Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 1449 Take 2 Jiaos to the Mountain Gate

"Shuangxue, why are you so fierce? Don't think that just because you grow up a bit, you dare to grin your teeth in front of me."

Gu Ya waved her white and tender fist, and demonstrated against the flooded eyes that were as big as leather balls.

The tile-blue dragon was a little confused, and the little girl's tone sounded very familiar.

It was not sure, so it poked the blue-gray dragon next to it with its tail: "Brother, wake up, there is a kid who claims to be the master of the pavilion."

This blue-gray dragon is named Fengxue, over two hundred and sixty years old, and has more experience than Shuangxue.

Feng Xue opened his sleepy eyes, and looked in the direction indicated by his younger brother, there was indeed a human child.

However, the child's body exudes an oppressive aura all the time, which is the power of heaven and earth spilled unintentionally.

It's so strange, judging by the extent of the power of heaven and earth, this little girl is actually the supreme being of the divine realm.

Fengxue approached curiously, stretched out his nose to smell the power fluctuations emanating from the little girl.

After a while, its eyes became complicated, and it asked uncertainly: "Who are you, Gu Xiao?"

Gu Ya laughed loudly: "Not bad, you are much better than Shuangxue, your age is not in vain.

To tell you the truth, I am Gu Xiao! "

Hearing this, Shuangxue's claws slipped instantly, and her chin hit the ground with a plop.

"You are Gu Ma, if it's true or not, I don't believe it.

Unless you can tell, what was my first bite when I was born. "

"You eat pearl powder!"

As soon as the word "pearl powder" came out, Shuangxue's tile-blue scales stood up, trembling with excitement.

One hundred and thirty years ago, it was Gu Xiao, who had just become the Pavilion Master, who hatched it from the egg.

Jiao was enlightened from birth, and Shuangxue clearly remembered that when she drilled out of the eggshell, she made a mistake and fell on the tray.

The tray was covered with pearl powder, it fell down and took a bite, the rustling taste is still fresh in my memory.

Shuangxue leaned forward like a pug dog, sticking out her tongue to lick Gu Ya's face, but Gu Ya pushed her back.

"How long has it been since you rinsed your mouth? It smells so bad. Did I never take care of it after I left?"

Shuangxue smirked, rubbed her front paws and shrank back in embarrassment.

Big Brother Fengxue asked: "Gu Xiao, why did you become a child?

I remember that you are more than two hundred and seventy years old, and your lifespan is nearing the end, so you should be very old. "

Gu Ya smiled and patted her chest, proudly: "I have researched the method of "Concentrating the Soul" and changed myself into a new body, the longevity of this body has just begun.

Now I have changed my name to Gu Ya, the brand new Rin Shuang Supreme. "

Shuangxue next to her whispered: "Anyway, I still call you Gu Ma..."

Feng Xue and Gu Xiao have been dealing with each other for many years, and they are very familiar with each other, and they also don't care about the titles.

It asked about the pavilion master: "Where is Yu Linli, she has the pavilion master's token in her hand."

"Dead, beheaded by my own hands.

She is too obsessed with power and insists on going astray.

I'm here today,

It is to take you away from Luoshuang Pavilion and go to the Great Wilderness Refuge to save your lives. "

"Mama Gu, what happened, is there a strong enemy attacking Luoshuang Pavilion?

Don't be afraid, with my eldest brother and I here, one will die and the other will die! "

Gu Ya shook her head and sighed: "You guys can't handle this matter, listen to me, and leave Luoshuang Pavilion together.

I got definite news that Yunxiu Continent will be hit by a meteor shower in two days, and everything on the land will be destroyed.

Even if Luoshuang Pavilion activates the mountain defense formation, it cannot withstand the meteorite, so it must be evacuated.

I have ordered all the elders and disciples to prepare their luggage and gather outside the mountain gate in an hour.

You two also prepare, see what you want to bring, and then follow me to the mountain gate. "

Seeing that Shuangxue wanted to ask more questions, Gu Ya added: "The reason why Yunxiu Continent will be destroyed, I will talk to you two in detail on the way."

Both Feng Xue and Shuang Xue heard a trace of anxiety from Gu Ya's tone, and understood that Gu Ya was not joking.

The two dragons immediately turned around, swam to the inner side of the cave, and began to turn over the iron box inside.

Growing up in the human world, the living habits of the two dragons are also very human-like.

They will collect various styles of human armor, build a furnace to burn and forge, and make armor that fits the dragon's body.

In addition to wearing armor as clothes, they also collect water tanks and use them as drinking cups.

Collect copper gates and polish them to use as mirrors.

Inside these iron boxes are all the treasures they have treasured, or the treasures they think they are.

After rummaging through boxes and cabinets, the image of the two dragons took on a new look.

They put on shiny armor, velvet cloaks on their backs, and rings of gold, silver ore, etc., on their paws as decorations.

The overall attire looks a little funny, like a paper dragon made of colored paper during festivals in villages and towns.

Shuangxue shook her head and looked at herself very satisfied: "Mama Gu, we are all ready and ready to go at any time."

Gu Ya glanced at the messy tin box not far away, and asked, "That's all, don't you bring anything else?"

Feng Xue shook her head and responded: "That's all, other things are not good, we don't like them."

Gu Ya laughed secretly, if you really didn't like it, would you two keep all your things here?

But on the bright side, she didn't expose the two floods. "Okay then, let's go to the bell pavilion at the mountain gate and wait for the elders and disciples to gather."

One person and two dragons flew away from the Snow Beast Peak, swept past the tops of the white mountains, and arrived at the southernmost side of the mountain range.

Along the way, Gu Ya told the two Jiaos about the meteorite rain in detail.

Because Fengxue and Shuangxue didn't like Yu Linli, they stayed on Snow Beast Peak and never left for more than ten years.

The two of them didn't know anything about what happened outside Luoshuang Pavilion, and they thought it was still dominated by the top ten sects.

After hearing about Lingcuishan and Zheng Qiu, they were very interested and kept asking about this and that.

Gu Ya told them that there is also a Jiao in Lingcui Mountain.

It's not the kind of jiao that was hatched in Yunxiu Continent and raised by humans, but an individual that really came from the Boundless Tianhe.

When Fengxue and Shuangxue heard that they would see the Jiao in the boundless Milky Way when they took refuge in the Great Wilderness this time, they felt uneasy.

What does the Jiao of the Boundless Tianhe look like, is there any difference between them, and what is the difference?

The two of them were entrenched by the bell pavilion at the mountain gate, chattering and discussing enthusiastically, guessing what would happen when they met.

An hour is not long, and soon, dense blue ribbons floated from the sky.

The streamer fell one after another, and the vigorous light dissipated, revealing the figures of the elder and his disciples.

Seeing the two big flood dragons outside the mountain gate, the elder immediately led his disciples and bowed in salute.

"I've seen Senior Fengxue, I've seen Senior Shuangxue!"

There were constant voices of worship from the crowd. After saluting, many disciples tried their best to squeeze forward, wanting to see Jiao's appearance more clearly.

They have heard that there are Jiaos on the Snow Beast Peak, but they have never seen it.

After all, Snow Beast Peak forbids ordinary disciples to enter, and the pavilion master Yu Linli has no ability to call out the two dragons.

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