Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 1445 Trying to Prove It's Gu Xiao

Remember in a second【】

Everyone stood there dumbfounded, unable to accept what happened before them.

The pavilion master was easily beheaded, and the opponent's strength was far beyond imagination.

There is no one here who can deal with that little girl, even if all the elders and disciples join forces, it may be difficult to do so.

But now that the pavilion master is dead, whoever will lead everyone is in a mess, and there is no possibility of making a final resistance.

What should Luoshuang Pavilion do and where should it go? Could it be that it was destroyed like this?

Gu Ya crushed the skates and walked slowly to the red snow.

Among the snowflakes lay several shiny things.

It was a high-quality ornament-shaped instrument, and a token that symbolized the position of the Pavilion Master.

Bending down to pick up the token, rubbing it in the palm of your hand, the cold feeling penetrates the skin and goes straight to the bone marrow.

Looking down at the dazzling red, she took a deep breath and couldn't help closing her eyes slowly.

"Hey, idiot, you went the wrong way..."

After a long time, Gu Ya opened her eyes and looked up at the stunned Luoshuang Pavilion cultivators around her.

"The traitor has been punished, and now I am the master of Luoshuang Pavilion, Linshuang Supreme Gu Ya."

Saying that, Gu Ya held up the token symbolizing the position of Pavilion Master in her hand, and showed it to everyone.

In fact, doing so can't prove anything. She beheaded Yu Linli, and of course she will get the token.

Sure enough, none of the surrounding elders and disciples were willing to come forward to salute and recognize Gu Ya as the pavilion master.

On the contrary, there were rustling conversations in the crowd.

The few words that occasionally float out are also related to denial and escape.

After a while, the crowd began to spontaneously approach one direction, where there were several powerful elders.

Obviously, they wanted to continue to fight against Gu Ya with these elders as the core.

One of the elders plucked up his courage and roared at Gu Ya: "Devil, don't think that just because you kill the pavilion master, you can make the people of Luoshuang Pavilion submit.

Since our Luoshuang Pavilion was established,

What difficulties have not seen.

Don't try to control this great sect unless you kill everyone today! "

Gu Ya was angry when she heard this, why didn't these guys understand that she was indeed Gu Xiao.

It seems that Yu Linli was very successful in brainwashing them, and he didn't have any doubts about the change of pavilion master back then.

It seems that it is very difficult to correct the thinking of these people, but it is really a headache.

Frowning and thinking for a moment, Gu Ya walked towards the crystal jade building, and died after the frost fell.

"You don't believe that I'm Gu Xiao, well, I'll open Luoshuang Guiji for you to see.

Only the pavilion masters of the past knew how to open Frost Returning to Silence and activate this magic weapon. "

Gu Ya walked to the gate, held up the token of the pavilion master, and pressed it to the groove on the right threshold.

Then she made her fingerprints and added loudly.

"Yu Linli has always opened and closed the door, and has never really activated Frost Returning to Silence, right?

Of course she wouldn't activate it, because she didn't know it, and I never told her. "

The pavilion master's token is a disc with a slight curvature.

Two and a half inches in diameter, one finger thick, silvery white.

From the outside, it looks like an ordinary round iron plate, only polished.

But this thing is always in a cold state, with a layer of slight frost on the surface.

Press the token into the groove of the door frame, and then print the door-opening handprint.

On the surface of the silver-white disc, a vague figure emerged, like a relief of a certain woman.

I saw the woman raised her arms and made a movement to push the door.

A cool and cold light flashed, and the jade gate slowly opened to both sides, revealing the hall of returning to silence after falling frost.

"The door, the door is open!"

"How could she open the door with handprints? It's impossible!"

"Could it be true what she said, she is Gu Xiao, the previous Pavilion Master?"

The crowd began to stir, and discussions arose everywhere. Doubt was like a seed, quickly taking root and sprouting.

Some people think of what happened before, and feel that this possibility has become more real.

"Don't forget, this kid knows the Frost Realm, and also knows how to undo the Frost Realm."

"That's right, everyone, look at the cliff on the edge of the valley. She actually knows that there is the Four Spirits Extinguishing Wind Curse on the cliff."

"Yeah, we don't know what kind of spell this four is.

Not only does she know the position, but she can also manipulate it, which is so strange. "

At this moment, there was a crackling sound from the cliff on the southwest side.

The sound is very loud, like setting off firecrackers.

The eyes of nearly five hundred cultivators in the valley were attracted by Qi Shushu, and looked towards the location where the crackling sound came from.

The mountain wall is twenty-four feet above the ground, and a terrifying crack is forming.

The cracks are getting wider and longer, and the crack looks like it will traverse the entire cliff.

The solid rock wall has not been attacked, how can there be such a terrible crack?

Bang, click, click; click, click...

Everyone soon discovered that the middle of the crack was where it was originally generated.

There is light blue light, mixed with white ice flakes, erupting from the cracks.

It's like in the dark crack, there is a strong man in Luoshuang Pavilion, who is swaying the power of heaven and earth wantonly.

"Look there, it's the pavilion master's magic weapon!"

A sharp-eyed disciple discovered that there was a bright silver awl lying not far below the mountain wall.

^0^ Remember in a second【】

Look at the slender and smooth posture of the awl, and the graceful spiral texture of the handle.

That's right, it is the magic weapon of the Pavilion Master.

Immediately, an elder figured out the key point: "It must be that the magic weapon fell on the rock wall and blasted the accumulated power of heaven and earth into the inside of the rock.

This leads to damage to the rock wall structure and cracks appear. "

After being reminded by the elders, others gradually realized the seriousness of the matter.

The main trick that the pavilion used just now is the Frost Burst Coagulation Heart, which is very powerful.

Before his body died, the pavilion master had completed the Frost Explosion Concentrating Heart Movement, which proved that the power of heaven and earth had been gathered.

The pavilion master was beheaded at the back, and the magic weapon was also sent flying along with the attack, falling towards the mountain wall.

Now, in the ever-growing cracks, ice flakes and blue light flashed.

It also confirmed the elder's conjecture that the power of Frostburst Concentrated Heart had penetrated into the depths of the cliff, causing huge damage to the internal structure.

Due to the heavy mountain above the crack, there is constant downward pressure.

The rocks that had been damaged at the cracks could not bear the pressure, and large pieces collapsed and fell.

For a moment, there seemed to be a rain of gravel at the bottom of the cliff, and it turned into a hill in the blink of an eye.

And the angle of the mountain began to tilt slightly due to the damage of one side of the rock.

It seems that after some time, the entire cliff will fall flat and bury the entire valley.

At the same time, something worse happened.

On the upper part of the cliff in this direction, there happened to be one of the spells of the Four Spirits Ending Wind Curse.

Now the mountain wall seems to be tilted, the rocks are broken, and the originally bright spells become flickering.

The effect of the Four Spirits Extinguishing Wind Curse became weaker and weaker, and the gaps on both sides of the valley that were originally sealed by ice walls quickly melted and ruptured.

The bitter cold wind outside the snow-capped mountains found a breakthrough, roared in from both sides of the valley, and swirled around the barrel-shaped terrain of the valley.

This is going to be troublesome, the cold current will re-form a whirlwind and become a barrier in the frost world.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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