Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 1153 It's hard to get out of trouble if the spell is interrupted

After listening to Kun Si's explanation, Zheng Qiu understood.

This God's Eye brand is definitely from the hands of the God Lord, developed by the God Lord himself.

The main body of the god is originally a dragon, so of course he knows the magic of shrinking the ground to an inch of the dragon clan.

It combines the characteristics of shrinking the ground to an inch and the teleportation array, and superimposes the functions on each other to create this crazy thing.

The God's Eye brand does not require meteorite ore, nor does it require other materials for arranging the teleportation array.

The deployment process is quick and easy, and activation requires only the destruction of divine power.

The branding also has the characteristic of shrinking the ground into an inch.

You must know that among the teleportation arrays, there are also many random teleportation arrays that do not require targets.

And this imprint must have an exact target location before it can be teleported.

To use the brand of the Eye of God requires the power of destruction.

Zheng Qiu didn't have it, and Zilin had too little, so this matter could only be left to Qiao Chen'er.

As for branding the God's Eye to determine the teleportation target, Zheng Qiu can easily do this.

So he told the strongmen of various sects to let everyone continue to attack Baled Kun's body and reduce his ability to move.

Shouted Qingyue to press the snake's head to death to prevent it from moving easily.

Zheng Qiu himself cast the first half of the shrinking ground to an inch spell, looking for a barren mountain at random.

Of course, you can't choose normal forests for barren mountains, but choose the scorched earth that has been burned by Baled Kun.

On the other side, Qiao Chen'er shouted out the password, using authority to secretly borrow divine power from the main body of the divine master.

With everything ready, Qiao Chen'er quickly flew to the ground and landed on the eye pattern.

The soil and rocks on the ground were already very hot, and as soon as her feet touched the ground, burnt green smoke came out from the soles of her shoes.

After two breaths, flames shot out from the edge of the sole, and the shoe was actually set on fire.

At this moment, she didn't care about her shoes, and hurriedly poured the borrowed destructive power into the center of the God's Eye brand.

At the same time, Zheng Qiu sensed the wave of the brand rising similar to the teleportation array.

Immediately connect the target location just determined to the God's Eye brand.

The power of heaven and earth in the two places establishes a connection with each other and builds a bridge.

The God's Eye imprint began to show the teleportation effect, and a red light of a different color rose from the bottom up, covering the spell released by Bared Kun.

The God's Eye imprint has been activated, and his coronal spell is about to be completed!

Bared Kun was very excited and couldn't wait to see the power of this move.

I would like to see all human beings wiped out in an instant, and Jiaolong injured and dying.

Wait, the wave frequency of the God's Eye imprint is wrong.

The brand didn't bless its own coronal spell, but it seemed to be enabling the teleportation function.

Bared Kun was stunned for a moment, and then was shocked.

The God's Eye imprint is out of control, and the right to control no longer belongs to him.

Its head was pressed on the ground by Qingyue, and it was difficult to lift it up. It could only scan a limited area with the only viewing angle.

In this limited area, it caught a glimpse of the center of the imprint of the Eye of God, and there were human figures staying there.

It must be the ghosts of those humans. Humans took away their control over the brand of the Eye of God and activated other functions.

Baledkun couldn't figure it out. Casting the coronal spell, he was manipulating the God's Eye brand from beginning to end.

What method did humans use to quietly snatch away the control.

It's really strange, will the brand of the Eye of God be rebellious?

Of course, Bared Kun didn't know that the transfer of control over the Eye of God brand was all due to Qiao Chen'er's divine power of destruction.

The divine power of destruction in Bared Kun's body, that is, the fire of glory, was bestowed by the divine master.

The God Lord will not bestow the purest power, but mix a small amount of power of heaven and earth, and then bestow it on the generals under his command.

But Qiao Chen'er was different, the Divine Sense of the Almighty did not give her strength, but gave her the authority to mobilize power.

She can use her authority to steal from the main body of the god to destroy the divine power.

This is the purest divine power of destruction, without any impurities.

And in this divine power, there is also a little aura of a divine master.

When the brand of God's Eye encounters the destructive divine power released by Qiao Chen'er, it is equivalent to encountering the presence of the God Lord.

The branding will take the initiative to eliminate the flame of glory of Bared Kun and accept Qiao Chen'er's power.

Although it is not clear how the right to control the brand of the Eye of God was taken away by humans.

But Bared Kun knew one thing.

The coronal spell needs to be launched on the ground, and the attack when it is launched is also generated from the ground.

If he is teleported away by the eye of God, the coronal spell that is about to be completed will be interrupted.

He screamed in his heart, if he couldn't use this coronal trick, he wouldn't be able to get out of trouble.

The result of not being able to get out of trouble is obvious, his body will be dismantled into pieces, and finally killed by this giant dragon.

However, no matter how much he thought in his heart, he couldn't change what was already happening.

The red light imprinted by the Eye of God was like a curtain, covering all the individuals present.

Then, while shrinking inward, it soared into the sky and disappeared without a trace before touching the clouds.

Imprinted by the Eye of God, the moment everyone is teleported away.

Bared Kun activated the coronal spell in advance, but the time was still a little bit behind.

The power of heaven and earth accumulated on the ground found a vent, and suddenly spewed upwards.

Pillars of fire rose from the ground, arcing in the sky like a real corona.

But this arc is only six feet high, and it goes out quickly.

Baledkun was teleported away, and the entire spell was triggered only a little bit, and then immediately lost its triggering power.

The remaining power of the flame heaven and earth is unmanned and continues to stay on the ground for storage.

As time went on, without the shackles of spells, these powers of heaven and earth began to disperse slowly, floating in all directions.

On the other side of a desolate scorched-earth mountain, a large amount of red light suddenly appeared and fell heavily from the sky.

A series of shadows appeared in the light, yes, this is the individual transmitted by the brand of the eye of God.

As soon as he emerged, Baledkun was pressed into the soil again by Qingyue.

It glanced at the flames in its eye sockets, knowing that this was not where the God's Eye brand was located.

I failed, the coronal spell was not successfully activated, and I still couldn't get out of trouble.

An unprecedented sense of panic emerged, quickly engulfing Bared Kun's spirit.

It knew that it was finished, that it was going to die here.

Unlike thousands of years ago, this time human beings have found a way to kill themselves and have the ability to kill themselves.

They will seal no more, they will quench the fire of their glory.

No, I can't die!

I am the Molten King, the general under the command of the God Lord.

God Lord, God Lord, save me quickly, I pray to you, I call to you!

Bared Kun crazily released mental fluctuations to the sky, wanting to pass on his cry for help, and wanting the Almighty to hear all this.

However, it is useless to do so. The Yunxiu Continent is not known how far away from the Kingdom of God where the God Lord is.

Baledkun's body is restricted and he cannot perform the summoning technique.

How could it be possible to transmit spiritual power to the divine master simply by releasing it.

Seeing that everyone escaped from the dangerous situation, Ge Wuqing raised Wu Wangcao and shouted: "Baledekun is at the end of the road, kill it, and we will win this battle!"

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