Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 1387 The White Dragon Bite One Bite

Today, Lingcui Mountain is an extremely famous shop on the Yunxiu Continent.

Practitioners from all over the world will come here to purchase medicinal materials.

Although there are not many varieties of medicinal materials unique to Lingcui Mountain, except for the rejuvenating grass, there are only Lingyun glazed coral fruits that are occasionally sold.

However, the enthusiasm of cultivators from all over the world to shop remains undiminished.

Because Lingcui Mountain is different from other places that sell medicinal materials, there is no upper limit for the number of medicinal materials here.

For any common variety of medicinal materials, whether you buy a box or a car, Lingcui Mountain can provide them.

When the rumors were the most exaggerated, the Hall of Beasts came to purchase more than a hundred chrysanthemums and herbs.

It took only two days for Lingcui Mountain to deliver the goods successfully. I don't know where so many chrysanthemum herbs came from.

After the example of the Hall of Beasts, more and more sects regarded Lingcui Mountain as their own warehouse.

Every ten days and half a month, there will be a big purchase, and the medicinal materials will be packed and brought back.

Following the crowd, Zheng Qiu and Zhen Jiu entered the Hall of Jishi.

The hall was overcrowded, and there were chattering voices everywhere, no less noisy than a village market.

The cultivators gathered around the shelves one by one, comparing the medicinal materials on the shelves, and discussing how to use different medicinal materials.

Zheng Qiu didn't take a few steps before he was recognized by the staff in the hall.

"Boss Zheng...it's Boss Zheng!"

The guy couldn't care less about entertaining the guests, so he wiped his hands and trotted over to meet them.

"Boss Zheng, you are back. Director Kanchi sent people to look for you everywhere, but there is no news at all..."

The guy was very excited, as if he saw a great savior.

Zheng Qiu sensed that something was wrong, and the mood of the buddy proved that Kanchi was looking for something important that he couldn't handle.

"What does Kanchi want from me?"

The guy turned his head and looked around. It was obvious that there were too many people here to speak.

Zheng Qiu understood, walked quickly through the hall, and walked around to the corridor behind the main hall.

When we got here, the buddy said, "Boss Zheng, something happened to Qian Yunzong, it's a big deal!"

"Look at what I do. If something big happens, something big will happen. Let's continue."


That's right, Xinghe Supreme sent us a letter saying that Qian Yunzong was attacked by a real dragon.

In addition to the dragon, there is also the blazing soul belonging to Baled Kun, who also attacked Qian Yunzong.

Then Qian Yunzong asked the sects to take all the patients back, saying that they would no longer be responsible for follow-up treatment. "

Hearing this, Zheng Qiu showed a trace of doubt on his face.

He had expected the dragon to attack Qian Yunzong. The dragon named Xu Gu was a rebellious dragon from the boiling sea.

It is not surprising that the rebellious dragon has taken refuge in the god master and wants to attack Qian Yunzong.

But what happened to those blazing souls? It was also said to be the blazing souls of Bared Kun.

Zheng Qiu already knew that the blazing souls under different generals had different shapes and strengths.

Beheading Bared Dekun and beheading General Chen, Zi Lin participated in both battles.

She has seen the blazing souls under the command of the two generals, and it is impossible to admit their mistakes.

Here comes the question, Bared Kun has long since died, so where does the blazing soul under its command come from?

Zheng Qiu couldn't help but think of Xugu, could it be that the boiling sea rebelled against the dragon, and there was a way to create a new blazing soul?

As for the patients mentioned by the buddy, Zheng Qiu knew that they were those who were unconscious, those who were still trapped in the divine realm projected by hell.

"You said Qian Yunzong asked all the families to take people back?"

The guy nodded again and again to confirm: "Yes, yes, every sect has picked up people.

There is an explanation in the letter of Xinghe Supreme, saying that Qian Yunzong has been targeted by the enemy.

In order to protect the foundation of the sects and protect those patients, the sects were asked to take back all the elders, masters, and heads. "

In the middle of talking, the guy suddenly remembered another thing.

"There is another important matter, Qian Yunzong has sealed the sect to hide from the world, and no outsiders are allowed to enter.

Now there are only Qianyunzong post stations in various places, which are still operating normally. "

"What, when did Qian Yunzong seal the sect to hide from the world?"

Zhenjiu walked through the hall and followed Zheng Qiu to the corridor.

As soon as he entered, he heard such explosive news.

The guy didn't know Zhenjiu, but he knew that the bald man came with Boss Zheng.

So he replied: "Yesterday, the sect was closed to hide from the world!"

Zheng Qiu patted the guy on the shoulder, and said: "Well done, it's hard for you to remember so clearly.

Go and inform all the Supreme Beings and supervisors of Lingcui Mountain to gather at the Yuxian Building in Houshan. I have important matters to discuss. "

After finishing speaking, he tilted his head to signal Zhenjiu to follow, and walked towards the back of the mountain like a walk.

Leaving the Hall of Jishi, walking forward and walking out of Baizhang, suddenly the air in front of the left was crackling.

The air seemed to be torn open, and the white light suddenly appeared, which was the magic of shrinking the ground to inches.

In the entire Lingcui Mountain, apart from Zheng Qiu herself, Qingyue was the only one who could shrink the ground into inches.

Sure enough, a slender and delicate body sprang out of the white light, and instantly threw itself into Zheng Qiu's arms.

Tender and watery arms wrapped around his shoulders and hugged Zheng Qiu's neck.

A breath-taking strange fragrance rushed towards his face, and he crazily drilled into his nose.

"Hahaha, Boss, you are back, I am the first to greet you!"

With a crisp voice, Qingyue lowered her head slightly, and pressed Zheng Qiu's cheek with the tip of her forehead.

This is a dangerous move, if Zheng Qiu's skin was not protected by the dragon-wrapped gold seal, he would have been poked by Qingyue.

Qingyue acted coquettishly with a smile, poked her head sideways, and looked at Zhenjiu behind her.

She didn't know Zhenjiu, but she was attracted by the little white dragon on Zhenjiu's shoulder.

Qingyue could feel the strong power of heaven and earth contained in the white little dragon's body, far exceeding the level that normal dragons should have.

She let go of Zheng Qiu and quickly approached Zhen Jiu.

Zhen Jiu didn't even react, he just felt that the girl in Zheng Qiu's arms appeared next to him in a blink of an eye.

Without saying a word, the girl reached out and grabbed Zhenjiu's shoulder, grabbing the little white dragon.

Zhenjiu was shocked, this girl is so powerful, maybe she wants to snatch the broken water dragon tooth.

He also hastily raised his hand, trying to stop it.

But Zhen Jiu didn't touch the girl with his arm, and was pushed away by a strong air current.

Immediately afterwards, the white dragon transformed from the broken water dragon's tooth was grabbed by the girl.

Bailong was very upset, and grinned at Qingyue to protest.

Then he opened his mouth and stretched his neck to bite Qingyue's wrist.

Ding, with a crisp sound, a bunch of sparks popped out from Bailong's mouth.

Its head vibrated, and it licked its teeth in a daze, unable to react for a while.

Even if it is transformed into a dragon shape, its essence is still a magic soldier's water-breaking dragon tooth, and a bite is actually a magic soldier's stabbing.

But the majestic magic weapon couldn't pierce into the girl's skin, instead it was bounced off like another magic weapon.

Xiao Bailong was dumbfounded, and Zhenjiu was also dumbfounded, looking back and forth on Qingyue's wrist.

Being bitten by Bailong, Qing Yue instantly let go and retracted her arms, rubbing her wrists with a bitter face.

"It hurts, what are you, is it fun to play a dragon!"

Qingyue's face was unhappy, her eyes began to show a fierce light, and the hairs all over her body stood on end when she saw Zhenjiu.

Zhenjiu took two steps back in a hurry, Yungong put on a defensive stance, ready to deal with the attack that would come at any time.

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