Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 166 Opening a Supermarket in the Deserted and Isolated City

Zheng Qiu followed Meng Tiansha and Qing Youcai into the central street of the market in the east of the city.

On both sides are large houses with more than three floors. The stone walls are painted with colorful paint and various patterns are drawn.

The passers-by here are dressed luxuriously, and the cultivators among them wear beautiful weapons, some of which are radiant and colorful, obviously unusual.

On the central street, you can see parked carriages every thirty steps.

The carriage was full of goods, and the shop assistants climbed up and down, constantly moving the boxes into the house.

Such a prosperous scene cannot be seen in other places in the Great Desolation City.

The three of them walked along the street and came to the door of the sixteenth house, which was in the middle of the street and had the best location.

Zheng Qiu looked up and saw that the house was four stories high, wide and big, with a three-foot-wide gate opened at the main entrance, each guarded by three practitioners.

On the top of the gate, there is a gold-red copper signboard with four large characters "Dahuang Supermarket" written on it.

Under these four big characters, there is also a sentence engraved: calm things down, peace makes money!

Zheng Qiu was very surprised, and turned to ask Meng Tiansha: "Coach Meng, is this the merchant I want to meet today? Why is it called a supermarket? What does it mean?"

Meng Tiansha scratched his head and couldn't answer, so he patted Qing Youcai on the shoulder and asked him to speak.

Qing Youcai simply explained: "The owner of this shop is surnamed Ning. He has the experience of leaving the Great Wilderness to travel around Yunxiu. .

Not to mention, this kind of shop called a supermarket is very attractive. After Boss Ning introduced it from Jueqing Suixinzhuang, he became one of the top wealthy businessmen in the isolated city in less than ten years. "

"So amazing?" Zheng Qiu stuck out his tongue, his face full of disbelief.

"Don't believe it, you will understand after you go in, and you will definitely like this kind of transaction."

Meng Tiansha walked to the gate, bowed his hands to the cultivator guarding the gate, and said: "Brothers, I am the captain of the Liesha Treasure Hunting Team, Meng Tiansha.

Boss Ning and I have an appointment to meet today to discuss business, please let me know. "

When the practitioners heard that it was the Liesha Treasure Hunting Team, their faces were immediately filled with smiles.

One of them replied: "You are Captain Meng of Team Liesha, Boss Ning has ordered you to go upstairs and find him.

Oh, by the way, the gatekeeper who bumped into you a few days ago has been driven away by Boss Ning. I hope Captain Meng doesn't mind. "

Meng Tiansha grinned and said: "Hey, why would Meng Tiansha care about this kind of thing, you are busy, I will see Boss Ning."

After all, he brought Qing Youcai and Zheng Qiu into Dahuang Supermarket.

After stepping into the gate, Zheng Qiu kept looking around, his curious eyes scanning every corner.

The inside of Dahuang Supermarket is a whole hall without any room. The iron shelves are placed row after row, and all kinds of goods are displayed on the shelves.

There is a small sign hanging under each product, engraved with the price and name, and some strange things are also posted with a simple introduction.

Practitioners who come to buy things only need to choose what they like on the display rack, and then take it to the counter at the entrance to pay.

It is very convenient to avoid the tedious process of picking up goods, looking at goods, asking prices, and bargaining prices.

Zheng Qiu felt that his eyes were wide open. It turns out that the products can still be sold like this.

Walking up the stairs, he found that the second floor also sells things in this way, but the third floor has no display racks, and it is a traditional counter transaction method.

Seemingly seeing Zheng Qiu's doubts, Qing Youcai explained: "Only things with low value and large quantities can be sold on iron shelves, and precious treasures still have to be traded in the traditional way, which is both safe and affordable. Buyers rest assured."

The three climbed to the fourth floor and came to the end of the long corridor.

Meng Tiansha saluted the cultivator beside the huge carved stone gate, and said, "I am the captain of Liesha Treasure Hunting Team, Meng Tiansha, come to see Boss Ning."

The cultivator nodded, raised his palm and pressed it against the stone gate, bright flames rose from his palm.

Kakaka, accompanied by the sound of friction, the stone door was slowly pushed open, revealing a room ten feet square.

The room is resplendent and magnificent, with tables, chairs, and bookshelves inlaid with gold threads and jewels, and densely packed lamp stones are placed on the ceiling, as if the sky is full of stars.

Zheng Qiu's head was filled with the words "so big, so luxurious".

Behind the large table, sat a middle-aged man with a slightly fat body. He must be Boss Ning. Of course, compared with Mr. Jiang Yin in the wrestling tournament, Boss Ning was completely slim.

Boss Ning's clothes are not as luxurious as Zheng Qiu imagined, on the contrary they are very simple.

A blue plain robe, a jade crown of the same color on top of the head, and no ornaments on the hands and neck.

Meng Tiansha and Qing Youcai stepped forward to salute, "Boss Ning."

"I've met Boss Ning." Seeing this, Zheng Qiu followed suit and saluted.

Boss Ning smiled and waved his hands: "No need to do that, please sit down."

While speaking, three practitioners ran over from one side of the room and placed three golden silk wooden chairs behind them.

While taking his seat, Zheng Qiu glanced at the direction where the practitioners were running. There were five people waiting there, like servants.

Boss Ning spoke and drew Zheng Qiu's attention back.

"Captain Meng, I believe in the ability of your Liesha team, since you can win the dragon eggs in the gladiatorial competition, there is no problem in treasure hunting.

But there is one thing, my Dahuang Supermarket mainly deals in low-priced and commonly used items, and wins with large quantities. Treasures are not the main category.

If Captain Meng provides too many treasures, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat them here, which will delay the development of Liesha Team. "

Meng Tiansha chuckled, shook his head and replied: "It's okay, we have others..."

Before the words "other merchants are willing to accept" were said, Qing Youcai hurriedly interrupted him, and changed his words: "We have other goods for sale, including low-priced and commonly used ones."

Seeing that Qing Youcai interrupted him, Meng Tiansha's heart skipped a beat, knowing that he almost said something wrong just now, so he immediately echoed: "Yes, there are other goods."

Seeing Meng Tiansha's insistence, Boss Ning stopped asking, nodded and said: "Well, let's try for two months first, and if the cooperation goes well, I will send someone to pick up the goods."

"Thank you, Boss Ning!"

Meng Tiansha clasped his hands again to salute, then patted Zheng Qiu on the shoulder next to him, and introduced: "Boss Ning, this kid is a member of our treasure hunting team, named Zheng Qiu. Zheng Qiu, get up and salute."

Zheng Qiu immediately stood up, bowed and said, "I met Boss Ning!"

Boss Ning squinted his eyes and looked at Zheng Qiu for a while, then turned his gaze back to Meng Tiansha.

According to the rules of the Treasure Hunting Team, he can only trade with Captain Meng Tiansha, but now that he introduces Zheng Qiu to himself, he obviously hopes that Zheng Qiu will have the same trading power as the captain.

He smiled and sighed: "In order to retain talents, Captain Meng is really willing to spend all his money!"

(Thanks to book friend 140713005635137 for the monthly pass o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o)


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