Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 1299 Thunder and Speed ​​Black Fruit

The number of cultivators summoned by the coalition forces this time is only in the early 500s.

Compared with the previous battle with Bared Kun, it was hundreds of times less.

Although everyone is a strong person above the False God Realm, but the number is reduced, and the pressure they face will be even greater.

No one knows what's going on in Chentian Wonderland, and no one wants to lose their lives just by meeting each other.

As the saying goes, it is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself. At critical moments, it is better to rely on others for rescue than to adjust your state to the best and avoid falling into dangerous situations.

In the largest sky boat, the elders of Qianyun Sect also closed their eyes to adjust their status.

Zi Lin, Qiao Chen'er, and Qing Yue did not make similar preparations.

They were watching Zheng Qiu, growing a low plant.

This plant is only two feet high, and its shape is a bit like the shrubs that can be seen everywhere on the mountain. The leaves are matte green.

And on the stems of the plants, there are small balls half an inch in diameter.

The ball should be a fruit, with a pitch-black surface, but with a faint flash of fluorescence.

The overall look is a bit like a dark night with occasional flashes of lightning.

On the outer surface of the fruit, there is also a layer of fine fluff, which feels fluffy to the touch.

After observing for a long time, Zi Lin couldn't help being curious, so she asked Zheng Qiu.

"Is this your newly cultivated medicinal material? It looks so unique. What does it do?"

Qiao Chen'er laughed and said, "No matter what the effect is, it must be a good thing. The master specially left it for us."

Qingyue leaned closer to the plant, sniffed it, and then narrowed her eyes.

"Why do I feel that this thing is poisonous!"

As soon as these words came out, Zi Lin and Qiao Chen'er were at a loss. Zheng Qiu's carefully cultivated things are poisonous, so there must be something wrong with them.

Zilin questioned: "Could Qingyue smell it wrong? It might be a special medicinal property, not a toxin."

Qingyue shook her head again and again, unwilling to admit that she was wrong in judgment.

At this time, Zheng Qiu spoke the truth.

"Qingyue's judgment is not wrong, this fruit is indeed poisonous, but the poison is not particularly strong."

Qiao Chen'er was puzzled: "Why is it poisonous? Is it related to efficacy?"

"Yes, it is indeed related to efficacy.

Remember the Cloudy Sky Prison Mountains?

There is a kind of slow fruit growing there. After taking it, you can feel the passage of time around you slow down.

In fact, the time has not changed, and everything around is still normal.

It is due to the accelerated operation of the user's mental consciousness that the illusion of slowing down everything around him occurs.

I picked a lot of slow-speed fruits, and then found the ingredients and refining method of the strongest booster pill, Qi Sea Blood Thunder.

Combining the advantages of these two with each other, it took 133 times of debugging before this brand new drug strain was produced. "

Sea of ​​Qi and Blood Thunder?

Zi Lin and Qiao Chen'er looked at each other with shock on their faces.

Qi Sea Blood Thunder belongs to the Amplification Pill, and it is recognized as the most effective one in the entire Yunxiu Continent.

At least on the bright side, it is recognized that the effect is the strongest.

But Qi Sea Blood Thunder has a disadvantage, once taken, the whole body's Qi and blood will be turned into fuel for strength.

Under the powerful amplification effect, it is quickly exhausted.

When the qi and blood are exhausted, the user will die.

For the users themselves, the whole process cannot be reversed, and they will undoubtedly die after taking it.

The only remedy is to rely on the help of others.

Forcibly interrupting the medicinal effect of Qi Sea Blood Thunder, stopping the loss of Qi and blood.

If Zheng Qiu cultivated this new type of medicinal material according to the effect of Qi Sea Blood Thunder, would it also kill people after taking it?

Zi Lin originally wanted to reach out to touch the fruit, but thought that it would be dangerous to eat it, so she quickly withdrew her hand in fright.

She confirmed to Zheng Qiu whether this thing was really as dangerous as she thought.

"Zheng Qiu, does this black fruit also have a boost effect, will it kill people if you eat it?"

The smile on Zheng Qiu's face was very relaxed, which relieved Zi Lin a lot.

"Don't worry, this food won't kill you, but if you eat too much toxins, it will make you dizzy and lose your ability to move.


Qingyue could judge that the toxin dose in the fruit was very small, even if she ate two or three hundred pieces, she would not feel any pain.

So with a wave of her arm, she quickly swept across the stalk of the plant, and picked off two dark lacquered fruits.

Throw one of them into your mouth with your head raised, and chew hard twice.

The taste of the fruit is very bitter, and there is a strange musty smell, like the rotten fruit that has been rotting in the cellar for three years.

Qingyue grinned, spat out the bitten fruit with a bah, grabbed the water glass beside her and poured it down her throat.

After pouring for a while, she swept away a pile of empty glasses and asked, "Boss, this stuff is really bad!

I've chewed it all, why can't I feel the effect of the medicine, do I have to eat all of it to be effective? "

"I call this thing the Thunderbolt Speed ​​Fruit.

Its biggest feature is that after taking it, it can have a similar but opposite effect to the slow speed fruit.

Relying on the medicinal effect of the raw material tardy fruit, it can greatly increase the mental reaction speed of the user and make the thinking more agile.

Relying on the materials for refining Qi Sea Blood Thunder, the acceleration effect can be covered from the head to the whole body.

In this way, the user will be faster than normal no matter whether he is performing skills, making moves, moving, or maneuvering.

According to the level of the user's own state, the acceleration effect of a Thunder Speed ​​Fruit is about double to triple.

Of course, as I said just now, this fruit is poisonous and has side effects.

Among the main raw materials of Qi Sea Blood Thunder, there are many medicinal materials that conflict with each other.

Although a part has been replaced to reduce toxins, it cannot be completely removed.

And after careful research, I found that the reason why Qi Sea Blood Thunder uses these conflicting medicinal materials is to stimulate its toxicity.

Relying on toxic stimulation can tap the potential of the user, and the efficiency is very high.

Therefore, in Thunderbolt, I kept some toxicity as a shovel to tap potential. "

Hearing this, Zilin realized the reason why Zheng Qiu cultivated the Thunderbolt fruit.

This kind of medicinal material that has side effects and is fully effective for combat is obviously going to be distributed to the powerful people of all sects and sects.

When attacking Chentian Wonderland, seize the opportunity and take the Thunderbolt Speed ​​Fruit, which will greatly increase the combat effectiveness of the coalition forces.

The higher the combat effectiveness of the coalition forces, the greater the possibility of winning the battle, and the number of casualties will decrease.

She looked at Qiao Chen'er, Qiao Chen'er lowered her head in thought, as if she was also thinking about how to use the Jinglei Speed ​​Fruit.

Qingyue, on the other hand, didn't care about how to use the medicinal fruit at all, and still tugged at Zheng Qiu's sleeves and yelled.

"Boss, answer my question quickly, don't talk about other messes!"

Zheng Qiu shrugged helplessly, and had no choice but to follow Qingyue's words and answer: "Don't make trouble, this fruit works according to the physical condition of the user.

You are a dragon, of course the efficacy of the medicine has to be calculated according to the volume of your real body.

Your real body is so big, even if you eat a hundred boxes of fruits, it may not be useful.

Besides, I don't have so many Thunderbolt Fruits for you to eat. "

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