Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 100 The Big Tortoise Shell Protects Zhou Tian

Behind the banquet table, Elder Ming Zong smiled and said to Mingkong Zilin: "See, this is the power of the knife-blocking earth figurine curse.

Although it is classified as a defensive spell, it is actually a substitute spell. Whenever the caster is attacked, the clay figurine will switch places with the caster.

Haha, I asked Zheng Qiu to practice this spell for more than a month, drawing from morning to night every day. "

Mingkong Zilin showed joy on her face, but she immediately thought of another question: "Old man Ming Zong, there is a limit to the substitute spell, what is the range of this spell to replace the body shape?"

"Well... about twenty-five feet. It's enough, and Zheng Qiu can't throw it that far."

In the open space, Ge An swung a small hammer and hit Zheng Qiu's head for the third time. Like the previous two times, what he finally hit was a clay figurine.

Every time Zheng Qiu changed positions, he would throw the ball of paper he had prepared in his hand far away, and run away from the ball of paper himself.

The distance thrown by the ball of paper, plus Zheng Qiu’s running distance, was at least twenty feet, and the time it took Ge An to finish running twenty feet was enough for Zheng Qiu to draw the next spell pattern.

Ge An tried a few more times, but still got nothing.

"I can't keep chasing like this!" He checked his strength and found that one-fifth of it had been consumed, but the number of attacks just now was not many, it seemed that it was wasted while running.

"I don't know how many heaven and earth crystals that kid still has hidden, so I have to find a way."

Zheng Qiu ran for a while, but did not hear Ge An's footsteps. He turned his head and found Ge An standing in the middle of the open space, frowning and thinking hard.

Why don't you come after me? This is different from what the master said.

He couldn't help but feel a little anxious, the duration of the sword-blocking clay figurine was only 120 breaths, and when the time was up, the clay figurine would collapse and dissipate.

But he can't recruit new clay figurines now, for the double effect of the spell to appear, there can only be one clay figurine in the open space. If he recruits the second one now and Ge An attacks him directly, he will not be able to change positions.

To be on the safe side, Zheng Qiu tucked the ball of paper under his arm, took out a blank piece of paper, and began to draw another curse pattern, which was different from the sword-blocking clay figurine curse.

Ge An stood there thinking, and at the same time took this opportunity to regain his strength. After a long time, he suddenly found that the clay figurines recruited by Zheng Qiu showed signs of cracking and collapsing.

"The duration of the spell is up! Boy, let me see where you are going to escape this time!" Ge An smiled slightly, squatting down and getting ready to run.

Crashing, the clay figurine finally couldn't maintain its shape, and broke into large and small mud clods scattered all over the ground.

At the moment when the figurines collapsed, Ge An stomped hard on the ground, crackling, spider web-like cracks spread from his feet, and his body shot out blue light bands towards Zheng Qiu like an arrow flying from the string.

So fast! Zheng Qiu was taken aback, hurriedly recited the formula, and threw the ball of paper into the distance.

But Ge'an had been prepared for a long time, and the paper ball had just been thrown five or six feet before he was stopped by a pillar of his air.

Pat, the ball of paper fell to the ground and began to condense into clay figurines.

Zheng Qiu's face turned pale immediately, the clay figurines were only five feet away from him, and Ge An could reach them in the blink of an eye, it was too close.

Zheng Qiu hurriedly took out the spell pattern that he had just drawn, and hurriedly took out the Heaven and Earth Crystal from his sleeve.

Boom, Ge An's hammer hit the Zhongtu figurine again, but the hammer did not stop, and immediately flashed with flames, hitting Zheng Qiu, who had just shifted his position five feet away.

At this time, Zheng Qiu had already counted four golden heaven and earth crystals and three brown heaven and earth crystals, and broke them off.

Then he picked up the white paper with mantra patterns on it to cover the Heaven and Earth Crystal, and said loudly and quickly: "The heavens are in all directions, the gods have orders, and the silver-armored tortoise with stone patterns gives it a name, and the heavens will protect thousands of soldiers, and it will be successful!"

As soon as the words fell, two streams of silver and brown mist suddenly emerged from the white paper in Zheng Qiu's hand, and the brown mist immediately turned into gray-white rocks.

And the silver mist turned into thick iron plates.

The rocks are spliced ​​together to form a stone surface, and the iron plates are inlaid on the stone surface in a hexagonal shape, which looks like a silver-gray turtle back from a distance.

Immediately afterwards, the silver-gray tortoise's back extended to the surroundings, quickly forming a half-person-high ball, wrapping Zheng Qiu inside.

At that moment, Ge An's hammer hit the iron plate heavily, making a loud noise. As the white air exploded, the two iron plates fell from the spherical surface together with a large handful of gravel.

But silver and brown mist immediately overflowed from the gaps in the spherical surface, turning into new iron plates and rocks, restoring the spherical surface to its original state.

With the smash just now, Ge An felt as if he had hit a big iron ball, his arms were sore and numb from the shock, as if his bones were brittle.

He blew away the water vapor, and found that in front of him was a big ball half a person's height, with a rocky bottom and an iron plate as its armor. Ge An walked around and couldn't find a place to attack. He picked up a small hammer and knocked on it, dang, dang, the inside was hollow.

He opened his throat and shouted at the big ball: "Boy, come out! Do you hear me? Come out!"

Soon, Zheng Qiu's answer came from inside: "Not coming out!"

Hearing this, Ge An became furious, raised his foot and kicked the big ball heavily.

"Ouch!" He hugged his feet and rubbed vigorously, but the big ball didn't move at all, as if it had taken root on the ground, and there wasn't even a footprint left on the ball.

What can I do? Ge An kept spinning around the big ball.

He didn't know how many heaven and earth crystals this spell would cost, and he didn't know how many heaven and earth crystals Zheng Qiu had on him. In the case of being unable to break through the spell defense, waiting might be the only option.

Inside the big ball, Zheng Qiu squatted down and poured out all the hidden heaven and earth crystals. Then, using the light coming in from the gap, he picked out the golden and brown heaven and earth crystals, broke them off one by one, and put them on the white paper at his feet.

Every time a new heaven and earth crystal was placed, he took down the colorless stone crystal on the paper. The white paper continuously released silver and brown mist, which flowed into the big ball.

This mantra is exactly the Zhou Tian Tortoise Armor Mantra that Master Ming Zong taught him.

The Zhoutian Tortoise Shell Curse requires two types of power from heaven and earth to cast, one is the golden metal type, and the other is the brown rock-soil type.

The defensive ability of this spell is quite strong, like the big ball that Zheng Qiu summoned with only seven heaven and earth crystals, it can completely resist the attack of Qihuajing.

But Zhou Tian Tortoise Armor Curse has a disadvantage, it needs to continuously provide the power of heaven and earth, and the amount of this supply is also very huge.

In fact, in order to maintain a big ball that resists the attack of Qihua Realm, the power of heaven and earth is needed, which can only be provided by those above the God Transformation Realm, and the defeat of the Spirit Transformation Realm is just a matter of gestures.

Of course, in addition to casting with energy, the Zhoutian Tortoise Shell Curse can also be cast with heaven and earth crystals, and if the heaven and earth crystals are used to provide the power of heaven and earth, Zheng Qiu's current situation will appear, burning the heaven and earth crystals is faster than burning paper.

Unable to drag it on forever, Zheng Qiu looked at the situation outside through the gap, and Ge An was circling around the big ball.

Although the process is somewhat different, the situation of the circle is exactly what the master expected. Next, prepare to defeat Ge An according to the method the master said.

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