Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 11 Follow the teacher down the mountain to meet parents

In the evening, the sky had just darkened, and the master came back. The master's clothes were somewhat damp from the mist, Zheng Qiu took out a dry set and ran forward to help change.

"Master, did you ask, when will the fog clear?"

"Not yet, dear apprentice, don't worry, although the master didn't ask, but he found someone who can."

"Really? Which senior brother and sister is that?"

"I said that you don't know each other, and I will introduce you when I have a chance. The master will go to the kitchen to cook first, otherwise we will have to wait for a long time for dinner.""

Well, hard work master. "

Early the next morning, the master went out again. Before going out, he once again told Zheng Qiu to stay in the medicine house and not to run around. The fog outside was still so thick that nothing could be seen, as if there were only a few houses left in the medicine house in the whole world.

This lonely feeling made Zheng Qiu very uncomfortable. He walked up and down the room, fiddling with the teapot for a while, and tossing the chair for a while, but he just couldn't sit down. Until noon, the master returned to the medicine house again.

"Master, how is it? Is there any result?"

The master picked up the teapot, poured himself a glass of water, and replied as he drank, "Yes, the fog lasts at least ten days, and it won't dissipate so quickly."

"Ah? It's been so long, what kind of fog is this, so strange?"

The master waved his hand: "My dear apprentice, don't worry about this matter. The master asks you, do you want to go down the mountain to play?"

"Go down the mountain, think about it, of course I want to!"

"Well, master will take you down the mountain, and meet your parents by the way."

Zheng Qiu scratched his head, full of doubts: "Master, isn't it the end of the year?"

"Hey, that's right. The quilts in our pharmacy are old. You see, the weather is getting colder every day. The old quilts are not warm, so we need to replace them with new ones."

The master paused and poured himself another glass of water. "It wasn't that A Niu's daughter-in-law was going to have a baby last time. She just gave birth two days ago, and she was a big fat boy. A Niu had to take care of his wife and couldn't leave. This time, we, the master and the apprentice, went to buy new bedding by ourselves."

Zheng Qiu nodded: "Oh, so that's the case. By the way, master, what about our medicine garden, no one is looking after it!"

"I knew you would ask, don't worry, good apprentice, the master has found someone to take care of it, so don't worry."

After finishing speaking, the master opened the cabinet and began to take clothes from it: "My dear apprentice, pack up your things, we will go down the mountain after lunch."

"Master, are you in such a hurry?"

"Leave early and return early!" Zheng Qiu tilted his head and thought about it. The master was right. If you leave early and return early, you can't always ask others to help take care of the medicine garden. Thinking of this, he also ran to the cabinet to help the master pack his things.

After a brief lunch, Zheng Qiu packed his luggage and followed the master down the mountain. There are three ways to go down the mountain from Xunwuzong, one is the road leading directly from the front mountain hall to the foot of the mountain, and the other is the winding path behind the mountain.

Of course, the fastest way to go down the mountain is by water, take a boat to the river beside Zheng Qiu's medicine garden, and float all the way down the river. This time, the master who descended the mountain did not take the front mountain, but the trail behind the mountain.

Zheng Qiu was very surprised, the village was in the direction of the front mountain, and going down from the back mountain had to go around a big circle. After he asked the master. The master told him that the road in front of the mountain was broken and was being repaired, and that he couldn't get through in the past few days.

After going around for a long time, Zheng Qiu and his master finally arrived at the village before dark. The fog at the foot of the mountain has faded a lot, but it is still there, and the scenery is blurry.

"Father, mother, I'm back!" As soon as he stepped into the village, Zheng Qiu shouted and ran home, "I'm back, I'm back!"

Zheng Qiu's family used to be at the back of the village, but since he went up the mountain, his family's status in the village has greatly improved. Not only was the house moved near the entrance of the village, but even the original wooden walls and thatched roofs were replaced with brick walls and tile roofs.

Hearing her son's shout, Zheng Qiu's mother hurried out of the house, she was wearing blue-gray coarse clothes, and she was holding a dish washing dish in her hand.

"The child's father,

Take it easy, Erqiu is back. "

"How many times have I told you that my son's name is Zheng Qiu now, and he was born by his master. Look at how ignorant you are."

A man in hardcover with dark skin came out of the room. He was shirtless, with a thick linen skirt around his waist, and the skirt was covered with sawdust.

Last year, Zheng Qiu's father stopped farming and became a carpenter in the village. He not only helped others make cabinets, but also carved doors and windows. The carved book was given by the master.

"Yo, our little Zheng Qiu has grown up again, come, let me hug you." Zheng Qiu's father opened his arms and hugged his son who threw himself into his arms. "It's getting heavy again, did the master give you something to eat and drink?"

"Well, the master is very good. He often cooks braised pork for me."

When Zheng Qiu's father saw the master coming from behind, he quickly put down his son and went up to greet him: "Master Zheng, come here, give me something, and I will take it."

The master untied a few pieces of luggage and handed them over: "Don't be so ostentatious, just follow what I said before, I will be your brother and you will be your brother, so please get closer to my elder brother."

"Okay, okay, Brother Zheng, come in quickly." Zheng Qiu's father led the master into the room, and as soon as the luggage was put away, he came over to wipe the table with a rag. "Brother Zheng, sit down, hey, I was working just now, the room is a bit messy, don't mind. Mom, go get a glass of water!"

Zheng Qiu's mother brought freshly boiled hot water, and found a small jar from the cabinet, which contained last year's tea leaves.

"Brother Zheng, sorry, only old tea."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, as long as there is tea, come, the brothers and sisters sit down and talk." The family sat around the table, but the master blew the tea in the cup by himself, without saying a word. Zheng Qiu's parents looked at each other, wondering what the master meant.

"That's right. Although it's old tea, the aroma is still there." The master took a sip of the tea, glanced at Zheng Qiu, and at Zheng Qiu's father.

Zheng Qiu's father watched carefully, it was winking to himself. He coughed and said: "Son, our land is contracted to Shengcai's family to grow it. Go and see what Shengcai grows, and ask him for some. In the evening, we can also cook a good meal for your master."

"Well, then I'll go and have a look." Hearing that the master was invited, Zheng Qiu was naturally happy, and ran out excitedly.

After sending his son away, Zheng Qiu's father asked cautiously, "Brother Zheng, is there something wrong? Is Zheng Qiu disobedient? If he is disobedient, I will definitely teach him a lesson."

Unexpectedly, the master shook his head, and he sighed: "There are some things that I can't explain clearly, besides, I don't fully understand."

The master put down the cup and looked at Zheng Qiu's father seriously: "I suggest you move. Big brother Zheng Qiu works in the southern town. There are sixteen mountains away from here. You can move there to live."

"This... Brother Zheng, why is this, why did you suddenly want us to move?" Not only Zheng Qiu's father became nervous, but his mother was also at a loss.

"It's not because of Zheng Qiu." The master looked outside the house, turned his head and said in a low voice, "Something might happen on the mountain."

"Something happened, something happened..." Zheng Qiu's father immediately covered his wife's mouth, stood up and closed the doors and windows tightly. Then he returned to the table and asked in a low voice, "Brother Zheng, is something really going to happen? Is it dangerous?"

The master nodded: "Look at the fog outside. To tell you the truth, it's not the fog inside the mountain. It's the secret method of guarding the mountain. Brother, I don't dare to stay on the mountain, maybe I will suffer a bloody disaster. So today I took Zheng Qiu Come down and avoid it."

"Does my son know?"

The master shook his head slightly: "I didn't tell him, he is still young, so there is no need for him to understand so much."

The master took out a map from his sleeve and spread it on the table, pointed to it and said, "I will put some herbs for sleep in Zheng Qiu's bowl for dinner, and we will set off tonight. If the boat can go directly to that town, I will find the boat, and you should pack your luggage earlier."

"Okay, everything is up to Brother Zheng." Zheng Qiu's father bowed deeply, kicked off the carpenter's tools on the ground and rummaged through the boxes to get what he wanted to bring.

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