance! Liars die, long live the hero!”

Netizens have long hearts, and whose hearts are really helping They, of course, can understand it best in their hearts!

For liars, they hate it!

They even have a new record.

At the Bangcheng Airport, they found the liar master Dong Zhengjie who was about to flee the Federation overnight. Together with the official, they caught him at the airport.

The official has also released news about this case, and the investigation is ongoing, and follow-up news will be released in time.

Seeing that Dong Zhengjie was arrested at the airport, the majority of netizens shouted happily and demanded strict sentences.

The hero’s statement approved the medicine efficacy of Herbtang’s Huaqi Pill, and many Adventurers who didn’t know the name of Herbtang’s medicine pill in the past also began to look for this medicine pill.

The Huaqi Pill of Herbtang in the online store is even out of stock.

The sale is out of stock.

Because it is a century-old brand and trustworthy, even other medicine pills are sold out.

This made this 100-year-old brand, which has always been in a bad environment and mediocre performance, realized what is hot business.

That’s medicine pill. It’s really priceless.

If you want to work overtime, you can’t add it to production, because there are no raw materials for that many medicinal herb.

Faced with many consumers who asked when to replenish the goods, they had to answer on the official account and look for the source of medicinal herb as soon as possible.

But before that, it was impossible to continue to produce Pill.

Moreover, because now the Pill Recipe of Huajing Dan has been announced, a large number of Adventurers will prepare their own Huajing Dan in the short term. Therefore, it is estimated that medicinal herb will be in short supply recently, and the Qiqi Dan will follow the Huajing Dan. The required medicinal herb is much the same, so they also predict that in the short term, it may be difficult to mass-produce qi pellets.

Please be mentally prepared.

Seeing the news released by Herb Hall, many people subconsciously came to the medicine Grass City field.

Seeing that everyone on the Internet is discussing the popularity of the future medicine Grass City field, those Adventurers who have fought with Xia Mo in the past two days are all laughing but not talking.

Fighting with Xia Mo, they have heard from the heroes that the future drug Grass City is bound to be hot, and they have known this business opportunity for a long time.

So, they knew about it two days earlier than others.

This is a business opportunity.

People with flexible minds can earn the first pot of gold in life.

However, even if these people didn’t think of it, in fact, it is not just the Grass City field that will be hot in the future.

There is also the equipment material market.

Because at this time, Xia Mo has opened a new Secondary Profession forge, and he has begun to wonder how to forge War Pet Master equipment.

This will inevitably lead to a new trend, the revival of War Pet Master equipment!

The wheels of historical renaissance are rolling. Once it starts, it will be unstoppable!


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