Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 1032 The giant snake was an old acquaintance

Listening to Guangxin Zong's junior brother's description, everyone felt chills down their backs, and the purgatory-like scene appeared in front of their eyes.

Bai Chengxing's hands trembled when he heard it. He expected the monster to counterattack, but he didn't expect the counterattack to be so strong.

With such an unstoppable power, even if he learned the unique skill of killing monsters from Zheng Qiu, it would be of no use.

Even the suzerain and the elders have failed, and even the supreme is far from being able to compete. I am so small that I am not even qualified to be a chariot.

The hall fell into silence, and everyone was digesting the earth-shattering news and understanding the unacceptable fact.

Among them, Zheng Qiu frowned more and more as he thought about it, and he had a vague feeling telling him that there was a key message in Guangxin Zong's description.

After thinking for a while, Zheng Qiu suddenly asked: "This Guangxin Sect brother, you just said that you looked from a distance in the black cloud of smoke and dust and saw the shape of the attacker.

It looks like a snake, right? Can you describe in detail what the snake looked like? "

While asking, Zheng Qiu stretched out his hand to make a false move.

The incense vine potted plant on the windowsill suddenly came alive, stretched two vines, rolled up the paper and pen on the table, and then used the rest of the vines to support himself and jumped to Zheng Qiu's side.

Zheng Qiu handed the pen and paper to Junior Brother Guangxin Zong: "If you can't tell, maybe you can draw it."

Master Guangxin took the pen and paper and began to recall, and quickly drew a rough outline while explaining in his mouth.

"This snake is so big, it's almost as big as a mountain, and it's full of flames.

You see, it also has two arms, which are similar in appearance to human arms.

But I saw that the two arms were red and glowing. I don't know if they were burning wood or metal. "

Looking at the image on the white paper, Zheng Qiu had a very familiar feeling in his heart, yes, he had seen this thing before.

After recalling it carefully, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he couldn't help blurting out: "It's Bared Kun!"

Baled Kun?

Everyone looked at Zheng Qiu in unison, their eyes full of curiosity and puzzlement.

What is Baredekun, the name of this giant two-armed serpent?

How did Zheng Qiu know this name? Could it be that he has seen it before?

Bai Chengxing pushed aside his junior excitedly, rushed over and grabbed Zheng Qiu and asked, "Do you know this monster?

What is it, where did it come from, why did it attack the Guangxin sect..."

Zheng Qiu casually broke Bai Chengxing's arm, and Bai Chengxing realized that Zheng Qiu's strength was outrageous, even more than that of a body trainer.

After breaking away Bai Chengxing's arm, Zheng Qiu smoothed his clothes and explained: "You all know that I once stayed in the lonely city of the Great Desolation for a while.

Once, a huge relic was discovered in the Great Wilderness.

The scale of the ruins is very large, and it is also very old. Almost all the practitioners in the whole wilderness have gone there.

There are many rooms in this ruins. It is not known who touched the mechanism, causing all rooms and passages in the ruins to start to close.

In a similar way to drive away, tens of thousands of people are gathered in a huge underground square.

There is a sculpture in the middle of the square, which is the giant snake with two arms on paper. "

Zheng Qiu paused for a moment, squinting his eyes to recall the details: "At that time, no one knew that the sculpture was actually a seal. I remember that Lin Minghao, the lord of the Great Wilderness City, unintentionally broke the seal.

Then the giant snake came out, also burning with flames.

As for the two arms shaped like human arms, they are actually made of molten lava.

The giant snake called itself Bale Dekun, and said it wanted to conquer the Yunxiu Continent, and started a fierce battle with the Dahuang practitioners in the square.

The battle was very tragic, and the practitioners of the Great Wilderness suffered huge casualties. In the end, Lin Minghao and the God Realm Commander worked together to injure this giant snake named Bared Kun. "

That Guangxin Sect junior shook his head again and again, denying: "No, Guangxin Sect is stronger than Dahuang Gucheng.

Moreover, those cultivators in Dahuang are not real disciples, they are all mobs, far worse than our Guangxin Sect.

Even our Guangxin Sect can't defeat the giant snake, how can the Great Desolation and Gucheng do it, it's unreasonable! "

Zheng Qiu shrugged: "At that time, Bared Kun's body was not as big as you said, and it was far worse than the mountain peak.

Moreover, the Great Desolate City did not actually defeat it. It cast a spell similar to a teleportation array, allowing the God Lord to take him away. "

What Zheng Qiu said made the Guangxin sect even more incomprehensible. Who is the divine master? Why did they take away the giant snake?

Zheng Qiu rested his chin and continued to analyze: "If I'm not wrong, Bare Dekun was in a weak state when he just escaped from the seal, so Dahuang's practitioners could hurt it.

After it was taken away by the divine master, it recovered its strength within a few years and became even stronger.

The ultimate goal of Baledekun should be the same as that of the God Lord, which is to conquer the Cloud Sleeve Continent.

This attack on Guangxin Sect is just the beginning, after which it will definitely continue to attack other sects and regions. "

Bai Chengxing was at a loss when he heard it, what kind of god master, what conquered Yunxiu Continent.

But he can feel that this is a very important event, and it is a major event that he does not know.

Zheng Qiu turned his head and looked at Bai Chengxing's expression, knowing that he didn't understand, so he called Kanchi over and introduced to Bai Chengxing: "This is Kanchi, you should have seen him two days ago.

Regarding the matter of the God Lord, let Kanchi tell you some time, the most important thing right now is the Guangxin Sect. "

Bai Chengxing hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded in agreement: "The sect is in such a catastrophe, as a disciple of Guangxin sect, how can I be distracted from other things."

After speaking, Bai Chengxing cupped his fists and said goodbye, as if he was going back to check the situation of the sect.

The younger brother quickly persuaded him to stay: "Brother Bai, don't go back, you must not go back!

The suzerain said, you have his token in your hand, I hope you can rely on the platform of all beings in the sea of ​​suffering, and call everyone to rebuild the Guangxin sect. "

After hearing so much, Shao Wei suddenly interjected and asked, "Should Bai Cheng rebuild Guangxin Sect?

How many people are there in Guangxin Sect? "

The younger brother shook his head to express his ignorance, saying that he only saw the energy and light of many people dissipate, but did not see how many people escaped.

Li Mojian also said: "The news that Guangxin Sect was annihilated by Baled Kun will soon spread throughout the Yunxiu Continent.

For the remaining nine major sects, they will definitely call a meeting of all sects in the world to discuss.

Bai Chengxing could use this opportunity to spread the news of asking various sects to help and rebuild Guangxin Sect, so as to gather the surviving disciples of Guangxin Sect. "

Kan Chi shook his head to refute Li Mojian's thoughts: "It is certain that the Nine Great Sects will call a meeting of cultivators from all over the world to discuss, but they will not help rebuild the Guangxin Sect.

No one wants another powerful sect in the world to compete with them. "

Huliu raised his hand and followed up to express his opinion: "I think Director Kanchi is right, those big sects will definitely make trouble, and take the opportunity to absorb the survivors of Guangxin Sect and cultivate them as disciples of their own sect.

If you want to rebuild the Guangxin sect, you can only start from scratch and rebuild it from scratch. "

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