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“Xia Mo!”

Xiao Jinling came to Xia Mo with a big ash, and as soon as she spoke, she couldn’t cry.

All this Xia Mo has done for Da Hui is hard to repay. She has no idea what to do to repay Xia Mo.

She wept with excitement, and she couldn’t speak.

Seeing Xiao Jinling’s tears choked up, Xia Mo immediately understood Xiao Jinling’s feelings, and immediately said to her distressedly: “Xiao elder sister and Da Hui are good friends of many War Pets. I am too Many good friends of War Pet. We are like-minded friends. We are fellows who live and die together and fight side by side. We should help each other and work together to do a good job in this War Pet business. Xiao elder sister, don’t cry. Da Hui is three years younger, and he has strength. You can be with you for three more years. You should be happy. Moreover, Da Hui has a lot of time now. I can teach him a lot of understanding, the understanding of the master of health If it can be comprehended, it will continue to extend its life for three years. Therefore, Xiao elder sister does not cry, our good days in the future will be long.”

This is exactly what Xia Mo wants to tell Xiao Jinling and give her the greatest comfort.

They are fellow travelers, and strive to be fellow travelers in this War Pet career!

They love War Pet like that and love this career.

As a companion, let’s help!

Without her thanks.

After listening to Xia Mo’s words, Xiao Jinling cried even harder in the exciting future.

But I feel more happy in my heart.

With Xia Mo here, this World will immediately make her feel so warm, and her heart, and because of him, will be filled with sunshine-like warmth.



Xiao Jinling cried. Many War Pets from the War Pet Containment Station also rushed out of the store, caring for her anxiously and distressedly.

I’m afraid she will be wronged.

Xiao Jinling didn’t want these War Pets to be confused, she thought it was Xia Mo who bullied her, she smiled with tears on her face, she immediately laughed, squatted down, embraced these many War Pets and said: “Xia Mo Let Dahui be three years younger. From now on, Dahui can take care of you as well as before. Dahui will not leave you anymore. You must be very happy, right?”



Many War Pets screamed with excitement about what Xiao Jinling said, and many War Pets ran around the big ash.

Da Hui is the best friend of each of their War Pets. They are all happy that it can live a long life.

Da Hui also looked at them gently, with a look of excitement and happiness.

May not leave these little friends so quickly, it also has unexplainable excitement in his heart.

“Xia Mo big brother!”

In this scene, Su Lanqing who watched, everyone who watched was very moved.

Human and War Pet, life-long companions, this kind of bondage feeling seems to have been integrated into each of their souls and bloodline. When they see such a scene, they will naturally cause a strong resonance like a volcanic eruption. .

The resonance of the soul, how can it not make people excited.

War Pet, a lifetime partner!

The soul of Xia Mo originally did not belong to this World, but now, it has been fully integrated into this World.

The bond with War Pet has long since been incorporated into his soul.

So, he can fully understand everyone’s mood at once.

Because, so does he.

Xia Mo immediately smiled at everyone, smiling happily.


Adventure extension is over, and Adventurer comes to the store with the medicinal herb he collected, asking for help in refining medicine pill.

Some Adventurers are skeptical about aligning with the Yuxi sisters to refine medicine pill.

After all, they only trust Xia Mo.

Furthermore, they also saw the medicine pill refined by Qi Yuxi sisters, which did not have the gorgeous pill of Xia Mo, so some people had a comparison in their hearts and wanted Xia Mo to help refine the medicine pill.

This seems to have insatiable desires, but it is also such is human nature.

Everyone wants better quality medicine pill.

Xia Mo not at all blame these people.

Rather, as soon as I came back, I patiently said to these people: “It’s like getting sick and looking for a doctor. Everyone wants to see an old expert, and no one wants to see a young doctor. The young doctor, again How can they get the opportunity to grow? They are the Alchemist I taught. Since I let them go to help refine the medicine pill, it means that they have the craft of refining medicine pill, which I recognize. This medicine pill, I just did After the inspection, it is indeed qualified. There is absolutely no problem. Then I think everyone should give them more opportunities so that they have the opportunity to grow into more old experts who can refine the superior quality medicine pill. What do you think? .”

Xia Mo’s words made many greedy Adventurers blush and feel ashamed unconsciously.

One by one took a step back, and said to the hero that he knew what was wrong: “Hero, we know what was wrong.”

“Please two elder sisters help me make medicine pill. I will come first!”

“I’m second. I’ll wait in line later. Don’t jump in the line!”

This is the prestige of Xia Mo.

When he speaks, many people will listen.

Furthermore, Xia Mo’s words are reasonable and should be worth listening to.


It was Xia Mo who spoke, and personally convinced these many Adventurers that they would have more opportunities for pill concocting. This made Qi Yuxi sisters very moved.

Senior takes care of them all the time.

In this world, those who are willing to devote themselves to teaching other people such profound pill concocting accomplishments, in this world, they believe that there is absolutely only Xia Mo.

Able to meet Xia Mo, they are definitely the luckiest War Pet Cultivator apprentices in this world!

“Plain, take good advantage of these opportunities to help people refine medicine pill. It doesn’t matter if the refining is broken. I have brought many medicinal herbs of good quality. The years are very good, and we can compensate. Give it to them. If someone makes a mistake with medicinal herb, just take some from us to make up for them, so that they can also have the medicinal herb earlier. Don’t feel bad for me. I picked medicinal herb by myself. It’s no cost. Give me some If you go out, you can’t lose.”

Xia Mo’s explanation to Qi Yuxi has made many Adventurers admire Xia Mo even more and feel that his hero is as tall as a mountain.

“Well, Senior, we know.”

Putting the words of Xia Mo here, really helped Qi Yuxi sisters reduce a lot of pressure.

After all, they are newbies to pill concocting. Every time they help people with pill concocting, they feel nervous and can’t be serious, for fear that a detail will go wrong and cause irreparable losses.

Now, with Xia Mo supporting them behind their backs, they immediately feel a strong support, and now they will be more comfortable when they go to pill concocting.

This makes both of them excited.

“I’ll leave it to you in the store first. I’ll go home.” Xia Mo explained the store, feeling uneasy about home, and immediately took Xiao Mengyue home in a hurry.


At home.

Younger sister Xia Anan has brought the younger Little Ash and Ballz. Not only did she show it to her mother, she also watched it with the father. It made her happy to see the younger Ballz and Little Ash.

When Xia Mo came back, the younger sister Xia Anan was sitting in the living room, flipping through the photo album at home alone, watching the photo of them with Ballz and Little Ash when they were young, and wept silently.

“Brother, look, how young we were at that time. But at that time, we were so happy. Although there were times when we were sad and weeping. But when we were with Ballz and Little Ash, How happy they are.”

When Xia Mo came back, younger sister Xia Anan immediately called big brother Xia Mo to see their photo album. They, Ballz, and Little Ash’s childhood memories.


“ka ka.”

Little Ash, Ballz, also looking at them in the photo, must have also remembered those bitter and sweet days in the past, and they looked as sentimental and unforgettable.

I hope this moment will last forever.

“en. ”

Haven’t seen those photos yet, Xia Mo felt sad.

His memory has long merged with the original Xia Mo.

He is now the real Xia Mo.

In those photos, he recorded his true childhood.

Life is bitter and sweet, but it is still unforgettable.

Looking at these photos of their childhood together with the younger sister, Xia Mo also expressed a lot of emotion: “When I was a child, I always wanted to grow up. I really grow up. On the contrary, I hope that when I was young, my parents will not grow old. We will not grow up either. In the photo, we seem to be the happiest.”

“Brother was so right, and I think so. I wanted to grow up when I was young, and when I grew up, I knew that when I was young, I was the best. But I can’t go back anymore.” Younger sister Xia Anan is very happy big Brother Xia Mo thought exactly the same as her.

Their feelings are the same, they are worthy of a family.

“How can we never grow up. You want us to worry about our lives forever. We should grow up, we must grow up. Silently, come and eat. Look at what time is it now, and you still have your busy lunch No food. Your body is inherently weak. If you don’t eat, that’s not okay.”

When the mother heard Xia Mo’s wish, she didn’t want to grow up, she felt relieved, but she urged Xia Mo to come and have lunch.

Parental love is always hidden.

You need to experience.

Xia Mo laughed and felt that today, it was really extraordinarily happy.

“Brother, when you have eaten, let’s take a picture again. Ballz and Little Ash have become younger. There is still a little Mengyue in the family. We should take a new family portrait. It is a pity that father is not there. But let’s take a photo first. When father comes back, we’ll take another photo.” The younger sister Xia Anan suddenly said to the big brother expectantly.

When the younger sister asked for a suggestion, Xia Mo was nodded with a smile, and immediately agreed: “Take pictures first, then eat. The house is too small for small rocks and fog. Then take Ballz first. Little Mengyue, Little Ash, Frosty’s! When father returns, let’s go to the Ecological Park, where the place is big and the scenery is good. Let’s take a big family portrait with little stones and fog.”

To take family photos, Xia Mo has never forgotten the huge body, the small rocks and small fog that cannot appear at home. They are also members of this family, his beloved War Pet. When father comes back, it happens to take a family portrait that everyone does not lack together. That is the real family portrait, which is expected and satisfying.

“Okay. I’ll get the digital camera!” Xia Mo’s proposal made Xia Anan so excited and happy.

Get the camera immediately.

Take a group photo.

Photo taken alone with your own War Pet.

A photo with big brother War Pet.

Xia Mo is the same.

A photo with my War Pet.

Taking a photo with younger sister’s War Pet.

Mother also came to take a photo with all the War Pets.

Finally, another big group photo.

ka ka, ka ka!

I took many photos in a while.

When taking pictures, Ballz, Xiao Mengyue, Little Ash, Frosty, every War Pet was as happy as the holiday, and was so happy.

They are so happy, and the photos they take are even better.

Many of the War Pets in the photo are so happy, with very bright smiles.

As soon as these digital photos were printed out with a printer, many War Pets gathered around and saw them with their cute looks in the photos. They became more excited and smiled brighter.



“ka ka!”


To them and their owners in the photo, they are excited to say a lot.

I can’t say enough.

But, in short, they all have long understood that they are a family.

War Pet is also a member of this family, a family member, and every War Pet of them has a sense of belonging in this family.

They are proud and happy to be part of this family.

Only, their faces are always full of happy smiles.

Long stay.



Su Shicheng King-Class War Squadron Captain Wang Danyue, Confluence City King-Class War Squadron Captain Juniper also came to Xia Mo’s War Pet shop.

This time, they came, but they were on business.

Tomorrow King Academy will officially start school. They are also the first batch of students. They will go to King Academy to report on time this afternoon just like everyone else.

The King-Class War Squadron in other places is also being transported by high-speed rail and transport aircraft, and is arriving at the railway station and airport in Xiangling City.

For this, the City Defense Bureau has begun to be extremely busy.

Before Wang Danyue and Du Song went to report, they both came to Xia Mo’s War Pet shop first.

It seems that there is a magical power here, which makes people want to come and go.

“Salute! King Academy student Jun Jun reports to the bishop officer!”

As soon as Juniper saw Xia Mo, he immediately came to a serious salute, called the bishop officer.

“Salute! Student Wang Danyue reports to the bishop official!”

Juniper loves to make trouble, and that’s all to do this. Didn’t expect Wang Danyue to do the same. When he saw Xia Mo, he saluted directly and called the bishop officer.

“Du Uncle, Sister Danyue, you salute me like this, are you asking me to find a hole in the ground and then go in?” Xia Mo was immediately made by the two people didn’t know whether to cry or laugh .

“Hehe, you are really our bishop officer. Besides, I think the whole federation, whether he is a King-Class War Squadron or an Emperor War Squadron, who dares not accept you.” Du Song smiled, but It’s more serious.

“With what happened in the morning, these kings from all over the world will only admire Xia younger brother even more.” Wang Danyue also mentioned that Xia Mo was in the Master University in the morning, helping the emperor beast promote rank intermediate realm and comprehend the realm. The battle skill thing.

This matter is so popular on the Internet, and most of the federation knows it. How can these King-Class War Squadrons not know.

“Brother Xia, I heard that you not only helped the emperor beast promote rank, but you also helped it prolong its life? Is it true? You helped the emperor beast promote rank, I thought. But you can Helping the emperor beast to prolong its life is something I didn’t expect. This is too amazing, do you still know how to do it?” Jun was very surprised, his expression shocked.

“Of course it is true. Little Ash, Da Hui, Ballz, all have extended their lives.” Su Lanqing interjected happily, telling them these things that they haven’t had time to know.

“This matter, I must first declare that it is not all my work. It is Ling Bo’s own deep and psychic. He is a comprehended health maintenance master, and he understands the way of health maintenance, and naturally extends his life for three years. I also benefited a lot from this and realized life extension pills. Speaking of which, Ling Bo also helped me. We have helped each other.” Xia Mo suddenly declared that he is not as godly as others have said. It’s very ordinary.

What happened in the morning was also luck.

“Relax. Even if what you say Brother Xia is true, no one will believe this truth. Everyone knows that you let the emperor beast promote rank and let the emperor beast understand the battle skill of the domain. It is you Let the emperor beast live longer. Don’t want to shirk this credit. You must not be able to escape!” Juniper has already laughed heartily.

Understand that Xia Mo is always empty-hearted, not greedy for credit.

“Such luck can no longer be regarded as luck, it can also be regarded as strength.” Wang Danyue, who is cold and cold, said so.

She said so.

Xia Mo was immediately unable to surrender, so she didn’t even mention the matter: “I will refine the realm of transformation for everyone. Taking advantage of the time in the afternoon, everyone and everyone’s War Pet will be promoted again. To better Status, go to the King Academy tomorrow, and face powerhouse students everywhere.”

Everyone is listening to Du Songtai who can speak, and they are happily listening. Suddenly hearing the current arrangement of Xia Mo, everyone is immediately excited.

Because of the shortage of medicine ingredients, after waiting for many days, it is coming soon!

Everyone was suddenly excited, quiet, and silently looking forward to it.

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