Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 1400 Teaching Winemaking in the Vineyard

The disciple of Jueqing Suixinzhuang frowned slightly, he knew the disciple of Qianyunzong at the inn. On weekdays, apart from receiving the boats that come and go, most of the time is idle, and I am happy every day and I don’t practice.

But now he is in such a hurry, he has never seen it before. Could it be that there is really something important about Gan Yunzong? I heard that two days or three days ago, Qian Yunzong suddenly closed the sect to hide from the world, and no outsiders were allowed to enter.

It also asked the sects to carry back the unconscious elders, suzerains, heads, etc., and no longer be responsible for centralized treatment.

Could the important news from Qian Yunzong be related to Fengzong's seclusion? Thinking of this, the disciple of Jueqing Suixinzhuang finally became serious: "Wait a minute, I will report. Whether Master Ge is willing to see you, I can't guarantee it."

"No, I must see Master Ge about this matter!" The disciple of Qian Yunzong was still very anxious, and grabbed the opponent's sleeve.

"I'll go with you. Master Ge is bold and generous, so he won't blame you."

"Well...well, I'll take you there. But let's say it first, don't rush to speak when you see the owner, I will introduce you face to face."

"Okay, as long as you can see it!" The two entered the Jueqing Suixinzhuang compound one after another, and passed through a series of plain-looking gates.

The architecture of Jueqing Suixinzhuang is very similar to the buildings that ordinary people live in. The same gray and black tile roof, gray and white brick wall, there are many cracks or moss on the wall.

The whole village is densely built, with intertwined alleys and aisles. The two crutched and crutched frequently, and the disciples of Qianyun Sect were almost dizzy.

"Here, this is the owner's garden, please don't talk nonsense." There were rows of bamboo shelves in the garden, covered with rattan.

Under the rattan, bunches of purple or green fruits hang down, looking moist and delicious. The disciples of Qianyunzong know that this thing is called grapes, and it is not a medicinal material, but it tastes very sweet.

It is said that it was brought by the owner of Ge Zhuang from a distant hometown, and the only one in the Yunxiu Continent is Ruanqing Xunxin Zhuang. In the depths of the garden, there is a pavilion with a strange shape.

The top of the pavilion is octagonal, with upturned edges and cornices. On the eight cornices, squatted a square box, each with a thin metal rod on the top of the box.

The disciple of Qianyun Sect was curious, and asked in a low voice: "What kind of beast totem is that, why haven't I seen it?" The disciple of Rueqing Suixinzhuang who led the way had a strange expression on his face: "The owner said that this thing is called a tank, and it is a very powerful beast. , the whole body is as firm as a diamond. Um... Actually, I haven’t seen it before, I don’t know where the owner saw it.” The two came to the pavilion and saw six disciples here.

Under the guidance of Zhuangzhu Ge, these six people,

Learn to brew wine, a kind of fine wine that is a specialty of Jueqing Suixinzhuang.

"Greetings to the owner! The owner, the people at the Qianyunzong post asked to see him, saying that the Qianyunzong has important news and must be reported personally." Ge Wuqing didn't seem to be interested, and his attention was on the crushed grape juice.

"Didn't you see that I'm busy? Fine wine and fine wine should pay attention to the details. Let's talk about it later! Your technique is wrong, it's too crushed, you need to be softer..." Ge Wuqing didn't chase people away, but just wanted to dry the cloud Zong disciples wait until the brewing class is over.

But Qian Yunzong's disciples couldn't wait, and rushed forward to block between a pile of wine barrels and the owner Ge.

"Master Ge, there is really important news. The sect said that a powerful enemy is about to attack the Yunxiu Continent, and the whole world will be destroyed in five days!" Qian Yunzong's disciple rushed over rashly, making Ge Wuqing angry, and his face became gloomy .

But when he heard the two words of a powerful enemy attacking the Yunxiu Continent and the destruction of the world, Ge Wuqing's gloomy expression quickly turned into surprise.

He frowned slightly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Oh, it seems that some people are right." The certain people in Ge Wuqing's mouth naturally refer to Zheng Qiu.

Before defeating Baled Kun, Zheng Qiu had told Ge Wuqing that sooner or later, the God Lord would lead an army to attack the Yunxiu Continent.

Unexpectedly, the large-scale attack once mentioned would come so soon. It has not been a month since the coalition forces triumphantly returned from Chentian Wonderland and returned to their respective hills to recuperate.

Could it be that Chentian Wonderland is a hornet's nest that cannot be stabbed? Ge Wuqing raised his hand, waved it, and ordered: "Go down, and remove all these barrels. Without my order, no one is allowed to enter the vineyard!" He knew Zong disciples.

On weekdays, apart from receiving the boats that come and go, most of the time is idle, and I am happy every day and I don’t practice.

But now he is in such a hurry, he has never seen it before. Could it be that there is really something important about Gan Yunzong? I heard that two days or three days ago, Qian Yunzong suddenly closed the sect to hide from the world, and no outsiders were allowed to enter.

It also asked the sects to carry back the unconscious elders, suzerains, heads, etc., and no longer be responsible for centralized treatment.

Could the important news from Qian Yunzong be related to Fengzong's seclusion? Thinking of this, the disciple of Jueqing Suixinzhuang finally became serious: "Wait a minute, I will report. Whether Master Ge is willing to see you, I can't guarantee it."

"No, I must see Master Ge about this matter!" The disciple of Qian Yunzong was still very anxious, and grabbed the opponent's sleeve.

"I'll go with you. Master Ge is bold and generous, so he won't blame you."

"Well...well, I'll take you there. But let's say it first, don't rush to speak when you see the owner, I will introduce you face to face."

"Okay, as long as you can see it!" The two entered the Jueqing Suixinzhuang compound one after another, and passed through a series of plain-looking gates.

The architecture of Jueqing Suixinzhuang is very similar to the buildings where ordinary people live. The same gray and black tile roof, gray and white brick wall, there are many cracks or moss on the wall.

The whole village has dense buildings, alleys and aisles intertwined. The two crutched and crutched frequently, and the disciples of Qianyun Sect were almost dizzy.

"Here, this is the owner's garden, please don't talk nonsense." There were rows of bamboo shelves in the garden, covered with rattan.

Under the rattan, bunches of purple or green fruits hang down, looking moist and delicious. The disciples of Qianyunzong know that this thing is called grapes, and it is not a medicinal material, but it tastes very sweet.

It is said that it was brought by the owner of Ge Zhuang from a distant hometown, and the only one in the Yunxiu Continent is Ruanqing Xunxin Zhuang. In the depths of the garden, there is a pavilion with a strange shape.

The top of the pavilion is octagonal, with upturned edges and cornices. On the eight cornices, squatted a square box, each with a thin metal rod on the top of the box.

The disciple of Qianyun Sect was curious, and asked in a low voice: "What kind of beast totem is that, why haven't I seen it?" The disciple of Rueqing Suixinzhuang who led the way had a strange expression on his face: "The owner said that this thing is called a tank, and it is a very powerful beast. , the whole body is as firm as a diamond. Um...Actually, I haven’t seen it before, I don’t know where the owner saw it.” The two came to the pavilion and saw six disciples here.

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