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“We … have King Tier … War Pet Master equipment!”

The picture in front of you can’t help but tears in your eyes.

xiangling city is just a small place!

xiangling city, in a few months ago, in the face of King Beast offense, it is dangerous!

xiangling city’s Adventurer, before the strength is generally very weak, very poor!

Many Adventurer are sacrificing, WAR PET is also sacrifice!

At that time, then the future, it couldn’t see the future!

At that time, who could think of it, how would XIANGLING CITY be like a few months?

The federal will look now?

Before, a city also got a king-class war square!

Now, the Emperor War Squadron, they all have several!

The beast, they are all!

Today, they have a lot of fun and proud things, they have King Tier War Pet Master equipment!

Looking at XIA Anan, wearing the equipment, shining in the sun, even if he is an old man, a veteran, a director, a person who has experienced how many wind and rain, life and death, one People who have experienced the wind cream, he still can’t help but tears.

This is not a future!

is not, it is already now!

King Tier War Pet Master equipment, it is shining in front of you, it is not the future, it is already looking now!

is that person!

is a hero, bringing them all!

xiangling city is just a very small city, a very small town, but he has made the entire federation of Known to Everyone, the small town has long.


He has heard someone else, and others call their city, heroic city!

xiangling city, because of him, he became the heroic city in the population!

How many times in the federation, this honor, only one city!

How glory is!

How proud!

How does it make people involuntarily tears?


“We have King Tier War Pet Master equipment!”

“We have King Tier War Pet Master equipment!”

The Confident, the mood of Major Event, why not follow the director Meng Shanwei.

even, like each Adventurer of the federal!

They also see the video!

in a very common very old street, a girl, wearing gorgeous equipment, in the sun, color!

The street in the video is so ordinary, it seems that it is like an old town!

However, it is such an ordinary place, then there is so unusual equipment!

because it is the hero city!

How it is ordinary, how small, the population is only a million, and how long it is far, because he is born in the state, that is, in the eyes of everyone, it will never be ordinary!

That is a city where he is a hero, it is the heroic city in their hearts, the only one!

“We have King Tier War Pet Master equipment!”

“We have King Tier War Pet Master equipment!”

How much Adventurer, no matter where it is, it is shouting out this sentence, excited, proud, pride!

Although it is actually, some people have come out their King Tier War Pet Master equipment, but those people are different.

they are not civilians!

The equipment they come out, just to show off, let the civilians envy!

, hero is not the same!

hero, he is a civilian!

Everything he does is for civilians!

He also represents civilians!

The King Tier War Pet Master equipment he taken out is to be able to pay attention to the epoch!

From this moment, this means that civilians can also start with King Tier War Pet Master equipment!

It is no longer rare, so that civilians are trying to exist!

now, maybe many people can’t buy, but believe, how long does it take, they can buy it in the War Pet store!

Everyone can buy it!

This is completely different!

This is a few people, and the difference between everyone, essentially difference!

So, will they see that King Tier War Pet Master equipment in Hero City will be so excited!

because it is completely different!

is completely different!

The civilian began to have King Tier War Pet Master equipment!

Heroes also said, let this world, let this street wear people equipped with King Tier War Pet Master, they, every person!

These people are you, it is me, it is him!

is not the same!

King Tier War Pet Master equipment, no longer showing the capital of a few people.

It will return to the real role, protect every War Pet Master security, so that every King Tier War Pet Master can have!

is essential!

so, so many Adventurer will be so exciting!

that is different, really different!

This is really a new era, it’s really coming, the speed of coming, it is better than they imagined!

is not long ago, hero is the arrival of the War Pet Master equipment era, and now, now, they all see King Tier War Pet Master equipment!

Online, they all saw, many people are equipped in the Tier Four War Pet Master equipped in the WAR PET store in Hero City!

Many civilian Adventurer have bought it!

War PET Master equipment, really started to spread!

Although it is only in heroic city, because heroes, only start there!

, but it is as exciting, big fun!

will start there, one day later, they will follow!

Because that person, he is not only the hero of xiangling city, he is a federal hero!

He will make the entire federal Adventurer get such equipment, and each of them is so unswervingly believes in him, never doubts, full of expectations!

Now, whether it is a short video, or a news platform, WAR PET Master equipment is currently the biggest hot!

I have obtained the AdventUro of the Heroic City, which has been equipped with WAR PET MASTER, has begun to test the WAR PET MASTER equipment!

Some of the video released by Adventurer, it is already possible to see that Tier Four War PET Master equipment can effectively block the powerful blow of Tier Four War PET!

To know, if there is no equipment, this time, War PET Master may have been killed!

However, as long as wearing equipment, you can bear this, so that you are just injured, but life is absolutely!

This test has proved that one piece of equipment is equal to making your life add a guard lock, so that you have a life!

makes people will fall, sacrifice!

people can’t help but think of this, this equipment will help human beings reduce how much Adventurer’s sacrifice!

How many people’s blood can not flow!

How many WAR PET does not have to sacrifice together!

just think about this future, you can’t help but make every Adventurer feel that today is a day!

They really entered the era of WAR PET Master equipment!

really entered!

For fighting, their vision and vision, it has no difference!

Bangcheng obviously has already seen all this, so Bangcheng will immediately contact Major Event, the Sergeant, Xiangling City City Defense Bureau, arranged a federal TV station to follow up, I hope to report this thing, The entire federal billionaire announced that they really started to enter the WAR PET Master equipment era!

This change is certainly the seven-point files in the evening, and today it is only!

The interview team of the Federal Communications has been waiting for an interview with hero. After the hero is so much huge merits, they have not interviewed the hero in IMMEDITELY.

Because hero is too busy!

The federation does not want to disturb them.

This is still the same, this time, although they can start, but still, the task of interview has a focus, today focuses on equipment, not hero!

Although it is still unable to interview the hero they most want to interview, I can go to the interview to shoot King Tier War Pet Master equipment, they are all being satisfied, I feel proud.

They also understand the meaning of this set of equipment, as an important sign of the epoch!

A child, like Han Xiaoming, calling the phone of Xiangling City City Defense Bureau, telling the operator Aunt, he is not in the hero city, can’t buy the hero’s equipment, many people are like him, I want to ask the hero, afterwards Can you go to more places to sell equipment, let more people can buy such WAR PET MASTER equipment. They really want to get WAR PET MASTER equipment!

Although it is Child’s problem, Xiangling City City Defense Bureau is really forward to XIA MO.

xia mo personally dials this child’s phone, telling him: “Now, we have a treasure beast! Uncle can take a treasurer beast Afu, small stones, fog, Ballz, Xiaomonal moon they appear in any One place, can be the field of fighting, is the place where Adventurer is fighting, or it can be a hometown of every Adventurer. Everyone has the opportunity to buy cheap, also a good quality WAR PET MASTER equipment. In the future, there will be more Many War Pet Cultivator will sell WAR PET MASTER equipment, soon, everyone can buy their own WAR PET MASTER equipment. “

“Thank you uncle! Thank you uncle!” Get the hero personally rebounded, for a child, it has affected his life.

This phone is so meaningful, Child puts his call with hero with the help of Teacher.

City Defense Bureau is also the same as the same message.

“, you are fighting with WAR PET in front of the wild, you will encounter a tour with Jubao beast, passing by you, you can buy a beautiful WAR PET MASTER equipped. He may also buy a lot of materials that can make equipment, refining Medicine Pill from you, then produce equipment and refining Into a Pill drugs, selling to more like you, “

After your hometown, whether it is a small mountain village, or the streets of the big city, it may have the same situation. War Pet Master Nurturing Master tour, with the treasure beast, you can buy things anytime, anywhere Many WAR PET related Item! “

The message is released, and there is a storm between Adventurer!

This is the most concerned issue before!

Didn’t Expect a child, has already asked the hero, heroes also gave an answer!

Hero’s answer, let them understand, they don’t have to worry about Adventurer they are not the hero city, there is no chance to buy such WAR PET MASTER equipment!

Heroes will bring his gathering, like the last time to save the big tree Grandfather, the footprint takes over the federal land north-south, and each of them may touch the hero and his gathering in a certain day. Buy the same favorite WAR PET Master Equipment and Medicine Pill!


This means that even if they are not in the heroic city, they have great opportunities, many people can buy their favorite WAR PET MASTER equipment, or Medicine Pill, or for War Pet CultiVation!

Heroes can do it!

The hero’s treasure beast can do!

They have already expected that one day in the wild, I met the hero with Jubaoyo tour, I touched him, say hello to him, say herole, then, buy many Item from him, and Selling many of many of the raw materials he need, let him make more MEDICINE PILL, WAR PET MASTER equipment, selling to others!

Everyone is me, that is, I am people!

This is the ecology of WAR PET MASTER and Adventurer World!

I have ecosions in the past, but it has already been destroyed by the hardship, now, the hero is re-establishing this ecology!

If they re-saw the glory of the War Pet Master, the brilliant War PET!

Revival, it is no longer a prediction and look, it is already coming, but it is enough to speed!

Everyone can see it in the near future, touch him, people are excited!

Teacher and classmates also saw the video on the Internet, I recognized XIA Anan, I know that she has King Tier War Pet Master equipment, and the students have called, I hope xia Anan can take King Tier War Pet Master equipment. Go to school, let everyone look at it. Teacher also proposes the same request. City Defense Bureau also told her that the Federal TV station also took a camera to take the details of King Tier War Pet Master equipment. So all this is arranged in school.

In the afternoon, XIA Anan will take King Tier War Pet Master to school, where teachers and students can see King Tier War Pet Master equipment, and the camcorder of the federal communication table can also shoot them there. Want to shoot the King Tier War Pet Master equipment detail.

To serve on TV at night!

seven-point file!

XIA Anan naturally understands that all of this is very significant!

naturally understand, Big Brother gives her this set of King Tier War Pet Master equipment, not just a set of equipment, it is more than more than countless significance, she will never Will I forget.

She still has to bring her King Tier War Pet Master equipment, but also bring another set of King Tier War Pet Master equipped!

King Tier War Pet Master equipment, men’s clothing!

Since it is a designed, it is necessary to shoot a complete King Tier War PET Master equipment!

This is also a request to XIA Mo together with the Federal TV Station and the City Defense Bureau.

, they also hope that when XIA Mo is active, we can wear such equipment to accept a number of hero medals such as the Silver Federal Star Medal.

I didn’t appear for a long time, and the King Tier War Pet Master equipment representing human War PET World is accepting the medal, which will inspire the entire federation, inspiring the entire human world!

promotion is also a battle!

XIA Mo understands this truth will only promise with the Slightest Hesitation. Although he said, do not make men’s clothing, but because this sudden change, there is also a change plan.

Before the start of the afternoon, the Men’s King Tier War PET Master equipment is made, and XIA Mo has begun to be busy. After lunch, I haven’t worried, I have passed Southern Border, in the federal level, and CITY Defense Bureau from Southern Border works, urgently looking for more materials needed to make equipment.

Everyone knows this, everyone is very happy to have such an accident, because there is no such accident, their xia mo Big Brother must not make men’s clothing first, but will give the girls first. Make King Tier War Pet Master equipment.

They like this accident, because they all love their Captain, they all want their Captain, I can put on a set of King Tier War Pet Master equipments that belong to him, and wear them belong to him. Honor kaisha!

They all look forward to seeing it, will let all the complete King Tier War Pet Master men’s clothing and women’s clothing!

Only two sets of equipment appear together, that is complete, true complete!

They appear together, will be more exciting this already excited World!

It will be a more exciting World, which is more expected!


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