Twenty-five blazing souls knelt on one knee, each of them lowered their bodies.

But they are too big, even if they kneel in front of Mo Junrong in this posture, they are still twice as tall as Mo Junrong.

Chi Hun didn't respond to Mo Junrong's order to seek air, and stayed where he was without moving.

Mo Junrong thought they didn't understand, so he used a shorter way to send out mental fluctuations.

"I need air, you go find air now, and bring it right away!"

Blazing Soul still didn't move, and his posture didn't change.

Mo Junrong was irritable and helpless, how could this be the same as playing the piano against a cow, it was really driving people crazy.

Probably feeling that General Mo Junrong was angry, one of the blazing souls finally reacted.

"The general has the fire of glory, is immortal, and needs no air."

Mo Junrong was stunned for a moment when he heard it. Does the Flame of Glory have this function? Why doesn't he know.

But it is also possible that the immortality Chihun said was different from what he thought.

Perhaps using the flame of glory to survive, he would eventually be burned to the ground like the two generals before.

Mo Jun Rongke didn't want to lose his flesh and blood and become that kind of burning skeleton.

"Don't you understand my order?

Find the air, bring it here, do it now! "

Sensing the general's mental fluctuations tending towards anger, Chi Hun seemed to be a little anxious, and began to move uneasily.

Another blazing soul replied: "General, there is no air on the landing meteor, you can search for planets along the way to collect."

"Then look for it, why are you kneeling here!"

"The blazing soul cannot change the route of landing on the meteor, only the general and the god master can change it."

It turns out that this huge boulder that can't be seen is called a landing meteor.

Mo Junrong knew that he had guessed correctly before, the landing meteor was a troop carrier, and it was estimated that there were more blazing souls hidden in it.

Hearing that he had the power to change the course of the meteor that landed, Mo Junrong suddenly became excited.

Being able to change the route means that you have control over the battleship, and in that case you can do a lot of things.

"Take me to the place to change the course of the meteor landing, and, immediately search for planets with air."

Chi Hun got the order that could be executed, stood up without saying a word, and lined up to lead Mo Junrong into the big holes in the ground.

Along the big hole, there is a huge space for landing meteors to store troops.

There are no compartments like houses, but countless intertwined stone pillars, a bit like a web woven by thousands of spiders.

Soon, Chihun led Mo Junrong to the core.

Hundreds of stone pillars gathered at the same place, twisted and twisted, forming a spherical cavity with a diameter of about twenty feet.

In the cavity, there is also a burning eyeball, which is still the eye of God.

However, it is different from the God's Eye held up by the tower outside.

The eye of God inside is covered with many bright red crystals.

The spar forms symbols, and the symbols form a magic circle, covering the eyeballs with a layer of translucent armor.

Mo Junrong knew at a glance that this was a way of manipulating the God's Eye, projecting the power of the God's Eye to all the landing meteors.

Seeing this, he began to understand how the army of the gods works.

The Eye of God was created by the God Lord, and its power comes from the God Lord, but it is partially independent.

The Eye of God doesn't need continuous injection of power from the God Lord, once activated, it can maintain operation for a long time.

It's a bit like a pile of firewood that, once lit, sustains itself.

The most important source of power for the operation of the army of gods is the eyes of gods.

Driving to land on meteors, tearing apart space teleportation, all of these can be done with God's Eye.

Mo Junrong couldn't help but think of the Palace of Destiny, and the two-day star magic weapon inside is also the source of power for the entire Palace of Destiny.

The principles of the two are similar and their usages are similar.

Mo Junrong stroked his chin and thought about it, planning to study the Eye of God carefully to see if he could leave some back doors.

At this time, Blazing Soul brought another long body.

This body also has no flesh and blood, and is composed of bones, scales, and flames.

Mo Junrong looked back and forth, and confirmed that it was a dragon, and it was an adult dragon with a length of eighteen feet.

Jiao coiled his body and bowed his head in salute.

"Dazhi pays homage to General Mo, wishing General Mo victory and brilliant results!"

He would take the initiative to salute and flatter, this guy is very intelligent.

Mo Junrong suddenly became interested: "Have you retained your intelligence?"

Dazhi nodded and admitted: "The general has eyes.

Not only did I retain my intelligence, but even my memories before I gained immortality were intact.

All this is thanks to the God Lord, only the powerful spells of the God Lord can make eternal life perfect. "

"You were transformed by God himself?"

Da Zhi nodded again, the huge flood head was like a chicken pecking at rice.

Mo Junrong was puzzled, and asked again: "Since the god master personally reformed you, why are you not a general?"

Dazhi turned his head to look east and west, waved his front paws, and drove out all the blazing souls around him.

Obviously Dazhi's status is much higher than that of Chihun, and he can mobilize Chihun.

After only Mo Junrong and Jiao were left in the core cavity, Da Zhi opened his mouth to answer the question just now.

"You don't know, the gods created the generals, and let the generals cultivate troops for battle.

In fact, the Almighty also has his own army, which is trained and produced by the Almighty himself, and does not listen to other generals.

The landing meteor you are on now is the troops trained by the God Lord. "

Mo Junrong interrupted: "Understood, the Almighty needs someone to take care of the troops on his behalf, and you are such a role.

Well, it's a bit like a military officer, isn't it? "

Seeing Jiao nodded, Mo Junrong continued: "Helping the Lord God take charge of the army, in fact, what you do is not much different from the general.

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