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“Little Ash.”


Looking at their promote rank, what really made the owner Xia Anan want to cry.

I can’t help but think of it, but it was less than half a year ago, when they were still a few levels of strength.

How can you think that today, they are already promote rank emperor beasts!

“Little White!”

For Su Lanqing, the mood is not the same.

Lan Ying’er, Liu Xu’er, everyone, is not the same mood.

Those ordinary Adventurers, how can they think of their War Pet, today will promote rank emperor?

It is really unimaginable that in the era when the future of mankind is the most dim, the War Pet Master world of Dharma End Era will suddenly burst out of such a brilliant picture of prosperity.

This is like a dream to everyone.

A sweet dream that people can’t even dream of dreaming!

It’s really incredible.

Too people willing to dream long without waking up!


“Will win!”

“We will win!”

In the headquarters of the City Defense Bureau, everyone felt the victory and was excited about it.

The host of the TV station also said that they have seen victory.

The entire Xiangling City and even the entire Federation, hundreds of millions of people were excited at once.

That power, across thousands of mountains and rivers, Xia Mo can feel it.

That power is so powerful!

He felt it.

However, I suddenly felt a heart palpitations!

“How could this be!”

“I was very happy just now.”

“How come my heart palpitations suddenly!”

“What the hell is wrong!”


“Xia Mo, you have to think!”

“There must be something wrong!”

At this time of excitement, Xia Mo’s heart suddenly felt a wave of mountain cry out and sea howl uneasy from the impact, which made his heart palpitations.

His brain, at this time, has been brainstorming.

Go through everything in my mind, trying to find the reason that makes him feel vaguely disturbed at this time.

Thousands of screens flashed by.

Not even the fastest supercomputer.

However, Xia Mo suddenly locked a silhouette of the Extraterrestrial Demon Lord Warrior.

Just a very ordinary silhouette, not even the silhouette you see today.

However, his eyes suddenly opened.

I understand it at once!

Then what makes him feel palpitations!

He understands, he understands it all!

Then, as soon as he looked up, he saw that the only remaining five Extraterrestrial monster warriors suddenly lifted into the air, separated from the beast tide, and went to three space-time rifts respectively.

At this time, it’s too late!

Too late to say!

The silhouette of Xia Mo was broadcast live on TV and disappeared from everyone’s eyes.

The signal from the battle recorder on his body also turned into a snowflake after a glitch.

“Lost contact with the hero!”

“What the hell happened!”

“Find out now!”

“Find out now!”

Meng Shanwei, the experienced director, suddenly felt a great anxiety.

Obviously when I was about to feel the victory, I also felt a great anxiety.

An indescribable sense of crisis also made his heart palpitations.


Before the space-time rift, the Extraterrestrial Demon Lord warrior who arrived quickly, made a one-second stop.

Huge long curly fingers, pressed a few symbols on the mysterious text button on the arm, and clicked at the end.

Something seemed to happen all at once.

But, they already don’t care anymore.

Turning around without the slightest hesitation is to enter the rift of time and space.

The order to explode has been issued!

Everything will be annihilated in the explosion of countless King Beasts, Emperor Beasts, and Emperor Beasts in this beast tide.

And the shame of their failure, they will all be annihilated together!

That human being is indeed very powerful!

In such an absolute overwhelming advantage, they killed that many demon master warrior companions and countless powerful demonic beasts.

This is indeed beyond their expectations.

This makes them never think that they will deal with a human like this one day.

They need to explode the entire beast tide, so that all King Beast, Emperor Beast, Emperor Beast, blew themselves together.

Use that unimaginable power of Star Nucleus Cube to destroy all of this and annihilate it!

That would be more terrifying than the nuclear explosion of human beings!


“The mist of time and space in the animal tide disappears!”

“Demonic beast stopped its action!”

“It seems to be asleep!”

“Emergency warning! All demonic beast Star Nucleus Cubes are detected at a rapid Promote energy level!”

On the earth, countless demonic beasts seem to be asleep, no longer moving.

It’s just that in their bodies, the source of all the demonic beast powers, all of which, after receiving instructions, suddenly all power Promote together!

Operate in a way that exceeds the power limit that their Star Nucleus Cube can withstand!

Such a powerful force suddenly made their alloy bodies become transparent like glass.

The mysterious and powerful blue light comes out through the body and rushes into the sky.

On the ground outside the city, it suddenly seemed to be dotted with pearls, deep blue pearls all over the ground.

At this time, everyone in the city felt it, and understood what Extraterrestrial Demon Beast was going to do.

They can no longer imagine how many emperor beasts and emperor beasts in this tide of beasts, they blew themselves together, more than a dust that will annihilate Xiangling City, will not be left, let the entire planet, I am afraid it will be unbearable!

That was the most terrifying second I’ve ever imagined.

Everyone has a foreboding that the end of the world is really coming!

Everyone does not seem to feel scared, because it is too late to feel scared.

It will be very soon, the annihilation of all materials, won’t it?

It won’t hurt.

The entire planet may be over!

Don’t try to escape, the entire planet may be ruined, even if you hide in a strong underground shelter, what’s the use?

The planet is all passed away, nothing can shelter you!


“Demonic beast must be self-destructed!”

People from the City Defense Bureau also discovered this.

At the same time, their other team members also confirmed the position of the hero!

“Found the hero’s position! Hero, entered the rift of time and space!”

Screen Flash, they saw the hero following the Extraterrestrial Demon Lord Warrior into the rift of time and space.

That is the passage of time and space that no human has ever entered!

No human beings, maybe no one even thought about going along the time and space passage where the Extraterrestrial Demon Lord Warrior came in, and then what would happen!

That is an unimaginable world!

Must be terrifying than death!

“It’s too late!”

“There are three space-time rifts, but he can only enter one.”

“Even if he succeeded in beheading two Extraterrestrial Demon Lord Warriors, it would only prevent the massive demonic beasts under the control of the Two Extraterrestrial Demon Lord Warriors from exploding!”

“The rest, the demonic beasts controlled by other demon master warriors will still explode.”

“The final result is that we will all be annihilated!”

“What is the difference between annihilation ten thousand times and annihilation one time!”

“There is no difference!”

This time, even if he always believed in heroes, the director Meng Shanwei, who believed that he would always bring miracles, all had a foreboding. This time, miracles would never happen again.

Never again!

Accept it.

The destruction of the entire world.

However, the only thing worthy of comfort at this time is that maybe Xia Mo, a hero in another world, will not die.

Maybe, he might avenge the entire human race.

Although, that is possible, the probability of one person against the entire monster warrior planet is one in tens of billions, and infinitesimal is nearly impossible forever.

However, at this time, at the last moment of life, people can only think so comfortably!

All that is left is to close your eyes and wait for the sudden explosion. Before you hear the sound, then the entire world will be shattered and annihilated.

The world annihilation enters the countdown.


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