Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 1185: Sovereign Qianyun Changes to a New Person

"Senior Brother Mo, there is none on this floor!"

"Probably broken."

"Are you kidding? If the handle of the ax can be smashed, how can it be called a magic soldier?"

Hearing everyone's chatter, Mo Junrong waved his hand: "Continue to go up, there are still a thousand floors."

After that, he took the lead to walk towards the stairs, stepping on the creaking steps to go upstairs.

The other Tianming Palace disciples followed closely behind, kicked away the scattered debris piled up at the stairs, and disappeared into the darkness one by one.

When the thirty-eight practitioners had all left, Ming Sijiu stood up slowly, clutching his neck and gasping for breath.

It hurts, as if the head was really chopped off.

She took out a pain-relieving pill and took it, walked into the pool of blood, and looked down at her broken body.

The substitute summoned by the Golden Cicada Shelling Talisman is really strange. It has been beheaded, but the body will not disappear.

She reached out and touched the blood, and it felt sticky, as if it was real.

At this time, Ming Siqiu realized that he was still in an invisible state, and could not see his body or robes.

Strange, the substitute technique should be over, why didn't he show himself.

She couldn't help but have a terrible guess in her heart, which made her shiver.

This shattered corpse on the ground couldn't be the real self, could it?

And now he is a wisp of soul, a lonely ghost?

She immediately shook her head in denial of the thought.

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

I can still touch things with my hands, and kick away debris on the ground with my feet, and I still have a body.

After thinking for a moment, Ming Si couldn't think of an answer.

No one knows the details of the talisman paper that has been handed down from five hundred years ago, and it is impossible to analyze it by random guessing.

The most important thing now is to leave Wentian Pavilion as soon as possible.

Use the sound transmission jade tablet to pass the news to Mingkong Aoqing.

Outside the Wentian Pavilion, he is absolutely capable of guarding the gate and trapping Mo Junrong and his gang inside the Wentian Pavilion.

Thinking of this, she picked up the two fallen white jade hairpins.

Gently removed the remaining debris at the stairs, stepped on the handrail and slid down to the ground floor.

After half a stick of incense, Ming Sijiu finally walked out of the gate of Wentian Pavilion.

The familiar force of heaven and earth and vigor surged through the meridians again, and the power once mastered returned to his hands again.

She slowly clenched her fist, and under the sunlight, the palm of her hand reflected the blurred luster.

It's like a piece of exquisite ice, being filled with color little by little.

Ming Sizhu heaved a sigh of relief, he is not a lonely ghost, but still has a real physical body.

It's just that the invisibility effect of the Golden Cicada Shelling Talisman can last for a long time, and it will fade away little by little.

Take out the blue sound transmission jade tablet, and swipe it a few times with your fingertips.

She found that her cultivation had declined a lot, at least two small realms down.

It seems that the cost of escaping with a substitute talisman is quite high. I don't know how long it will take to recover from this level of cultivation.

"Bright Kong Ao Qing, Ming Kong Ao Qing!"

In the banquet area, Mingkong Aoqing sat on the high platform seat to watch the performance.

Now a film and television drama is being staged, with Naguang absorbing magic tools and other imaging phantom arrays.

Together, they create a spectacular scene of the allied army fighting against evil spirits and Bared Dekun.

The first batch of food prepared by Qian Yunzong has been delivered, and all of them are distributed to the practitioners present.

Everyone ate, watched, and discussed and commented, and the atmosphere was full of excitement.

Finally, the giant snake that symbolizes Bared Kun in the image crashed down under the siege of Demon Killing Righteous Qi.

The huge image covered a radius of 500 feet, even pressing down on the stands on the hillside.

Some low-level practitioners know that it is a false image.

However, he couldn't bear the power of the giant snake's fall, and was so frightened that he raised his hands and covered his face and lay down on the ground.

Then, the image turned into sporadic light spots and dissipated, and fireworks bloomed on the square again.

Elder Ming Chengxi walked to the center and raised the golden ball to announce the next content.

"Everyone saw it with their own eyes just now, this is the scene of the Demon Slayer and Righteous Qi Alliance fighting the monster Bared Kun.

What a great deed, that we have exhausted all our praises,

To describe, to sing! "

He laughed a few times, and continued: "Hahaha, I think everyone will find it annoying when I say these words.

Can't wait to see the next show!

Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry, there are still many programs, and there are countless delicious foods.

But before the start of the next program, our Qianyun Sect will take up a little time and hold a ceremony.

Of course, this ceremony is very important, and I hope practitioners all over the world can witness it.

Next, please invite Qian Yunzong's suzerain, An Yun supreme! "

Ming Chengxi raised his hand to signal, and slowly retreated to the side of the stage square.

Mingkong Aoqing stood up, glanced at the other elders in the stands, nodded and flew to the center of the stage.

Of course the other elders knew what the suzerain was going to do, they also stood up one after another, and took out two gold-encrusted jade boxes from their seats to get ready.

Ming Kong Aoqing landed in the middle of the stage, and tapped the golden ball twice with his fingers to make everyone's attention focus on him.

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"Hey, everyone, good morning!

I am the lord of Qianyun Sect, Mingkong Aoqing.

Today, Qian Yunzong will hold a very important ceremony, which is also a ceremony.

Qian Yunzong has a history of more than 1,200 years since its establishment, and has experienced vicissitudes of life in Yunxiu Continent.

I am the eighth suzerain of Qianyun Sect, and I have been in charge of the sect for 177 years..."

Mingkong Aoqing spoke at a slow pace, as if he wanted everyone to hear him clearly.

After hearing him talk about the time when Qian Yunzong was established, I also heard him mention the year when he was in charge of the sect.

The strong men of many sects have figured out a trace of unusual taste.

This smell is very common, and it often appears when some sects change their heads.

They immediately guessed that the throne of the leader of Qianyun Sect might be changed.

But what the changes will be like, no one can say.

Whether to hand over the position of suzerain, let other people jointly take charge of Qianyun sect, or establish a council of elders to govern Qianyun sect.

These are all possible!

Mingkong Aoqing stopped, raised his head and scanned the dense crowd on the hillside, clasped his fists and nodded in all directions.

"Nowadays is an era in which talents come forth in large numbers, and an old man like me is really not suitable to continue to be in charge of Qian Yunzong.

Therefore, I decided to give up the position of suzerain and give the sect a brighter future! "

There was a lot of discussion on the hillside stands, and the big sects on the columnar high platform were also discussing fiercely.

Sure enough, as everyone guessed, Ming Kong Aoqing was going to abdicate.

According to him, the next step is to elect a new suzerain, and use the same model to govern Qianyunzong.

Who will the new suzerain be, is it an elder?

Just when everyone was guessing, Mingkong Aoqing said: "I recommend it personally, and it has been confirmed by all the elders.

The ninth suzerain of Qianyunzong is the supreme star, Ming Kong Zilin! "

On the high platform seat, the tea in Mingkong Zilin's hand fell to the ground with a clatter, her red lips parted slightly, unable to utter a word.

Oh my god, what was the adoptive father thinking? He actually wanted to make himself the head of Qianyun Sect.

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