Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 1209 Hidden Thoughts

The Confused Heart Thunder released by Ming Sijiu is a spell with area damage.

Mainly through the frontal penetration, the arc will also be lased within the surrounding four feet.

Those Heavenly Destiny Palace disciples who were hit by the electric arc blocked the electric arc itself with a barrier.

But the strong spiritual impact contained in it disturbed their will.

Their bodies twisted involuntarily, with silly smiles on their faces, as if they saw some extremely pleasant sight.

For ordinary practitioners, once they are swept away by the confusion mine, they will not be able to wake up for half a year.

However, these disciples are all in the False God Realm, and they are protected by the power of stars in their bodies.

The effect of distracting the heart will be much worse, and the duration will be shorter.

In less than fifteen breaths, the smirks on the faces of those Tianming Palace disciples who were recruited began to fade.

"Falling clouds and dust!"

Mingkong Aoqing seized the opportunity, quickly flew close to him and swung his fan to attack, and the blow was a wide cloud wave.

This time Luo Yunjuanchen took a serious shot and directly hit five Tianming Palace disciples.

The protective energy barrier on the body surface was shattered, and the robe was cut by the small sharp knife in the cloud waves.

I saw five people flying blood and falling to the ground.

Mingkong Aoqing turned his head and urged an elder of Qianyunzong: "Go down and get rid of these five, my move is not lethal enough.

The others keep chasing after me, don't let the thieves from the Palace of Destiny go! "

At this time, cultivators from other sects also caught up one after another, surrounding Qianyunzong and Tianming Palace in pursuit of the battle.

While flying with them, they repeatedly observed the battle situation between the two sides, and calculated how to obtain the maximum benefit.

"Who are those people that Qian Yunzong is chasing after, they seem to have a high level of cultivation?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen this group of practitioners before."

"It seems to be someone from the Palace of Destiny."

"Whoever he is, the magic weapon is in their hands anyway, just grab it!"

"Look, Master Ge of Heartless Suixin Village is helping Qian Yunzong. Let's join!"

It has to be said that Ge Wuqing's actions set an example for the cultivators onlookers.

It is a fact that Qianyunzong's Wentian Pavilion was destroyed, and Gangganyunzong is completely morally tenable.

And there is a bigger advantage, that is, you can try to capture the magic weapon.

How can it be regarded as robbery to rob a robber?

Lin Minghao, the lord of the Great Wilderness and Lonely City, attacked first.

"Flame Killing Sky Sword!"

The tip of the sword stabbed three times in a row, shooting out three thin lines of flame two fingers wide, piercing the sky and rushing towards the cultivator of the Palace of Destiny.

Let me add a sentence, [ \\Mi\\Mi\\Reading\\app \\\\ ] is really good, it is worth pretending, after all, you can cache books and read aloud offline!

The people in the Destiny Palace moved and dodged, and immediately counterattacked, splashing out light with the power of stars.

With Lin Minghao taking the lead, the other cultivators also made moves one after another, throwing tricks in the direction where the Palace of Destiny was fleeing.

There were many practitioners who came to Qianyunzong to participate in the celebration banquet, but less than half of them actually caught up to join the battle and attacked the Palace of Destiny.

That's because the cultivators of the Destiny Palace maintain their strength above the divine realm from beginning to end.

Use the unique method of God Realm to control the power of heaven and earth to fly.

Flying in this way is much faster than flying with light.

Those cultivators below the divine realm are not even qualified to catch up and watch.

With more and more masters from various sects assisting in the battle, the attacks of the elders of Qian Yunzong became more fierce.

How could the disciples of the Destiny Palace stop so many people, they began to reduce their staff one by one, falling to the ground one by one.

The remaining Tianming Palace disciples decreased from more than 60 people to more than 50 people, and then to more than 30 people.

After chasing the air battle for less than half an hour, only the left palm Xingguan, Hong Yang, and five other disciples of the False God Realm remained among the cultivators after the Destiny Palace was broken.

At this time, the faces of the five False God Realm disciples were pale, and there was a hint of despair in their eyes.

The idea of ​​surrender was born in their hearts, because blocking them like this is nothing but a mantis' arms.

In the end, there is no second result except death.

The expressions of the five disciples changed,

The star official Zuo Zhang saw it all.

Knowing that if this continues, the five disciples may defect and give up their duty to protect Mo Junrong.

Cultivators are not servants, and their loyalty to the sect is far from reaching the point of seeing death as home.

The Left Palm Star Officer must do something to allow these five disciples to play their due role at the last moment.

He raised his arms and shouted: "Don't be afraid, we are protected by the God of Stars, and death is by no means the final destination.

The God of Stars will revive every brave warrior and gain eternal life in Chentian Wonderland!

Come on, use your strongest moves, and I'll call for shelter.

Victory will eventually belong to the Palace of Destiny! "

The five Tianming Palace disciples were skeptical, they knew that the God of Stars was very powerful.

Can easily elevate a cultivator who has just crossed the realm of gods to the realm of false gods.

But can the God of Stars really bring people back to life?

In the Destiny Hall, the God of Stars never mentioned it.

But then Zuo Zhang Xingguan went to meet the God of Stars alone a few times, maybe the resurrection is true.

Behind the buttocks, countless cultivators rushed over, and they didn't have time to think about it.

The only thing he can do is to mobilize all the power in his body and unleash the most powerful trick according to the words of the left palm star officer.

Although the exercises practiced by the disciples of the Destiny Palace are different, in essence, they all mobilize the power of the stars.

Therefore, when five people released their unique moves at the same time and attacked at the same time.

The power of the stars they swayed into one piece, gathered a hazy wall of light, and seemed to divide the sky into two halves from top to bottom.

The star official Zuo Zhang nodded in satisfaction. This joint trick is also called "Two Parts of the Galaxy".

Not only defensive, but also has a strong offensive effect.

However, he still had a thorn in his heart, worried that these five disciples would withdraw "Two Points of the Galaxy" and let the pursuers come over.

How to do it?

It is necessary to strengthen the defensive power of this move, but also prevent the five disciples from defecting.

There is still a way, that is to summon the power of Destiny Zuo Xing, and empower the five people with the incomparably rich star power.

I saw the star officer on the left raised his hands and read out a series of phrases.

"Chentian is above, the fairyland has eyes.

The Remnant Fire Seal invites the Destiny Star, bestows the power of the star to defeat the enemy, and fights all magic on behalf of the leaders! "

At the same time, the left palm Xingguan clasps the index finger and little finger with both hands, and merges the middle finger and ring finger.

Tap the emptiness thirty-six times, do the number of Tiangang, and get in touch with Tianming Zuoxing in Chentian Wonderland.

Chentian Wonderland is not in Yunxiu Continent, but a special space suspended outside Yunxiu Continent.

Like a fixed moon, it overlooks the entire land every moment.

Therefore, as long as the star official Zuo Zhang is in contact with the Tianming Zuo Xing in Chentian Wonderland, no matter where he is in the Yunxiu Continent.

Wherever starlight can shine, Destiny Left Star can project the power of stars down.

Ask the stars to pull down with both hands, as if pulling down an extremely heavy curtain.

The sky, which was covered with dark clouds and visions of heaven and earth, was suddenly blown open by an invisible force.

A huge hole of several tens of feet was exposed in the dark cloud. The end of the hole was not a clear blue sky, but a vast universe full of stars.

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