Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 184 Rescue Qiu Desperately Caught in the Trap

"This is the carriage that the treasure hunting team often brings out of the city. Could it be that the person who is fighting the monster is a member of the treasure hunting team? It can't be the Lisha treasure hunting team."

Ming Zong was nervous, his hands clenched into fists involuntarily, he entered the basin, and quickly approached where the monster was.

I saw a large number of wooden carriages scattered around, many of which had been smashed into pieces, countless horses were lying on the ground, and the sand was stained maroon by blood.

Dozens of cultivators waved their weapons and launched attacks again and again, hitting the monster with vigor.

But when these attacks landed, the slightest effect was not reflected. The monster was still rampaging, twisting its head and pointing the sharp horn like a long knife on the top of its head towards the crowd.

Suddenly, one of them escaped, was kicked by the twisted leg of the monster, and screamed loudly, his body was thrown far away like a flying stone, and fell to the ground, causing a cloud of dust.

Ming Zong's eyes scanned the crowd carefully, his pupils constricted instantly, and there was a short cultivator in the crowd, who seemed to be a child.

The child held up a one-handed short sword that was one foot long, and swung it left and right to try to poke the monster's feet. At the same time, the free hand released a stream of white air, blasting towards the monster's head.

The child was blown over by the air wave created by the monster, and rolled twice on the ground. When he got up, his face turned to Ming Zong's side.

Ming Zong was shocked: "Zheng Qiu!"

His heart skipped a beat, this team must be the Liesha Treasure Hunting Team that Zheng Qiu belonged to, and somehow they ran into something strange.

Ming Zong cursed secretly in his heart: "This is a monster, it's fine if the monster smashed the carriage, but he still didn't run away."

Cursing like this in his heart, the movements of his body are not slow. Seeing that the monsters turned over the treasure hunting team one by one, he knew that it would be too late if he didn't help out.

Ming Zong threw the broadsword horizontally on the sandy ground, stepped on the broadsword and slid towards the center of the basin, at the same time clapped his shoulders once with both hands interlaced, then clenched his fists and pulled them away, a khaki-yellow flame burst out from his body.

He planned to attack with the strength of Qihua realm first, to test out the weakness of the monster, and at the same time, the power of this realm would have less aftermath of the battle, so that it would be convenient for Zheng Qiu and the treasure hunting team to withdraw.

He raised his right fist and stretched out his right fist. The flame on the fist became brighter and brighter, as if it was about to leave the skin and shoot out. The flame gradually gathered into the shadow of the fist, which was as big as a washbasin.

Just as he was about to smash out the shadow of his fist with the speed of his descent, the monster in front of him suddenly disappeared, only the mountain wind wrapped in yellow sand rolled up and down the open space in front of him.

Ming Zong was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly turned his head to look around. There were no dead horses, no broken carriages, no treasure hunters fighting, and no shadow of Zheng Qiu.

There were eight people standing a few tens of feet away, the one in the middle stood behind a large table, ringing a copper bell in his hand, chanting words to the things placed on the table.

How is this going?

He cautiously approached those people, and as the distance approached, he recognized their identities.

The person in the middle was a young woman, dressed in a white robe, he had seen it before, it was the woman who was sitting on the side of the coffee table making tea when Lin Minghao invited him to drink tea.

His gaze shifted to the seven people standing beside them, all of them covered their faces, and their whole bodies were wrapped tightly, except that there was no word "Ling" on the clothes on their chests.

The rest of the attire is exactly the same as that of the Commander.

Ming Zong's heart skipped a beat, he had been tricked.

He frowned and carefully observed the surrounding environment. The air was filled with a strong power of heaven and earth, which was obviously gathered artificially.

Moreover, these forces of heaven and earth are arranged in an orderly manner and flow according to specific lines.

It took such a lot of trouble to set up traps for him to step on.

He immediately understood the reason, there was no fault at all, and the Liesha Treasure Hunting Team was not in danger, the scene just now was just an illusion simulated by the power of heaven and earth.

He has heard of this kind of spells, which are the product of the combination of formations and spells. Because of the strong power of heaven and earth, the simulated illusions have a strong sense of reality, and can even affect the environment.

As for those cultivators who came here to investigate and died, it seems that they were killed by these seven commanders.

When I was drinking tea in the tea room that day, I saw that this woman was so proficient in casting spells, she could hardly see the movement of drawing the spell lines, and could not hear the voice of chanting formulas.

"You made everything here?"

Since it was a well-prepared trap, Ming Zong knew that it would not be easy for him to leave, so he simply relaxed and waited for the change.

Hearing Ming Zong's question, the woman put down the bell in her hand, pushed down and disturbed the piles of things on the table.

Then he smiled and asked back: "Elder Ming Zong of Qianyun Sect has long admired his name. I wonder if you are satisfied with this hospitality?"

The woman's voice was hoarse and hoarse. It sounded like an old woman talking, which didn't match her young appearance at all.

Ming Zong's cheeks twitched, and he thought to himself: "He's pretending to be young again, and he has the same virtue as Ming Sijiu. Compared with Ming Sijiu, Ming Sijiu is more likable, at least he speaks in the voice of a young woman."

He twisted his shoulders and neck, moved his body to make the blood flow more smoothly, and replied in his mouth: "It's really flattering to be treated so generously!

Why did you guys invite me here? It's not because I want to show the magic of creating illusions, just to open the eyes of an ignorant person like me. "

"You don't have to worry about this, you will know soon."

The woman didn't answer directly, but just waved to the commander beside her.

The seven commanders immediately took steps, and slowly approached to a position ten feet away from Ming Zong, and surrounded Ming Zong in a circle.

Ming Zong carefully looked at these commanders, each of them carried two hook-shaped scimitars, with an iron chain attached to the end of the handle, which was wrapped around the waist.

These people didn't motivate, nor did they grab weapons, and they couldn't see the level of the realm.

But Ming Zong felt that since these people dared to stop him from leaving, they would definitely not be ordinary people, so it was better to be cautious.

He put away the turbulent flames on his body, and channeled energy into the meridian circulation in his body. At the same time, he folded his hands on his chest, and gently touched the calming rings on his upper arms on both sides with his palms.

There was an undetectable cracking sound, and the black calming ring was broken into two pieces and broke inside the sleeve.

After a stalemate like this for a while, the seven commanders never made a move, and the woman behind the table did not cast any spells.

But streaks of gray and red streamers streaked across the sky, falling straight to the basin where Ming Zongwai was.

"Ming Zong, we meet again, please stay safe."

The gray-red halo dissipated, and the figure of the city lord Lin Minghao appeared. He stood outside the circle surrounded by the seven commanders, with a smile on his face.

"Thank you for your concern, the city lord. It shouldn't be a good thing for the city lord to take so much trouble to invite me to this barren mountain."

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