Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 1424 Accepting the Dragon Balls and Returning to Lingcui

With just one swing of the knife, his power level dropped from the divine realm to the radiant spirit. A lot of Qi Jin and the power of heaven and earth were consumed by him, as if he had been fighting continuously for more than an hour.

A large amount of power was lost in a short period of time, which brought a strong sense of emptiness. Zhen Jiu sat cross-legged on the ground and panted for a while, before slowly recovering his physical strength.

"Jianmeng Slash consumes so much, I knew I would have to ask for some recovery medicinal materials on the mountain." Zhenjiu held his head and muttered, while the little white dragon walked around behind him, raised his two front paws and tried to rub his master's shoulders Beat back.

"That's enough, that's enough, this is a massage method for relaxing muscles and bones, and it has no effect on restoring strength." Zhenjiu pushed Xiao Bailong away, and pointed to the pile of meat not far away: "Go and see if the traitorous dragon is completely dead. I'm not familiar with the body structure of dragons, maybe it's useless just to cut off the head." When there is work to do, the little white dragon is very excited.

It twisted its body and flew to the side of the two-foot-high dragon's head, and drew and pulled the center of the head with its claws. The tip of the claw scratched, leaving a white residue.

The traces are like a solid weapon, easily breaking through the black scales and sinking deep into the skull. Soon, a big hole was cut out of the dragon's head.

Little Bailong went in to search, and after a while, he took out a blue-purple sphere the size of a bowl, and flew back to Zhenjiu.

"Master, this is the dragon's inner alchemy, also known as the dragon ball. The dragon ball has been cracked, and I guarantee as a divine soldier that he is absolutely dead." The dragon's inner alchemy is similar to the sea beast inner alchemy.

Zhenjiu knew that the dragons or jiao in the boundless Tianhe would use the sea beast inner alchemy to enhance their strength. Then this Dragon Ball should have a similar effect.

From the ruins of the brewery, a wine jar that has not been broken is found. He put the dragon ball into the jar and sealed it, then turned over and flew up to the roof with the jar in his arms, and returned to the place where the building materials were stored.

Killing a rebellious dragon is nothing, and the army of the God Lord is tens of millions of times stronger than the rebellious dragon. The most important thing right now is to transport the building materials back to Lingcui Mountain as soon as possible, and transfer them to the underground space of the Great Wilderness to hide.

When Zhenjiu returned to the open space where the building materials were piled up with the jar in his arms, he was greeted by cheers like a wave. The buddy of Lingcui Mountain waved his arms excitedly, and kept shouting the words "Master Zhenjiu".

At first, the guys didn't know what to do when Zhen Jiu left. But when the black dragon appeared, they suddenly realized that Lord Zhenjiu had gone to fight a powerful enemy.

Later, the pure white arc rose, and its volume surpassed that of the black dragon, like a big river going to the sky. Immediately afterwards, the black dragon's body and head were separated, and the arc shot straight into the Milky Way.

Such a spectacular scene made everyone respect Zhenjiu. Unexpectedly, this newcomer to Lingcui Mountain has such power.


Slaying the dragon with one move, with such a strong combat power, I am afraid that even the supreme gods of the nine sects can't do it.

Everyone surrounded Zhenjiu excitedly, asking about the battle just now.

"Master Zhenjiu, isn't that black dragon very powerful? Have you fought for 300 rounds?"

"I saw that Lord Zhenjiu only used one move to slay the dragon, just one move!"

"It's amazing, Lord Zhenjiu, what's the name of this move?"

"Can you teach us, or mention something..." A large group of people chattered, making Zhenjiu at a loss, stuttering and not knowing how to answer.

He is a solitary practitioner and has always practiced alone. The scene full of voices in front of him directly hit his weak link, and he answered in a mess, and he didn't know what he answered.

"Actually, I didn't fight for a long time... Well, it is indeed a trick... This can't be taught, it's not that it can't be taught, it's not easy to teach... It's called Dream Slash... There is no exercise book, there really isn't..." After talking for a long time, Zhenjiu finally remembered the business.

"Wait a minute, everything is quiet, quiet! Have the building materials been bundled up? Let's transport the things back first, and we will have a chance to discuss other things. Hurry up, we have wasted a lot of time, move!" In Zhenjiulian After some urging, the guys gradually put away their excitement and laughter, and carried the building materials onto the carriage to Lingcui Mountain for delivery.

Most people in Fengshou Town saw the black dragon being instantly killed. The behemoth fell, and people gradually recovered from their panic, and went out of the house to check the situation.

Those cultivators who escaped just now also returned one after another, and approached the ruins of the winery with the crowd.

When I came to the ruins, I could see the black meat mountain and the dragon head that fell to the ground at a glance. The crowd watched with torches, talking about the white light that traversed the sky just now, and discussing how powerful the attack was.

They didn't know that the white arc that everyone saw was not a real attack. That was just the trace formed by the subsequent overflow of the power of heaven and earth. The dragon's head had been chopped off long before the light of the knife appeared.

After watching for more than half an hour, some practitioners finally couldn't hold back their curiosity and cautiously approached the center of the ruins.

The man stretched out his hand cautiously, touching the black dragon's cold scales, increasing the strength of his palm little by little. The black dragon's body didn't move from head to tail, like a lifeless stone.

"Dead, this dragon is really dead!" The man excitedly climbed to the top of the dragon's body, raising his arms and shouting. The voice was like a spark falling into a haystack, instantly igniting the emotions of the crowd.

People waved their arms, cheered and rushed towards the black mountain of meat, climbing up it with all their might. They use all kinds of tools, whether it is a knife, gun, sword or halberd, or a hoe and shovel.

Anyway, it seemed strong enough, so I knocked on the dragon, trying to chisel something out. This is a dragon, no matter what you chisel down, it can be regarded as a family heirloom.

For cultivators, it is a unique treasure that cannot be dreamed of. The scene of carving up the dragon body was in full swing, even busier than the daytime market.

People also wondered where the strong man who killed the black dragon was and why he couldn't see it. Could it be that the strong man was seriously injured and died together with the black dragon?

The people around here don't know that the strong man who really killed the black dragon has no interest in the corpse at all.

Zhenjiu and his fellows drove the carriage overnight to transport the building materials back to Lingcui Mountain. He possesses the magical weapon Breaking Water Dragon Tooth, and he also learned tailor-made exercises in the Crystal Sea.

In front of these two things, the dragon's corpse is almost like scraps in a butcher shop, worthless. It's a pity that Zhenjiu didn't know, if Zheng Qiu were here, he would definitely scold him as a prodigal.

For Zheng Qiu, the dragon body is an essential material for cultivating dragon yuan golden orchids, and it also plays an auxiliary role in cultivating various medicinal materials.

Zhenjiu is a solo practitioner, how could he know this. In his dictionary, cultivation means meditation, practicing and fighting.

As for things like pills, making them is worse than buying them, and buying them is worse than renting them. Fengshou Town is not far from Lingcui Mountain, and in order to facilitate travel, Kanchi had already sent someone to pave a gravel road.

After dawn, when the sky was turning white, Zhenjiu led the convoy to the gate of Lingcui Mountain.

"Here we are, unload the cargo and send the signal!"

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