Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 1022 Meteor Aims at Guangxin Sect

The star official left palm sighed, wondering if there were any sects or villages in the direction where the meteor fell.

If there were any, none of those unlucky ones would be able to escape, and they would all be bombarded to death by the shock wave.

With a sound, a stream of silver and blue light fell on the observatory, revealing the appearance and figure of a middle-aged woman.

The women's clothing is very similar to that of Zuo Zhang Xingguan, the only difference is the color of the stars on the clothing, which is silver and blue.

"You didn't stay on the observatory on the right, why did you come here?"

It turns out that the middle-aged woman is the right palm star official, responsible for controlling the right star of destiny.

The star official on the right palm looked at the yellow and white ball in the sky, and said: "I'm not blind, of course I can see that big meteor passing by the edge of Chentian Wonderland just now.

But there is no display on the right star of Tianming, and the trajectory of the meteor cannot be detected.

I suspect that there is something wrong with the right star of destiny, so I come to you to see, can you detect the shooting star just now on the left star of destiny? "

The Star Officer Left Palm shrugged and shook his head: "We can't detect it!

I have checked the Destiny Left Star many times, and there is nothing wrong with the magic weapon itself, and every component is intact.

Perhaps there are other reasons that we cannot know, so the trajectory of the meteor cannot be detected. "

The Guangxin Sect of Yunxiu Continent, Linshan Mountain and Eighteenth Han Luofeng are still as usual, with more or less disciples and elders gathered in each square to share their own cultivation experience routinely.

Suddenly, they felt that the surrounding environment was brighter, as if the sunlight suddenly became much more intense.

Many people looked up, but this look made them so shocked that they sat down on the ground.

God, what is this overhead, such a huge fireball, it is brighter than the sun.

Shouts of exclamation came and went, resounding throughout the mountains and plains.

Soon, the elders and disciples discovered that the fireball in the sky was getting bigger and bigger.

The elders, who were more experienced, immediately realized that the fireball was a shooting star, so they mobilized their energy and shouted to let the disciples fly out of the Guangxin Sect.

Among them, the three elders who were closest to the Leiyin Hall in Linshan rushed into the hall without touching their feet, and quickly reported the situation to the suzerain.

"Sovereign, there is a meteor falling above my sect, and the location seems to be... that is Mount Lin!"

"Sovereign, the meteor looks very large, what should I do?"

"We have sent our disciples to fly outside the sect. If they fly fast enough, we can reduce casualties."

Suzerain Wangxin Supreme Ma Qing is sitting on a pure gold round platform, which is floating in the air.

He raised his head to look up at the roof, borrowing the effect of the Sea of ​​​​Bitter Beings Platform, the spiritual power penetrated the roof of the Leiyin Hall and watched the sky spread.

Fiery feeling, powerful impact.

That's right, he really sensed the meteor.

And also felt that the size of the meteor is so huge, as long as it falls, I am afraid that Linshan and Eighteen Han Luofeng will be flattened.

The falling meteor is a mighty force of heaven and earth, and it is difficult to rely on manpower to counteract it. Letting the disciples fly away as soon as possible before falling is the most common and best method.

When a meteor hits the ground, it will generate a powerful shock wave, and the rocky soil on the ground will splash at an alarming speed. If it remains on the ground, it may be smashed into a pulp by earth and rocks in an instant.

As long as they fly in the air and fly far enough, the only things they will suffer are shock waves and heat waves.

For cultivators, these two types of damage are easier to resist, and easier to save their lives.

However, the meteor in the sky was too big, and it was heading straight for Linshan.

Wang Xin Zhizun knew that he had to do some resistance, even if he couldn't stop the meteor from falling, it would be better to reduce some impact force.

If the force of the impact can be reduced to a controllable range, the power of the shock wave can be greatly reduced, and the Eighteen Han Luofeng of the Guangxin Sect can be preserved.

The suzerain, Ma Qing, still had an extravagant hope in his heart, hoping that the various formations of the sect would perform supernormally, and keep Linshan together.

He stopped retreating, and gave orders quickly while receiving his power.

"The three of you should hurry up and let all the elders who stay in the sect activate the mountain guard formation.

Don't be stingy with the heaven and earth crystals, as much as you can stuff in the eyes of each formation.

The defensive formations of each square and each building are also opened, and the action is fast to protect as many places as possible. "

Hearing the suzerain's words, the three elders immediately understood and understood that the suzerain wanted to preserve the Guangxin sect's foundation as much as possible.

At this moment, every breath time is crucial, the three elders rushed out of Leiyin Hall to deliver the message without hesitation.

In the main hall, the suzerain Ma Qing finally stopped the operation of the kung fu and jumped off the stage of the sea of ​​suffering.

As soon as he left the golden platform, the luster on the surface of the platform immediately dimmed, and it slowly fell to the ground.

Ma Qing raised his foot and wanted to fly out of Leiyin Hall to help the elders open the mountain guard formation as soon as possible, but he suddenly froze when he raised his foot in the air.

Let me add a word, the reading app I am using recently, 【 \\Mi\\Mi\\Reading\\app \\\\ 】There are many sources of books, all books, and fast updates!

He turned his head and glanced at the Kuhai Zhongshengtai, thinking: "Just now I sensed it with my spiritual power, and I can tell that the falling meteor body is huge.

Even if all the formations of the Guangxin Sect are activated and the defense can be strengthened to the limit, it is estimated that most of the buildings in Linshan, the center of the fall, will still not be able to survive.

The Kuhai Zhongsheng Platform is the most precious treasure of the Guangxin Sect. Although its method of use has been lost, its current function is not as good as the common magic weapon.

However, the descriptions handed down by the ancestors of past dynasties are always correct, saying that the Kuhai Zhongshengtai is a magic weapon comparable to a magic weapon, which can enable people to obtain the ultimate and magnificent power.

This force is like the sun, moon and stars, like mountains and rivers.

The owner is the collection of all things, the long-cherished wish of all living beings, and the bright light of the sea of ​​suffering. "

Ma Qing didn't know that the description handed down by the patriarch was somewhat exaggerated, but at least these words could prove the value of Kuhai Zhongshengtai.

You must know that the ancestors of all dynasties have never had such a high evaluation of other treasures in the Guangxin Sect.

The meteor is about to hit the earth, and there are not many things that I can take out.

Forget it, I don’t have time to go to the storeroom to dig out other treasures, so I just take this Bitter Sea of ​​Beings.

Thinking of this, Ma Qing stepped onto the golden platform, and after standing on the platform, it began to float and fly slowly.

But this time he didn't sit down to practice, but urged Qi Jin to use the method of supporting light, let Qi Jin wrap around the golden platform from the outside, and then smashed open the window with the golden platform and flew out.

As soon as he flew out of the Leiyin Hall, he saw that the entire Linshan Mountain was illuminated by red light, and there was a deafening thunder in the sky. The sound alone brought pressure that made people tremble violently.

Ma Qing looked up, eyes full of surprise.

What a big meteor, it was so big, it was like a mountain breaking through the air and falling down.

This kind of shocking scene was the first time I had seen it since I was born, and it almost caught my eyes firmly and couldn't move away.

Of course, apart from being amazed, he also felt extremely depressed, what's wrong with the Guangxin Sect, that a meteor fell towards the sect, and it was so big.

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