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“What do we rely on to believe that we will be able to win this war when mankind is losing ground!”

“You must have asked yourself, what on earth do we humans rely on? You must have no answer! Otherwise, you will not be here.”

“Today, I will give you the answer!”

“We rely on Life and Death Together by our side, comrades who will never retreat until death, and we rely on our partners for life, War Pet of Life and Death Together!”

“They are my answer!”

“It is them who make me believe that we will win!”


The words of the hero have echoed in the ears of the chief executive, and it is very deafening.

This passage is too important to anyone, and even more important to him, the chief of affairs, who is involved in the management of federal affairs.

It’s important that others don’t realize.

This passage is simply the guiding ideology for the battle of human resistance to Extraterrestrial Invaders!

It answered too many questions and solved too many questions.

From now on, people will not need to argue about whether human beings can win this invasion war!

In the future, people will no longer have to argue about whether humans will rely on technology or War Pet to win this invasion war!

The hero’s words have already given the clearest answer!

In the future, there will be no such arguments again.

The hero today has been arguing for all these for many years, and has always been unable to persuade each other’s issues, and directly concludes the conclusion.

Humanity will win!

What the hell!

Rely on the teammates of Life and Death Together, the War Pet who relies on giving up his life and forgetting his death, a lifetime partner!

This is the conclusion!

Today’s passage is so important that the chief executive has already felt that this passage of Xia Mo’s speech today will definitely have a place in future history books.

Today, at first is destined to be a special day.

A day that history will remember.

Such a hero is no longer a realm that he can also comment on.

The hero’s realm is already above detachment, and above detachment, as the chief of affairs, he is not qualified to judge.

Only history and posterity are qualified to comment on heroes.

History will prove that the hero is correct.

Time will prove the hero is correct.

The hero will be proven right in the future.

Future generations will also be grateful for today’s hero’s speech, which shows how mankind can win this difficult battle under the terrible form of steadily retreating.

The hero is like a guiding light. It has helped people looking for a way out in the dark night, illuminating the way to light and victory.

They only use his light guidance that they follow, and they will eventually walk out of the dark night and get light and victory.

Today’s speech, no matter how highly praised it is, it will not be considered excessive.

Only evaluation is not enough.

The opening speech is so important. I really don’t know what else the hero will say in the next class.

The chief executive can no longer imagine.

In the face of such a hero, the chief executive really has nothing to say, only holding his hand excitedly for a long time.

It’s been a long time.

He really hopes that others can understand his excitement at the moment.

That’s excitement beyond words.


Even the members of War Squadron, the heroes of Xia Mo who are most familiar with Xia Mo at the moment, will feel that they actually don’t know anything about Xia Mo.

If it weren’t for the opening of the King Academy today, Xia Mo, as a bishop officer, would have to make an opening speech, and they would not know that, in fact, Xia Mo is a “big dreamer” or even a “big dreamer” than they thought!

Perhaps, many people here originally thought that they also have the War Pet realm, which may even be higher than Xia Mo’s War Pet realm. Therefore, they think there must be a gap between them and Xia Mo’s realm. , But, after all, the gap is visible to naked eye, and you can catch up with it with hard work, right?

Now, after listening to Xia Mo’s opening speech, many people are completely desperate.

They will feel that, in fact, the realm of a hero is far beyond their imagination.

Xia Mo is already a person they cannot describe.

However, they know that this is the best Xia Mo big brother, the best Captain forever, the most trustworthy teammate for life and death, and the War Pets also love and wear the most trusted partner for life, which is enough.

That’s enough.

They are willing to always follow their Xia Mo big brother, always Captain, always trusted teammate, best life partner, to meet the unimaginable challenges in the future!

This has made them feel satisfied.

War Pets are also satisfied.

War Pets’ intuitions will not be deceived by language. They don’t need to fully understand Xia Mo’s language, they can understand Xia Mo’s heart better than anyone else.

This may be that you don’t know the language sometimes, but it is a strength, because it is not easy to be fooled by language.

They feel with their hearts, so that they will always know who is always sincere, always trust, and always care about them, and they are true partners for life.

Obviously, in their hearts, Xia Mo is always sincere, always trusting, always caring, and always a lifetime partner!

Little White, Little Ash, Frosty, Big Rumble, Little Black, they all understand!

Better understand than human beings.


Those War Squadrons from other places, in front of Xia Mo, have disappeared for a moment, and they have become very respectful of Xia Mo.

In fact, they should have known that Xia Mo is better than them.

After all, he is the only person today who can kill the Extraterrestrial Demon Lord Warrior again and again.

To this day, there is one person in the world, even if the bossed shamelessly person, he will not be honest and kind. You can say in front of everyone at this moment that he is better than the hero Xia Mo.

Somewhat refused to admit defeat in my heart before, and I was suffocated in my heart, wanting to compete with Xia Mo, but now I don’t even have this bit of energy anymore.

I am convinced.

I would rather rush to the lecture hall immediately and obediently wait for today’s culture class.

Before, some people said privately that they would boycott cultural classes.

They just want to take combat lessons.

Now, no one mentions anything like this.

It seems that people who thought this way before have forgotten to say such a thing.

Xia Mo gave them ten minutes, but they didn’t even use these ten minutes to rest. They had already taken paper and pen and went to the lecture hall to wait for class.

Seeing the captains and team members of these fierce imperial War Squadrons, now they are as obedient as a donkey. Without the fierce baring fangs and brandishing claws, they ran to the lecture hall to class, and the chief executive felt that It was a little funny, and things went better than he expected.

At first, he believed that Xia Mo would be able to subdue these people, but he didn’t expect that Xia Mo would be so fast, so perfection is to subdue these shabby powerhouses.

For the hero Xia Mo, I can only admire it even more, and I am speechless again.

He felt that he should report the situation here to Bangcheng immediately.

It was suddenly discovered that the Dean Yan Xingzhou and the instructor team commanding the Academy had disappeared quietly. It turned out that they had also followed the Emperor War Squadron to the lecture hall to listen to the heroes.

The literary giants all go to listen to Xia Mo’s classes. One can imagine how important such courses are.

The chief clerk suddenly laughed, and immediately followed to the lecture hall. Today, he pushed all other affairs schedules of the chief clerk. Today, he also came to be a student and listen to the hero Xia Mo. Teaching.

Because of such an opportunity, it is hard to find for a thousand years.

To have such an opportunity, he thinks he is luckier than Bangcheng.


In the lecture hall, Chief Lieutenant Luo Wei has sent the handout printed by Xia Mo to the desk.

Everyone can open it and see when they come.

Today, everything Xia Mo will talk about is on it.

Classes haven’t started yet, they still have ten minutes between classes. At this time, everyone is curious to see what Xia Mo is going to talk about today.

“Sun Tzu’s Art of War!”

“Thirty-six strategies!”

“Correctly understand the stages of war development!”

“Modern War Thoughts!”


“All warriors will win by right combination and win by surprise. Therefore, those who are strangely good are infinite as Heaven and Earth, and inexhaustible as rivers and seas. After the end, the sun and the moon are also. Death and rebirth are also four o’clock. The sound is not five, and the change of the five tones is invincible to hear; the color is not five, the change of the five colors is invincible; the taste is not five, the change of the five flavors, and the taste is invincible; , Invincible and poor. Odd and positive, like the endless cycle of endless, who can be poor!”


“The husband and the soldier are like water, the shape of water, avoiding heights and going down, the shape of soldiers, avoiding the reality and hitting the void. The water controls the flow because of the ground, and the soldiers win because of the enemy. Therefore, soldiers are impermanent and water impermanent. , Who can win due to changes in the enemy is called the god.”


“The weather is not as good as the place, and the place is not as good as the harmony of the people! There is more help in the way, but the less help is in the way.”


The class hasn’t officially started yet, just looking at the handouts given by Xia Mo, it has shocked all the instructors who command the Academy.

Also, Master University Dean Yan Xingzhou regarded it as a treasure.

“Where is the art of war!”

“It’s just the first under the heavens article!”

“Exquisite, really exquisite!”

“Beautiful, wonderful, wonderful!”

Looking at Master University Dean Yan Xingzhou eagerly reading articles there, the chief secretary was envious. Yan Xingzhou is a great literary circle. Naturally, he understands these ancient texts better than all of them.

This caused the chief secretary to complain about Yan Xingzhou’s exquisite shouting there. He only admired him and didn’t explain to them the interpretation of the ancient text, but also let them understand the beauty of this ancient text.

Feeling all the lines of sight gathered on him, Dean Yan Xingzhou suddenly realized that his situation was not good. He woke up and immediately explained to everyone embarrassingly: “Everyone Don’t worry. Later, during the real class, Xia Yingxiong will definitely explain to everyone. In fact, I don’t fully understand many of these articles. I can just read them through and get a rough idea, but they really let me. I know, this is a treasure of the literary world. This is the ancient literary inheritance! I really envy heroes who can obtain such ancient inheritance from the emperor beast War Pet. If you look for an opportunity, you must ask him more questions individually, and you must put these articles on I’m asking about inheritance. It’s so beautiful, so beautiful!”

“Okay. Dean Yan, you can study, but don’t influence the hero’s rest too much. He is really busy. He really needs a rest.”

The chief executive is very concerned about Xia Mo’s body, and I’m really afraid that this old man who is interested in learning will really break the threshold of Xia Mo’s family.

Dean Yan Xingzhou can no longer hear what the chief secretary just said to him. He is already obsessed with the handouts distributed by Xia Mo.

I didn’t hear the chief executive’s words at all.

This is what the college asks for learning. The chief secretary did not blame him, and was already excited to hear Xia Mo’s lecture next, so that they would all have the opportunity to appreciate the beauty of these art of war.


“It’s so difficult, so profound. I don’t quite understand it, but I also know that it’s really amazing.”

“Anan, you are fine. You are the sister of the Xia Mo big brother. If you have the opportunity, please ask the Xia Mo big brother to teach you alone. If you understand it better, you can teach us.”

Fumbling through this thick and profound handout, Lu Ruoxi was worried that she might not learn well, so she had arranged Xia Anan.

They are all teammates of Life and Death Together, what kind of problem is this?

Xia Anan already laughed and said to Lu Ruoxi: “If you regret it, don’t worry, my brother will make it clear. If there is something I don’t understand, we will ask my brother together after class. He won’t help telling us again.”

“hehe, hehe. After learning this, can we become as powerful as Brother Xia Mo, and use soldiers like War God?” Looking at this thick handout, we have already given Chu Ming to Le broken.

The two buddies, Wei Yiheng and Li Lin, are not so optimistic. “Brother Ming, you have to be able to learn and understand before you say it. The words above are too difficult. They are harder than the school textbooks. Too much.”

“Then learn it seriously. Then you have to learn it seriously. This is the essence of Xia Mo’s art of war. I don’t know that the one who learns hard is an idiot.” Chu Ming earnestly encouraged himself, it seems that it must be a horny Spirit, must give the essence of Xia Mo’s art of war to the plenary.

“I hope there is no test. Otherwise, this test must be terrifying than the monthly test in No.1 Middle School!” As an outstanding student of No.1 Middle School, Ou Chengcheng has deeply felt that the monthly test in No.1 Middle School is terrifying. It’s really scary to learn such a thick and profound art of war this morning.

“If you fail the exam, you don’t have to scold us by the Xia Mo big brother. Those Extraterrestrial Demon Beasts will teach us and let us defeat the war. So, learn from the Xia Mo big brother. What a rare opportunity.” Lin Luo’er also knows the terrifying of the mid-month test, but she is no longer afraid of challenges.

That’s because she has Xia Mo in her heart as a backing she can rely on, so she doesn’t panic in her heart.

Learn by heart.

“This book is difficult to learn. However, after learning it, it should be very difficult to deal with. I didn’t expect my uncle, and now I have to study again, it is really sorry.”

Juniper really feels sorry. As an uncle, he has to sit in the classroom again and attend class like a child.

Wang Danyue listened to Jun Jun’s emotions and didn’t bother to pay attention to him. She continued to read the handouts sent by Xia Mo, and admired the younger brother Xia Mo’s head more and more. It contained the essence.

“This is all very difficult to deal with knowledge, I want to learn it all, take it back, and teach it to more people! That will make us stronger!”

Yucheng War Squadron Captain Shen Zhan has secretly made up his mind at this moment, he must study hard, learn all of this knowledge, and bring back to teach more people, powerful War Squadron more people.

I believe that other War Squadrons have the same idea at this moment, because everyone is flipping the book silently and attentively at this moment, and there is only the rustling of the book in the huge lecture hall.


At this moment, this scene shocked the media reporters outside the ladder classroom. They carried their cameras to shoot news materials and used them to report news about the opening of the King Academy to the entire federal audience at night on the news program of Federal News. They saw the imperial War Squadron in a classroom, the powerhouse of the King War Squadron, and they were all quietly flipping through the book at the moment. They were deeply shocked and attracted by the book.

It really made them all curious about what kind of handout it is that would be so attractive.

Even literary master Yan Xingzhou, as well as Yucheng manager like the chief secretary, sat in the classroom listening to the hero’s lecture.

They can already imagine that once such a news screen is broadcast, it will definitely arouse the attention and shock of the entire Federation.

That will be the real big news, which will attract the attention of the entire Federation and hundreds of millions of people!

This is really exciting!


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