Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 1831 Dragon Law Spells Send You Away

In order to cast the spell of Dragon Law, it is necessary to adjust the movement of the power of heaven and earth in the body to resonate with the natural power of the external environment.

Finally, it is supplemented with spiritual power control to mobilize the power of heaven and earth to achieve the magical effect.

Now that Zheng Qiu has left his physical body, he can only rely on his spiritual consciousness to guide the power of heaven and earth he touches as much as possible to achieve the resonance effect.

Right now, the power of heaven and earth that can be manipulated is very limited, and can only meet the minimum requirements of the shrinking the ground to an inch spell.

The silvery phantom symbolizing Zheng Qiu's promotion of consciousness dimmed slightly, and the silvery white light suddenly appeared on Mo Junrong's abdomen.

The range of the spell is very small, the silvery-white bright spot is only the size of a peach pit, and the suction from it can be ignored by ordinary people.

But this little gap is enough!

The thousand-mile long dike collapsed in the ant's nest, and the appearance of the gap caused the power of heaven and earth from another world to surge in the direction of Yunxiu Continent.

This surge seemed normal, but it actually affected the connection between Mo Junrong and Yunxiu World.

The originally strong link is loosened by the addition of the power of heaven and earth from another world, and the loose power of heaven and earth will be pulled by the shrinking magic, causing the gap opened by the spell to become larger.

A bigger gap will allow more power from different worlds to pour in, further disturbing Mo Junrong's effect of manipulating the world.

I saw that the silver light spot opened by the shrinking to an inch spell was getting bigger and bigger, and the light clusters of various colors of heaven and earth gushing out from it rapidly diluted the phantom of the Yunxiu Continent behind Mo Junrong.

Mo Junrong sensed that something was wrong. This was obviously a teleportation evasion technique that Zheng Qiu often used, and logically speaking, it only had a teleportation effect.

I don't know why it has to be opened in front of me, and it can also affect the link between myself and the origin of Yunxiu Continent.

He raised the Divine Ax of Destiny, and the blade of the ax flashed with intense colored light, sweeping towards the ever-expanding teleportation spell in front of him.

The magic weapon is extremely strong, and it has its own magic-breaking effect. It should not be affected by the teleportation-like escapism. Just use the simplest method to violently shatter the escapism.

Mo Junrong thought simply, but how could Zheng Qiu give him this chance.

"Shrink the ground into an inch!"

Zheng Qiu cast the Dragon Law spell again, opening a new portal.

A bright silver spot appeared at the same position, but the other part of the passage was not the devil's prison, but Zheng Qiu's own body.

To be precise, it is not Zheng Qiu's physical body, but the empty melting bottle hidden in his belt.

The empty dissolution bottle fell into the passage under the influence of the spell, and then came out from the other side of the passage, just above Mo Junrong's head.

At this time, Mo Junrong's attention was attracted by the light of the first shrinking spell, and he didn't notice the second palm-sized light spot.

His raised arm still swung down, and the Destiny Ax slashed towards the white light of the spell.

Kacha, before the ax fell, there was a crisp sound of broken glass above his head.

Mo Junrong looked up, and found that there was also an escape portal above him, and a small bottle fell out of it at some point.

The bottle was not a treasure either, the ax blade easily cut it through, and the contents inside gushed out with the force of heaven and earth.

Obviously, this is a storage device, similar to the star melting box, which can store things in a square inch.

Immediately afterwards, his pupils contracted, and his eyes focused on a large pile of dark spheres inside.

This is... fire bomb!

It was too late to take back the falling momentum of the Divine Ax of Destiny, and the strong force of heaven and earth on the blade of the ax instantly tore apart the shell of the fire and thunder bomb.

In an instant, flames spurted out from those spheres accompanied by billowing air waves, blasting thunder one after another.

Hundreds of fire and mine bombs exploded in a row, setting off a huge roaring shock wave, and hitting Mo Junrong heavily.

Mo Junrong used the Divine Ax of Destiny to connect to the origin of Yunxiu Continent, and he was naturally integrated with the world, so he could easily control the power of heaven and earth in the whole world.

But at this moment, Zheng Qiu's first shrinking ground spell interfered with the link effect, and Mo Junrong couldn't use the world's origin as a shield.

At the same time, the Huo Lei Bomb uses the Huo Lei potion to explode and does not rely on any power of heaven and earth. Mo Junrong's means of manipulating natural forces has no restrictive effect on this thing.

The combination of the two eventually caused the explosion shock wave to hit Mo Junrong's body firmly, pushing him down and flying, and he lost his stability and fell into the first ground-to-inch spell.

And when Mo Junrong's figure fell into the white light, the power of heaven and earth, which was originally tightly controlled, suddenly relaxed and became active.

Like a piece of solid ice, suddenly boiled under the fire.

The drastic changes in the power of heaven and earth echoed in the sky and the earth, as if countless wasps were flying.

On the ground, Yunyou and Qingyue's bodies suddenly loosened, and they bounced up quickly, staggering and turning somersaults to adapt to the sudden change.

Yunyou quickly scanned the surroundings, and everywhere she looked, she could see the colorful colors of the power of heaven and earth, so lively and vivid.

Yes, the power of heaven and earth has returned to normal, and the original power of Yunxiu Continent has been released from the cage.

Qingyue was not as dull as Yunyou, she hurriedly ran to Zheng Qiurou's side, hugged Zheng Qiu and groped her chest and forehead.

"Boss, where are you, boss, give me some feedback!

Boss, where have you been? "

She could see clearly that the one who swept away Mo Junrong just now shrunk to an inch.

Apart from himself, only Zheng Qiu can use the Dragon Law spell here.

But Zheng Qiu's body was cold, and his body color was gray and white like a mummy, not a living person at all.

Strange, where did Zheng Qiu go? He had just cast a spell!

Qingyue turned her head into a spinning top, looking around for traces of Zheng Qiu.

Suddenly, there was a cool wave above her head, and the breath of vitality and divine power was very obvious.

Immediately afterwards, a ray of silver light that was so dim that it was almost undetectable fell rapidly and merged into Zheng Qiu's body.

"Qingyue, quickly take Yunyou away from thousands of feet away, don't come close!"

Mental fluctuations sounded in Qingyue's mind, it was Zheng Qiu's voice.


Qingyue's eyes widened in an instant, her face was full of surprise, she happily lowered her head and kissed Zheng Qiu hard on the face twice.

Wiping off the sand stained on her mouth, she pulled Yunyou up and dragged her to fly far away. While flying, she turned her head and shouted: "Don't worry, boss, we will leave immediately, and we will never approach..."

Yunyou was pulled with a dazed expression, not knowing why she had to stay away, and wanted to ask why.

Before she had time to ask, she was interrupted by Qingyue: "Don't ask, I can't explain it clearly at once, anyway, it has something to do with divine power.

According to my previous practice experience, it should be the effect, there are advantages and disadvantages..."

Just as Qingyue and Yunyou flew away quickly, Zheng Qiu's gray complexion was rapidly fading away, returning to the flesh color full of energy and blood.

At the same time, a circle of invisible power fluctuations radiated from the whole body, covering a space of more than four hundred feet in the blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, an indescribably powerful suction erupted from the center.

The entire space seemed to lose its color in an instant, becoming dim and dead, and even the sparks burning on the ground became cold and biting.

The twisted sand and soil that entangled Mo Junrong before lost their ability to move in a blink of an eye, and splashed back to the ground without any movement.

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