Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 1335 Closing the Formation to Destroy the Wonderland

"Master Ge, General Chen has been defeated, why can't everyone get out of the illusion?"

Only Ge Wuqing was familiar with demons, so Zheng Qiu had no choice but to ask him.

Ge Wuqing curled his lips and said: "As I said just now, it is not a pure illusion, but a projection of hell between reality and fiction.

Well... Let me explain it to you!

For example, the real hell is room zero, then the projection of hell that traps everyone is rooms one to four hundred.

Every room in the back is exactly the same as that of room zero, and it exists at the same time.

Now you understand, even if you kill the bastard demon, the rooms that have been built will not disappear automatically.

There are only two ways for everyone to get out of trouble, either demolish the house, or come out by themselves. "

Zi Lin seemed very anxious, several elders of Qianyun Sect, foster father Ming Kong Aoqing, and Shao Wei were still trapped in the illusion of hell.

She asked Ge Wuqing for help with a bitter face: "Master Ge, it's too difficult for everyone to come out by themselves, it's better to break the illusion.

Do you have a way to break the illusion spell from the outside world? "

Ge Wuqing shrugged and shook his head: "No!"

Shadow Crow frowned and thought about it, and patted Zheng Qiu on the shoulder to propose after a while.

"Do you still remember how I escaped from the illusion? That may be the solution."

Hearing what Yingya said, Zheng Qiu immediately remembered the escape process mentioned by Yingya.

At that time, Shadow Crow was desperate and jumped directly into the magma.

Then in the illusion, the shadow crow was burned to death by the magma, and it stands to reason that the physical body would also be burned in reality.

But Shadow Crow was strong-willed, so he persevered.

The damage suffered in the illusion has not been passed on to reality.

Thinking of this, Zheng Qiu's eyes lit up, and he immediately understood what Shadow Crow meant.

In the hell projection, the cultivator cannot use Qi Jin or the power of heaven and earth.

Facing a huge number of demons,

If there is no special way to escape, there is only a dead end in the end.

When the cultivator dies in the projection of hell, the spirit will return to the real body.

At this time, just use external force to keep the real body.

When the cultivator wakes up, he will automatically get rid of the illusion.

Zheng Qiu immediately told everyone the solution he thought of, and expressed his opinion with a pat on the chest.

"With me, Zheng Qiu, I guarantee that none of the four hundred people will die. Even if they die, I can save them!"

Qiao Chen'er turned her head and looked around, pointing to the passageway connecting Mingchen Tianxianland and Yunxiu Continent.

He also proposed to ask Qingyue to help send the people who fell into the illusion back to Yunxiu Continent in batches.

When they arrive at Yunxiu Continent, they will use medicine to protect everyone's physical body, and wait for their spirits to return from the illusion.

At the same time, the remaining spirit of General Chen fled to the observatory on the right side of the Palace of Destiny with gray smoke.

This is an important place in the Palace of Destiny, and it has been inaccessible since the death of the Right Palm Star Official.

General Chen looked at the huge light blue star, and his anger began to spread.

It's a shame, it's a shame.

In less than half an hour of fighting against humans, he was completely defeated, and even his physical body was stripped away.

He remembered that when Bared Kun fought against the Cloud Sleeve Continent, he fought continuously for two or three months.

The most intense battle lasted for several days.

In contrast, if the result of one's own battle is spread, it will definitely become a laughing stock.

Revenge, must be revenge!

Resentment filled the spiritual body, causing the gray smoke to tremble violently.

General Chen began to think about what other cards he could use.

At least a bite of flesh must be taken back before human beings leave Chentian Wonderland.

Before the defeat, all the blazing souls in Chentianxian territory had rushed to support.

But those controlled Heavenly Mandate Palace practitioners have not yet appeared.

With my current state, I don't know if I can still release the spiritual order.

Let these controlled Destiny Palace disciples go to attack the people in Yunxiu Continent.

Thinking of this, General Chen tried to vibrate his spiritual consciousness in order to release the order.

But his current mental strength is too weak, especially after being dispersed by Ge Wuqing.

The order only floated four zhang outside the observatory, then decayed and dissipated, and the location of the disciples of the Destiny Palace could not be transmitted at all.

If so, then be more ruthless!

Simply destroy the entire Chentian Wonderland, let all human beings fall into the universe, and finally be killed by the vacuum.

In fact, General Chen deceived all the cultivators of Tianming Palace about the establishment of Chentian Fairyland.

The Chentian Fairyland was not established by General Chen, the real founders were indeed those ancient sages recorded in history.

A powerful human cultivator more than 2,000 years ago, together with the Dragon Clan, used secret techniques to tear space out of a world.

Originally, the purpose of Chentian Wonderland was to serve as an outpost fortress in Yunxiu Continent.

Keep an eye on the starry sky of the universe all the time, be alert to the movement of the God Lord's army, and act as the first line of defense in Yunxiu Continent.

The establishment of Chentian Wonderland is very dynamic, and it will naturally be discovered by the God Lord.

At that time, the God Lord had just been defeated and did not have enough strength to counterattack, so he sent General Chen to destroy Chentian Wonderland.

However, General Chen did not attack by force, but chose to outsmart.

He has been hiding outside Chentianxian for more than two hundred years, waiting for most of the human sages to die of old age and the dragon clan to leave.

It was only then that he began to confuse the young humans in Chentian Wonderland, tampering with historical legends little by little, and expanding the influence of the God of Stars.

In the following hundreds of years, he would often return to the Chentian Wonderland to arrange hidden things, waiting for the opportunity to trigger.

Therefore, Chen will know the biggest secret of Chentian Wonderland, which is the foundation of the entire fairyland space.

Under the left observatory and the right observatory, there is a formation mechanism hidden respectively.

Turn off these two formation organs, and a pattern of seven stars will appear on the sky of Chentian Wonderland.

At the same time, on the ground in the four directions of Chentian Wonderland, southeast, northwest, there will be miniature mountain-shaped patterns.

The one in the sky is a seven-star celestial circle formation, and the four directions on the ground form a local four-element formation.

Destroy the two formations in the round sky, and the space barrier of Chentian Wonderland will be exposed.

Next, just enter the warehouse of the Destiny Palace and find the star melting box that you piled there.

Take out the branding ring specially designed to tear space from it, maximize the tearing effect, and the Chentian Wonderland can be irreversibly torn apart.

At that time, all human beings in Chentian Wonderland will be buried in the universe.

Time is tight, and with so much to do, you have to go faster.

General Chen turned into gray smoke again, and the wind blew into the gap in the middle of the observatory on the right, and began to close the formations one by one.

When General Chen was busy, the coalition practitioners were also busy.

Everyone used various talisman papers or spells to make stretchers of various sizes, and put those who were still trapped by the illusion on the stretchers.

Unleash the strength to set off a whirlwind, and everyone moved the stretchers to the side of the fairyland passage one after another, preparing to send people back to the Yunxiu Continent in batches along the passage.

Ge Wuqing stood on the wreckage of a Tianming Palace building, holding an iron cone in his hand, and used it as a trumpet to direct there loudly.

"Move fast, work hard; walk steadily, look forward!"

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