Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 20 Take Care of Senior Sister Wake Up Together

Wait and wait, the sun sets behind the mountains, night covers the sky. It was not until late at night that the doctor opened the door and came out of the room. The doctor leaned against the door frame, shaking his sleeves to fan himself, looking exhausted.

Zheng Qiu and his father rushed in front of him in an instant, one grabbed his shoulder and the other grabbed his clothes. "Doctor, what's going on inside?"

"Yes, doctor, how is my senior sister?"

Wiping his sweat, the doctor replied, "I borrowed blood, and my life was saved, but only temporarily."

"What? How can I keep it temporarily? You are still not a doctor?" Zheng Qiu's father was excited, and his hands couldn't help but exert strength.

"What are you doing, let go of your hand, let go!" The doctor pushed Zheng Qiu's father away forcefully. "Do you still want to let her live?"

"I want to, of course I want to."

"Hey, let me tell you, she has been soaking in the water for too long. The river water is not clean, and there are signs of infection now."

"Infection!" This Zheng Qiu knew that after being injured, he would get infected if he touched something unclean, and then the wound would not heal. If he had a fever again, he would die within a few days. He kept tugging at the doctor's clothes: "Is there any way? Doctor, you can save my senior sister, you can definitely..."

"All right, all right," the doctor interrupted Zheng Qiu, "I can prescribe medicine, but it's up to her whether she can survive it, and of course you have to take good care of it."

Zheng Qiu's father patted his chest: "Don't worry, doctor, as long as you prescribe the medicine, we will definitely take care of it for a moment."

The doctor patted his sleeves: "I've always been the one who advocates the patient the most. You rushed into the clinic in the morning, carried me here, and your hand just now. I don't care about these. But the cost of the medicine, you I have to give it."

Zheng Qiu's father's expression froze, and then he showed embarrassment: "This...doctor, tell me, I will never owe you the medical expenses, even if it is a waste of money, I will pay for it for you."

The doctor looked back at the room and shrugged: "The medicine to treat infection is not cheap, I think you may not be able to get it together if you sell everything."

"Then this..."

"Well... how about this, I'll make an exception and write an account for you, and you will pay back a little every month in the future."

Zheng Qiu's father was overjoyed: "That's great, you are such a good man and doctor!"

"It's not too late to flatter me until the medicine is paid off," the doctor looked up at the dark night sky and said to Zheng Qiu's father, "Do you have other places to live in the middle of the night? You can't let me go back, right?" .”

"Yes, yes, just the room next to it, I'll open the door!"

Seeing his father leading the doctor away, Zheng Qiu hesitated for a while, opened the door and walked in. In the room, Zheng Qiu's mother sat on the edge of the bed, while the master moved a stool and sat on the edge of the bed.

Zheng Qiu approached slowly, the senior sister on the bed was wearing his mother's clothes, her eyes were closed, her face was pale, as if she had no breath at all.


"Good apprentice, don't worry, Elder Sister is still alive."

"Son, come." Zheng Qiu's mother moved and patted the edge of the bed for Zheng Qiu to sit down.

"Mother, what's wrong with you?" Zheng Qiu found that his mother's voice was a little soft, revealing tiredness inside.

The master explained: "The doctor borrowed blood to save the life of the eldest sister, and this borrowed your mother's blood."

"Mother! How are you? Is there anything wrong?"

"It's okay, the doctor said, rest for half a month, don't do heavy work, and you will recover soon."

The next day, Zheng Qiu's father sent the doctor back to the clinic, and at noon he brought the medicine according to the prescription.

The master used river mud to paste two stoves, which are specially used for decocting medicinal soup and ointment. Zheng Qiu's mother stayed in the room to rest, changing her medicine and cleaning her body. Zheng Qiu asked for a long time, but was only assigned a job of boiling water and serving basins.

The doctor's medicine is very effective, the senior sister has no signs of fever, and as time goes by,

The elder sister's complexion is gradually improving.

On the eighth day, Zheng Qiu's mother cried out in surprise: "Wake up, wake up!" After hearing this, Zheng Qiu and his master threw away their things and ran into the house to have a look.

I saw the elder sister on the bed opened her eyes slightly, and her eyes slowly swept across the bed, as if she was a little confused.

"Big sister, big sister!" Zheng Qiu lay down on the edge of the bed and called her loudly.

Hearing someone calling her, the elder sister's eyes moved over and landed on Zheng Qiu's face. After a long time, the elder sister opened her eyes a little more, and her eyes were a little more lively than before.

"Yao...Tong..." The elder sister moved her mouth slightly, and squeezed out two words. The voice was vague, and Zheng Qiu could only hear it when she pressed her ear.

"Master, master!" Zheng Qiu looked up with joy on his face, "The elder sister called me, you see she recognized me!"

The master raised his hand and patted him on the head: "Be quiet, she needs to rest now, if you keep arguing like this, go outside."

Zheng Qiu hugged her head and shrank to her mother: "Understood, master, I won't quarrel, I won't quarrel."

Zheng Qiu's mother asked the master, "Brother, can she eat now?"

"I can't do it now, I have to feed rice soup first, then porridge, bit by bit," the master pulled Zheng Qiu, "Don't you always want to help? Go, go to the kitchen with the master."

After feeding rice soup for two days in a row, the elder sister's condition has improved, and her body can move slowly. After another three days of gruel feeding, the elder sister was finally able to sit up, leaning on the pillow and holding a bowl to eat by herself.

"Son, the porridge is ready, bring it to your elder sister." The mother handed the bowl to Zheng Qiu, "Be careful, don't burn it."

Zheng Qiu walked out of the kitchen in small steps, pouting to cool the porridge along the way.

"Elder Sister, let's have porridge!" Zheng Qiu pushed open the door and was shocked to see what was inside.

The elder sister fell to the ground with her hair loose. Things in the room were scattered all over the floor, drawers and cabinets were opened, and the inside was turned into a mess.

"Master, elder sister, what's the matter?" Zheng Qiu put the bowl on the table and ran up to help it.

Unexpectedly, the senior sister stretched out her hand, grabbed Zheng Qiu's arm tightly, and shouted loudly: "Yaotong, what about the letter, what about the letter?"

"Letter, what letter?"

"Letter! Where is the letter I put in my coat?"

"Elder Sister, there is no letter. I rescued you by the river that day, and I haven't seen any letter."

"No, it's impossible!" The elder sister shook her head again and again, her hair became more messy, "Where is my dress, where is it?"

"The clothes are still there. Senior sister, I will help you back to the bed first, and then I will get them."

"No, go now, now!"

"Okay, I'm going now, I'm going now."

Zheng Qiu hurried to the utility room and dug out the clothes from the basket of old things. Patting the ash on it, Zheng Qiu held it up in front of the elder sister.

"Where are the sleeves, where are the sleeves?"

"Master, the one without sleeves, when I rescued you that day, your clothes were torn. You see, the back waist and the hem of the skirt were torn..."

Halfway through Zheng Qiu's speech, he found that the elder sister was stunned. He put down his clothes and went over, only to find that the elder sister was crying there with her head down.

"Master, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was wrong! Don't cry, don't cry!" Zheng Qiu was at a loss, not knowing what to do.

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