Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 1462 The whole sect mobilizes in a hurry

Abandoning the cumbersome steps in the middle and directly starting the construction and reorganization can indeed save a lot of time.

However, there are risks in doing so.

The elders of each peak have different abilities to mobilize disciples, and their familiarity with the formation is also different.

Without a unified command, let the elders of each peak lead their disciples to change formations, it is easy to have minor problems.

But now is not the time to work slowly and meticulously. It is the most important thing to be able to modify the fixed star array as soon as possible.

The fourteen Xueyun elders each took three map fragments, and Ming Kong Aoqing took eight.

Afterwards, fifteen people exchanged cloud talismans to show their identities, and Jiaguang flew to the peaks of Qianyunzong.

Seeing her foster father and the others split up, Zi Lin didn't dare to dawdle, and immediately flew back to Tanyun Peak.

As the tallest building on Tanyun Peak, Tanyun Building is also the core of Qianyunzong.

The material and construction method of this building are the same as most of the buildings in Qianyunzong.

They all rely on the two miscellaneous skills of "Stone Tinghua" and "Tie Tingming", manipulating rock and metal splicing and building.

The floors of the Tanyun Building are removable and replaceable. There are 20 basic floors, including halls of various sizes.

Above the 20th floor is where the suzerain handles all kinds of affairs, as well as practice and teach.

How many of these floors are needed and how to arrange them, each suzerain has his own ideas.

Zilin added two more floors to Mingkong Aoqing's original design, which are specially used for planting flowers and plants.

After she returned to Tanyun Building, she didn't go to any floor to stay, but flew directly to the top of the building.

On the roof of the building is a large bronze formation, four feet in diameter, embedded in the surface of a two-inch thick iron plate.

On the edge of the iron plate, there is also a long heavy hammer locked with an iron chain. One look at the smooth handle of the hammer shows that it has been used many times.

This large bronze formation is the alarm bell on the main peak of Qianyun Sect, which can trigger all peaks to sing together.

It is called an alarm bell because it has the function of a clock, but it does not mean that it has the shape of a clock.

Zilin threw six heaven and earth crystals into the eyes of the formation, slapped her palm to drive the formation, and then took off the heavy hammer to recall the rhythm of thousands of birds welcoming the spring.

Different bell rhythms have different meanings.

The rhythm of thousands of birds welcoming the spring is to tell all the disciples to gather at the peaks where they learn their skills.

Follow the orders of the elders of each peak, and don't have to come to explore Yunfeng to join in the fun.

Recalling for a while, she raised the hammer and began to strike the core of the bronze formation.

Dang dang, dang dang, dang, dang dang...

Along with the knocking, the rays of light emitted by the pattern gathered and rose, and finally turned into a giant bell with a diameter of four feet.

Every time Zilin struck the big formation, the huge radiant bell would vibrate, releasing a loud sound wave.

The sound waves visible to the naked eye spread out circle after circle, and spread to all parts of Qianyunzong.

On other peaks of Qianyunzong, there are also similar alarm bell formations.

When the sound waves swept across, those formations were activated and began to glow and resonate.

The sound waves of the same rhythm exploded, spreading to the surroundings with a new starting point.


Every mountain peak in the sect is mobilized, forming a scene of hundreds of peaks singing together.

The disciples of Qianyun Sect in the sect became nervous when they heard the echo of the bell.

They rushed to tell each other, discussed with brothers and sisters of the same family nearby, and analyzed the reason for the sudden ringing of the bell.

"Why did the bell ring, what happened?"

"I don't know, is the suzerain summoning us?"

"No, listen, the rhythm of the bell is different from before."

The disciples in the sect were also divided into generations, most of them could only hear the rhythm of the bell had changed, but they didn't know what the new rhythm meant.

Only those disciples who have been in Qianyunzong for many years, have a relatively high seniority, and often work for the elders.

Only then do we know the different meanings represented by different bell rhythms.

"This is the bells of thousands of birds welcoming the spring. You don't need to go to Tan Yunfeng to gather."

"It's ten thousand birds welcoming the spring, hurry back to the peaks where your masters are, and wait for the elders to speak!"

These explanations spread quickly within the sect, as if they had grown wings and could fly by themselves.

After the disciples knew about it, they all flew back to the place where the master was.

After returning, everyone found that the elder was holding a sound transmission jade tablet and was listening to the suzerain's order.

The disciples only heard a few words. For example, mobilize everyone, seize the time, and construct according to the drawings.

Although he didn't hear everything, the elder's face became more and more serious, as if he was facing the enemy of life and death.

Soon, the sound transmission jade tablet was extinguished, and the suzerain's order was delivered.

The elders acted quickly and gathered the disciples who returned after hearing the bell to arrange construction tasks.

"The end of the world is just around the corner, and tomorrow, a meteor shower will sweep across the world.

The suzerain has already figured out a way to modify the fixed star array and use its power to protect this world..."

"Cheer up, we still have one more day, enough..."

"You guys, hurry up and prepare the tools, and the rest will follow me..."

When the elders were mobilizing the disciples from various peaks, someone wearing a red cloud-patterned uniform came over and handed over the new blueprint of the fixed star array to the elders.

The disciples didn't know what the identities of these red-clothed sect uniform cultivators who suddenly appeared were.

But the elders of each peak clearly understand that this is the secret Blood Cloud lineage in Qianyun Sect.

The blood cloud lineage does not participate in the sect's internal affairs, and only obeys the orders of the suzerain's gate, which is equivalent to the suzerain's private army.

They sent the construction drawing of the fixed star array, which was consistent with the content of the suzerain's voice transmission, further corroborating the suzerain's order.

The elders of each peak did not dare to be negligent, and immediately took the disciples to the location shown in the blueprint, and started working to change the formation.

At the same time, Mingkong Aoqing delivered the eight pieces of construction drawings at the fastest speed.

Then Jia Guang flew to Fangcao Peak and found Elder Ming Zong.

Elders in other peaks have apprentices, more or less in different numbers.

Ming Zong's apprentice is Zheng Qiu alone. Now that Zheng Qiu has established Lingcui Mountain by himself, Ming Zong is the only one left on Fangcao Peak.

"Ming Zong, look at the sky, the meteorite has appeared, we are running out of time.

You and I go to Yingke Peak, and ask all sects to help.

With their help, the new fixed star array can be completed faster, otherwise it may not be able to make it in time. "

Mingkong Aoqing said so.

Ming Zong looked up at the sky, and sure enough, he saw a gray dot in the sky.

He counted with his fingers, and suggested: "There are a total of 205 sects who come to us, and now they live in the South Yingke Peak and West Yingke Peak.

You and I will invite you separately, I will go to West Yingke Peak, and you will go to South Yingke Peak. "

Mingkong Aoqing nodded in agreement, and went to ask for help separately, which would save a lot of time.

Now time is the most precious resource, you can pick as much as you can, and compress it from every little thing.

Before leaving for Yingke Peak, he took out a list and handed it to Ming Zong.

He also instructed: "The modification of the fixed star array is divided into three parts: strength, technique, and method.

Among them, the two parts of strength and technique can be helped by various sects.

I will list the specific content in the liquidation, and assign tasks according to the list. "

Here, Ming Zong and Ming Kong Aoqing took the list and set off for Yingke Peak.

On the other side, the cultivators of various sects in the Yingke Peak were alarmed by the thunderous bells, and one after another walked out of the Yingke Tower to check the situation.

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