Ge An turned around to defend, but he had only reached the divine place not long ago, and he was not yet familiar with the power of the first layer of heaven.

Now forcibly using the strongest strength of the second heaven, it is even more difficult to mobilize the power of heaven and earth in his body.

As soon as he stopped flying and gathered the power of heaven and earth to his arms, the four dust and smoke dragons surrounded him.

Damn, I was careless, and I got hit first!

Ge An knew that he had to get past Fengming Disha's initial attack before he had a chance to fight back.

Quickly rotate the body to release the force of the heaven and earth in the nature of flowing water, making this force form a rotating water wall around the body.


The water wall is very thick, and the gushing water flow is at least three feet thick.

The dust and smoke dragon was mixed with flying gravel, crackling and hitting the surface of the water wall, splashing countless white flowers.

Every piece of gravel like a cannonball will be crushed by the water flow after entering the vortex.

As more and more stones were crushed, the water wall around Ge An gradually changed from blue to brownish yellow.

Clear water turned into muddy water, and muddy water was easily manipulated by flood soil.

The water wall, which was originally rotating steadily, began to fluctuate irregularly, losing its defensive power little by little.

"If you want to cut off the vortex, stop dreaming!"

Of course Ge An knew what Hong Rang wanted to do. He raised the magic weapon Thunder Hammer with his right hand, and quickly pushed it outward with his left hand.


The muddy water that makes up the vortex explodes outward, releasing a cloud of water vapor.

The shock wave of the explosion blasted the dust raised by Fengming Disha, revealing a clean area without flying earth and rocks.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ge An slammed the hammer down hard.

"Waves strike!"

Accompanied by the shout, the hammerhead's blue light suddenly appeared, and surging waves surged out of the light, covering the sky like a curtain.

Possessing supreme power, the power of Ge An's wave attack has greatly increased,

The wave width released reached twenty-four feet.

Adding up the turbulent currents, I am afraid that it can directly fill up a small lake.

For this kind of dust cloud formed by debris, it is very effective to cover it with running water.

Wherever the water waves pass, the flying dust and gravel are all drawn into it and become part of the muddy water.

In an instant, a wide avenue was washed out by the waves in the air. There was no longer a yellow-brown color on the avenue, and the air became fresh.

Ge An knew that Hong Rang was on the ground, but he couldn't find the exact location, so he had to force this guy out.

He stared at the tide of mud and water rushing towards the ground, raised the magic weapon again, and slammed down a straight hammer hard.


A faint blue phantom appeared on the head of the hammer, and the phantom grew rapidly, becoming the outline of a hammer with a diameter of six feet.

This hammer shadow fell straight down, much faster than the waves, catching up with the waves from back to front.

Bang, the two collided and exploded, and the white water vapor spread around with the shock wave.

Ge An did it on purpose, the location of the explosion was very close to the ground, and the water vapor and shock wave quickly dispersed the surrounding smoke and dust.

The chaotic earth-rock nature of the force of heaven and earth was replaced by the force of heaven and earth of the nature of flowing water in the water vapor.

Facing this power of heaven and earth, Ge An's perception finally took effect.

At the edge of the water vapor, he perceived a vague figure.

The figure was struggling to run its moves, mobilizing the flying gravel as shells to attack.

That's right, that figure is Hong Rang. Locking on the target, Ge An leaned back slightly.

The muscles of the body contracted in bundles, like a strong bow that was about to shoot the sharpest arrow.

On the ground, Hong Rang did not expect that Ge An would use this method to push away the smoke and dust raised by Fengming Earthsha.

Before he could dodge in time, he was enveloped in white water vapor.

Immediately after a mental wave swept across from above, Hong Rang knew that he had been exposed, and Ge An had found his position.

That being the case, there is no need to continue hiding.

Fengming Disha is definitely not a technique of concealment, its attack power will definitely surprise Ge An.

Hong Rang closed his hands together, clasped his fists together, and squeezed hard into his palms.

"All the peaks obey orders, gather soil to suppress!"

All the earth and rocks he summoned with Fengming Earth Sha suddenly changed their state of flying and scurrying, and gathered towards the center at a high speed.

According to the profound meaning of gathering soil to suppress, the rocks and soil rising in the air will eventually gather into a larger and stronger mountain.

And Ge An, who was shrouded in it, would also be imprisoned in the mountain and sealed tightly.

Of course, the scope of this move is huge, regardless of enemy or friend.

Shun into the newly formed mountain, including Hong Yang himself.

Hong Yang was not worried that he would be affected by the trick.

He has a way to escape from the new mountain, so there is no reason for him to kill himself with a unique move.

Ge An is the Supreme Being of the Divine Realm, and his perception of the power of heaven and earth is far superior to ordinary cultivators of the Divine Realm, and he quickly noticed the change in the direction of the surrounding dust.

Although I don't know what Hong Yang wants to do by changing the direction of the dust flight.

But Ge An responded quickly, that is, to launch an attack in advance.

"Looking for death, try my Tianhe empowerment!"

Ge An raised his breath suddenly, swung his arms with great strength, and his whole body exploded with a blue glare like the scorching sun at noon.

The light was fleeting, and all of it fell into the thunder hammer in the palm, making the hammer body transparent and shining like a lamp stone.

At the moment when the light faded, Ge An shouted loudly and threw the hammer down to the ground with all his might.

As soon as he let go of the hammer, his face turned red and his body shook violently.

The tricks that Ge Wuqing taught him all have a characteristic, the time to store power is very short, and the explosiveness is very strong.

This quick way of making moves is of great benefit in battle, it can attack before the opponent, and can also defend in time, taking the lead everywhere.

Of course, this approach also has disadvantages.

Release a large amount of Qi Jin and the power of heaven and earth in a short period of time, which puts a lot of pressure on the meridians.

If the caster's physical strength is not enough, the meridians may be broken, the acupoints will be torn, etc.

Ge An relies on the special physique of the Xinghe Congealing Water Meridian, and the meridians are stronger than ordinary practitioners, so he can practice this method safely.

Now perform the Tianhe Empowerment, and use nearly 70% of the power of the second heaven of the divine place.

This is a record-breaking event. Ge An has never used so much power of heaven and earth at one time, and his body is completely unprepared.

He felt his heart beating faster, the blood in his body pounding against his head, and he felt an uncomfortable feeling of being seasick and exhausted.

"I seem to be too ruthless..."

Ge An rubbed his temples, and fumbled in his pocket with the other hand, looking for pills to replenish his strength.

At the same time, the thunder hammer he threw violently smashed a white airflow shock wave in the air.

The hammer head brought a circle of continuously exploding air waves, and slammed into Hong Rang's hidden position.

That posture, like a shooting star bursting with faint blue light, is about to penetrate the earth.

In the smoke and dust, Hong Rang's vision was not affected, and he saw the luminous hammer falling from the sky at a glance.

The hammer looks so small, only the length of a forearm, and the hammer head is only as big as two fists.

But Hong Yang knew how terrifying power was contained in the hammer, and he must not be careless just because of its appearance.

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