Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 1827 two swords in a row broke the body

Once the blow has been hit, Mo Junrong cannot be given another chance to breathe.

"Quick, another sword!"

Zheng Qiu shouted loudly to Yunyou, and at the same time pinched out the god-gathering seal with his left hand to strengthen the concentration of his spiritual power.

The figure in the sky, shining with a shattered blue light, was cutting through the wind and sand at high speed, falling three hundred feet away.

Zheng Qiu knew in his heart that if he wanted to restrain Mo Junrong's special body protection technique with the ground shrinking technique, the closer the better.

Peng and Zheng Qiu manifested a huge finger using the technique of divine appearance and law of heaven, and used it as a springboard to jump up.

Like a thunderbolt piercing through the sky, he chased after Mo Junrong. Two hundred feet, one hundred feet, the distance is getting closer.

He moved the Concentrating Spirit Seal with his left hand a little forward, and the slight heat passed through his forehead, and the spiritual power merged into a concentrated trickle and hit Mo Junrong far away.

In an instant, Zheng Qiu felt his head buzzing, as if an unbearable scalding came from the front.

But this hotness was fleeting, and was immediately covered by the cool feeling of vitality and divine power.

That's right, it's the fire of glory and the divine power of destruction. The power that belongs to the God Lord in Mo Junrong is stronger than expected.

To obtain these promotions, Mo Junrong must have exchanged something with the Almighty, but now there is no time to ponder such issues in detail.

Zheng Qiu rolled his eyes back, the mist of Yunshan Mountain in Yunyou's hand had once again shone brightly, and the second attack of the Rapid Winding Elephant Sword was brewing.

Zheng Qiu counted the time silently in his heart, and recited the syllables of the dragon's voice in his mouth.

When Yunyou's Wind-to-Elephant Sword made a move and the sword light was about to touch Mo Junrong, he activated the ground-to-inch spell to break Mo Junrong's defense.

At the same time, as Zheng Qiu's target, Mo Junrong clenched the ax of destiny in his hand and roared, the flames on his body whistling in the wind and sand.

The Flame of Glory is indeed omnipotent, and the blazing flames quickly drove away the remaining sword energy on his body, and the fragments of the blue power of heaven and earth were also burned piece by piece.

At the same time, the flames wiped the wounds, and the places cut by the sword energy quickly healed.

In less than three breaths, the sword energy of the Gale Wind Transformation Elephant Sword was completely wiped out by the flames, and Mo Junrong also returned to his full power.

Although the remaining power of the Gale Wind Transformation Sword has been expelled,

But he still didn't understand what happened just now.

In General Chen's memory fragments, it was never mentioned that this secret technique of hiding in the devil's prison would fail.

In this world, perhaps only the God Lord can deal with the secret technique and prevent the caster from hiding in the devil's prison.

Mo Junrong was restless, and couldn't help but began to doubt himself, whether there was something wrong with the spell he performed in a hurry.

At this moment, a condensed spiritual force hit straight from the sky, washing over Mo Junrong like a water column.


Mo Junrong was surprised to find that the burning flames on his body suddenly jumped wildly and became irritable and restless, as if he had encountered a big enemy.

"It's Zheng Qiu's power!"

After fighting many times, no matter how stupid people are, they can feel the difference in strength.

Only the light green ghost on Zheng Qiu's body can affect the flame of glory and limit the infinite power of the fire of glory.

The sword finger drew a circle, and without thinking, he laid out the sword intention and heart shield to guard against Zheng Qiu's mental attack in advance.

Suddenly, a strong blue light suddenly lit up, completely illuminating his body and the surrounding Baizhang space.

The oppression of the power of heaven and earth is coming, the wind is howling, and Yunyou's wind-like sword has arrived!

Mo Junrong carefully used secret techniques to communicate with the world of the devil prison, preparing to hide in and avoid sword moves.

This time, if you perform the surgery carefully, there should be no problem.

However, things turned out unexpected.

He saw the picture of the surrounding world disappear, and when it was transformed into the burning valley of the Devil Prison, the picture was suddenly covered by strong white light.

Immediately afterwards, the scene of the devil prison world disappeared, and the surroundings returned to the sky of the wild wind and sand.

Afterwards, his field of vision was filled with blue light, and the Sword of Wind and Elephant hit his chest again.

The dull thunder echoed in the air, and the power of the blue sky and earth turned into a violent whirlwind and blew in all directions, sweeping the long dust into the distance.

The turbid sky has that short-lived clearness, and even the dark clouds on the sky are a bit thinner.

In the center of the blue light and sparks splashing and exploding, a shadow crept out crookedly, shaking and flying down obliquely.

Taking a closer look, the shadow was exactly Mo Junrong.

Holding the Destiny Ax in his left hand, the right side of his body has disappeared, and everything from his right shoulder to his abdomen has been pulverized by the strong wind of the sword.

But even after being severely injured, he was still alive, and no blood flowed from the wound where his body was missing.

"What's the situation, this bastard is not dead yet?"

Zheng Qiu squinted his eyes and stared at Mo Junrong Feiluo's figure.

I don’t know if I don’t look at it, but I’m startled when I see it.

The gap on the right side of Mo Junrong's body was wrapped in raging flames, and the ribs and spine that were burning red hot could be vaguely seen inside.

However, around the bones, no internal organs can be seen.

There are only the shadows of internal organs, and the muscular bodies that are unclear, like illusions in a mirage.

Zheng Qiu's eyes widened, his face was full of surprise. It turned out to be a body of strength, almost a replica of Yunyou.

Abandon the physical body, build a body with pure power, and become the place where the spirit and soul reside.

Zheng Qiu didn't know why Mo Junrong gave up his body, and he didn't know when he gave up his body.

From a distance, he couldn't see clearly the extent to which Mo Junrong abandoned his body.

Whether to give up all of it like Yunyou, or still retain part of the body structure like Chihun.

But one thing is very clear, if you want to kill Mo Junrong, you can no longer use ordinary means, just destroying the body is useless.

It is necessary to seal Mo Junrong's spiritual consciousness to prevent him from escaping, and then completely wipe out his soul.

"Continue to use the Transformation Sword Technique, don't stop!

Qingyue also helped, smashing Mo Junrong! "

Zheng Qiu yelled loudly, and made the Jushen handprint with both hands again.

"I think so much, I'm excited!"

His teeth were knocked hard, his brows were suddenly furrowed, and his forehead suddenly churned with heat.

With the assistance of mudras, the concentration becomes extremely concentrated, and a stronger spiritual force rushes out like a tsunami.

Such intensely condensed spiritual power even caused layers of ripples in the air, causing countless faint light green waves.

Mo Junrong has a body protected by flames of glory all over his body. If ordinary spiritual power gets close, he will be burned back 100%.

Only Qingyue and Zheng Qiu, relying on the protection of vitality and divine power, can neutralize the burning and eroding effect of the fire of glory, so that the spiritual power can stably cover Mo Junrong.

Seeing the light green waves covering the space around Mo Junrong, Zheng Qiu quickly released the concentrating handprint, tapped his teeth and said again: "Lock!"

"The First Cause of the Worlds"

The spiritual power gathered from all around and gathered inward, pressing down on Mo Junrong from all directions.

This pressure didn't seem to be great, and it couldn't lock Mo Junrong's movements.

However, on the spiritual level, it is like a ten thousand zhang mountain, forcibly suppressing Mo Junrong's soul consciousness in the body, unable to escape far away.

High in the sky, Qingyue opened her mouth and spit out a torrential rain of dragon thunder, pouring it on Mo Junrong's head.

Mo Junrong, on the other hand, seemed to be frightened and foolish, suspended in place and did not fly away.

Why, did Mo Junrong feel that there was no hope of escape and accepted his fate?

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