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Xiangling City’s four small school playground, a small Plant Type War PET with Child, expanding a dialogue with big tree Grandfather.

As a resident, the residents have taken this scene, uploaded to the Internet, and saw it by thousands of people.

Seeing a small Plant Type War PET, go to the huge tree pet Grandfather, that scene, really touched millions of people.

Now, there is no pronunciation in the picture, and they have also understood why heroes bring the Imperial Big Tree Grandfather, and they are deliberately come here.

This moment, they don’t just feel the envy of small Child and young War PET that can see the Huangdoo tree Grandfather so close, and feel how car of the hero is these Child!

These children may be because of the love of heroes, the influence of heroes, will become the same great WAR PET MASTER like him, and the Heroes of the Homes!

This makes them feel the hero more than the weon, and the hero is more gentle.

This hero makes people feel remained, but also get together.

His image is also in people’s hearts, and it is difficult to abrasive.


and the real guard tree Grandfather is above!

For Little Babble, today is the most special day today! Always special day!

They have seen the real guard tree War PET!

xia mo uncle to the presence of the guard tree that they said!

I thought that it would be a very distant future, but now in the future, it is in front of them.

Guardian tree is true!

is in front of them.

At this moment, their life is so flying, how exciting their life is.

At this moment, their life flew, their life was excited, and they were seen by millions of people in the screen, see it.

They are not HE Fang Little Babble, they also have a happy smile.

smile is like a mountain flower, swaying in the wind, colorful.


and the master Wang secry, watching the TV in the base, Xiaolan saw the big tree Senior with Little Child Ye, with the Little Babble.

“yio ~ yio ~.”

This makes it more heartbeat, and I want to talk to the big tree Senior.

Feel the heart of Xiaolan, as a master, Wang Laoyue immediately wants to achieve it.

knowing xia Mo busy, I can’t help but call him, I want to ask him.

is ignorant, ready to talk to Xia Mo, suddenly the mobile phone is ringing.

has a phone call!

look at it, it is the call of XIa Mo!

Wang Laoyue immediately took the excitement, suddenly, she already had a predict.

she predicated, perhaps XIA Mo call, is to arrange the meta and dialogue of Xiaolang and Big Tree Senior.

because she understands her Xia Mo younger brother!

because of understanding!

“Nakary, your phone can now be up, you must return to the base? Then I will go to the past, with the big tree Grandfather to go to Xiaolan.”

“They are all Plant Type War PET, and they will be friendly. It is like the fellow in the fellow, and the two tears.”

“just, I have already seen the big tree Grandfather to have seen Little Child Ye and Little Babble.”

“I also want the big tree Grandfather to see Xiaolan, see you.”

“Big tree Grandfather saw the Nakamy Sister, and the moon, the moon, it will understand, it will understand how much Mran Milan.”

xia Mo, still not finished, the king of Xia Mo’s call is not smooth.

XIA Mo just calls, for her, not a brocade, but the real provide timely help.

XIA Mo’s heart, there will always be War PET, and his heart has Little Child Ye, with Little Babble, there will be her Xiaolan.

This hero is her good brother forever. She will never forget.

Xiaolan will not forget, XIA Mo’s heart will always have it, always think about it, never forget it.

It is already the best friend!


Old hometown to see the fellow, two tears.

Because Plant Type War PET is rare, Plant Type War PET is easier to feel lonely than PET Beast, is lonely.

So, they will cherish this opportunity to see each other.

Once, it is the case with the Little Babble.

Today, it is true that it is true of the imperial tree pet Senior with hundreds of years old.

This is independent of Realm.

This should be the nature of their Plant Type War PET.

The big tree Grandfather has seen Little Child Ye, has seen Little Babble, see Xiaolan, as happy, even extraordinarily happy.

Xiaolan is still so young, that is, it is one-tentative age, but it is already an emperor, which makes the big tree Grandfather feel that Xiaolan is not affordable.

It is a hundred years old, but also an emperor.

Under the help of Xia Mo, it is just a royal way of Promote Rank.

From this point, Xiaolan has much better than it.

also feels that this is also well related to humans.

It has seen it today, human, even the child’s human beings, is very good for Little Child Ye and Little Babble, today, it has seen a human woman care, powerful is already the martilage It is even more doubtful, she must take Xiaoran carefully.

Human, really follow Plant Type War Pet is a friend!

I saw all this, and the big tree Grandfather was more happy and more excited.

Xiaolan also said many of the stories of many humans and War PETs with big tree Senior.

Many of them see it, many humans die in order to save War PET, this is even its personal experience.

Wang La’s lover, the former master, just die!

has also witnessed many Human War Pet Master and War PET to fight side by side until sacrificed together.

These are the wild tree pets, the big tree Grandfather has not experienced, the feelings are not deep, but now, through the conversation with Xiaolan, it knows more.

understanding human and War PET is a friend’s understanding, and it is deeper.

trust, it is deeper.

As a Plant Type War PET, there are special ways, others don’t understand, I don’t understand, but this does not hinder them feel, how is the exchange of Xiaolan and Big tree Grandfather? Special, how exciting.

Everyone is happy to communicate with them.

It can participate in this Time to participate in this rescue tree, and feel incomparable pride and glory.

In this base, Xia Mo saw also participated in the battle of this to save the tree pet Grandfather task.

XIA Mo is right, takes out a Medicine Pill to him.

I feel that this MEDICINE PILL is expensive. It is also known that the Medicine Pill taken by Xia Mo will never be simple.

just, still will not think that this will be such a NOT Simple’s Medicine Pill.

“Give Lingboba. Ling Bo is eaten, you should be able to Promote Rank.”

War PET experience Taiji Dan, according to the age and experience of WAR PET, the highest can make War Pet constantly spend the Promote Rank to the Crossing!

XIA Mo newly obtained System reward, also only ten exists!

XIA Mo said, more than letting the battle against the battle, let the other War Squadron around the Shen War are shocked by those who hear the sentence of xia Mo.

An a MEDICINE PILL can be able to spend the War PET in PROMOTE RANK?

Even I believe in the magic of Xia Mo, at this moment, I will have some people who can’t believe this will be true.

Because this has exceeded their awareness.

It is difficult to believe that the Imperiality is so unimaginable, and it can also be done by an Medicine Pill.

This is Impossible in their cognition.

realm is a experience, it is difficult to pass Medicine Pill Breakthrough, King Tier is hard to use Medicine Pill directly to Breakthrough, not to say that it is Legendary.

This simply is an impossible thing!

If this is not XIA Mo say this, change the other people, it will be used as an idiot, and no one will believe.

seems to understand everyone’s expression, XIA Mo is explained to everyone: “In fact, this Medicine Pill is not able to let all the imperial War Pets Promote Rank. This life experience is rich in War Pet Promote Rank. It is a promote rank machine that missed for various reasons. The new Jin dynasty, the young emperor, eating, there is no such opportunity. Because , Experience and strength STIOUGH. I think, with Lingbrew’s life experience, it should have the opportunity to take this Medicine Pill, Promote Rank Immodent. You can find a time, let Lingbu try it. Success is successful It is not lost. I think this Medicine Pill has not allowed the Lingber Promote Rank Immort, the Emperor PEAK will always have. “

It turned out to be a Medicine Pill, which would not let all the imperings Promote Rank Immort!

It sounds like this, it seems to be much trustworthy.

However, the reaction is still a shock.

Although it is not perfect, it is not the Medicine Pill of the Promote Rank, but it is more real, more precious.

After all, it can make it like Lingbo, before LifeSpan has to go to the end of the Emperor, glow freshmen, get the opportunity to get the Promote Rank!

This opportunity is that anyone dares to think!

“Brother XIA, you give me such a valuable Medicine Pill, how can I repay you in Shen Wan!”

For the gang battle, this is really hard to report!

After all, it is non-pro.

This is the Medicine Pill that allows War Pet Prote Rank.


is so precious, with a priceless treasure to describe it is completely too much!

This brother makes it, Biological Brother, a mother, and may not be able to give this selfless!

This has almost a fight.

If it is not XIA Mo pull, he is already there.

“then let Ling Bo are powerful, kill a few EXTRATERRIAL DEMON beast.” XIA Mo Faintly Smiled, telling the battle, this is what he wants.

then, it is a clean and neat left here.

“Brother XIA!” XIA Mo is just like this, and it is not expected that Shen War is not expected.

is really the first time I saw such a hero, so helping others nor a person returned.

It can make the Medicine Pill of the War Pet Promote Rank Immortal, you can give him a return!

This world is afraid that in addition to xia Mo, you can’t find the second!

Other people understand this, at this moment they come together on the eyes of the back of the back.

becomes the same.

Leading admiration!


xia Mo has not forgotten the promise to the small fish.

He promised to take a small fish to see the big tree Grandfather after the life!

Now, he came to Fenglin Village with a big tree Grandfather, and he watched the small fish!

Let the small fish have been safe, live big tree grandfather.

The small fish is more happy, the tail continues to shoot the water, and there will be a few large circles in the water.

Although the small fish is a different kind of War PET, the small fish is no longer a Plant Type War PET you have seen before, but the big tree Grandfather saw such concerns that care about it, I think this is Partners, even the first eye, this is a rare good friend.

“friends … Friends.” The big tree Grandfather also said the same words on the small fish.

Feel the heartfather of the big tree Grandfather, the tail of the small fish, more efforts to shoot the water, all the body explore the surface, try to talk to the big tree Grandfather dialogue.

For the small fish, pay a big tree friend and a happy thing is the same.

is very happy.


Bangcheng, the federal soul of the federal.

xia Mo has a big tree War PET appeared above the federal square.

This land, for the federal, especially sacred, is the land of the federal soul.

I want the big tree Grandfather to better understand human world, Bang City can’t come.

does not seem to be a long-haired Great Wall.

xia Mo will always bring it here, come to the state.

Even if the big tree Grandfather is wild Pet Beast, but the same is a federal land to have it. It is also a federal people at this moment. It should come here to see it. Take a walk.

Suddenly a tall tree pet on the federal square, this Not AT ALL made any federal people’s officers, which will only make every federal people feel proud.

“big tree grandfather!”

“big tree grandfather! Hello!”

“big tree grandfather, hello!”

is already at noon, many students, a lot of people getting off work, all passing the federal square, I saw the big tree pet, they immediately excitedly waved with it, many people excitedly shouting big Tree Grandfather, Greater Grandfather!

“friends … Friends!” I have been to several human cities, come to every place, will be welcomed, come here, the same, let the big tree tree feel the friendly, humans Jut, it is as very excited to tell you, we are friends, Eternal Friends!

“big tree grandfather!”

“big tree grandfather!”

Listening to the big tree Grandfather and they are friends, many of younigster have been with exciting like Child, more exciting, more exciting, shouting big tree grandfather, blood, hot, hot hot !

“friends … Friends!” Every time, the big tree Grandfather will respond to human enthusiasm.

Each time it responds, there will be more people, more Mountain Cry Out And Sea Howl, the big tree Grandfather!

This time, the big tree Grandfather feels the enthusiasm of the entire federation, a whole of the federal friendship.

It feels happiness, unusual happiness.


xia Mo is more than a big tree with big tree Grandfather, but also left the remaining nine War PET experience Taiji Dan to the Bang City, let Bang City are allocated to other domain, giving other images Ling Bo can have the opportunity to take the WAR PET of the Promote Rank.

Heroes have said that they will have more Empress!

At that time, they all thought that the sentence was not a slogan, and the hero was also very distant.

Now, they know that the hero is not so distant, that is, today, he can do what he can do.

This nine Medicine Pill, plus one that has been given to the domain of War Squadron Captain, XIA Mo can bring ten Emperor War PETs to the federal!

This kind of merit, let the federal do not know how to announce.

They don’t want to keep their confidentiality, I really don’t know how to publish it.

This merit is already unyielding!

The nobles of hero are also difficult to describe text.


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