Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 24 Qianyun Road is too far away

"Master, master!" As soon as Zheng Qiu got home, he took the jade piece and looked for the master everywhere.

"Good apprentice, I'm in the house, what's the matter?"

Zheng Qiu walked into the room and saw the master was folding clothes, he handed the jade piece over and asked, "Master, do you know Qian Yunzong?"

"Qian Yunzong? I haven't heard of it, what's the matter?" The master took the jade piece, "What is this?"

"It's like this, I met two people in the restaurant, and they asked me to go to Qian Yunzong."

"Let you go to the Yunzong? Tell me carefully."

Zheng Qiu told the story from the beginning to the end. When talking about Yiluohua, he even gestured to the size of the bag, indicating that there were a lot of seeds.

"So they thought you could grow medicine, so they invited you?"

"Yes. Master, is Yi Luohua really so difficult to grow? Why don't they even know how to break the seed coat first?"

The master stroked his beard, straightened his waist and showed pride on his back: "This broken seed coat is your master's unique secret. Back then, your master wasted a lot of seeds, and it took more than 20 years to figure it out."

"Twenty years! It turns out that I took advantage of the master. Master, why don't I go to the Yunzong?"

"This..." The master hesitated, "I really don't know about Qianyunzong, why don't we ask Yunyou, she must know more about this than me."

"Sister Yunyou, are you busy?" Zheng Qiu and his master knocked on the door of Yunyou's room.

"Not busy, what's the matter?" Yunyou sat at the table, knitting clothes with both hands.

Zheng Qiu handed over the jade piece: "Sister Yunyou, take a look at this."

Yunyou put down her clothes, and took a closer look. The jade piece was white and thin, with the word Qianyun engraved on the front, and an open book engraved on the north.

"Qianyun, Qianyun, is this something from Qianyunzong? Zheng Qiu, where did you get this?"

Zheng Qiu raised his head and exchanged a glance with his master. Sister Yunyou really knew Qian Yunzong.

He replied: "Sister Yunyou, someone gave it to me, that's how it is..." Zheng Qiu repeated what he said to the master just now, and then asked: "Sister Yunyou, do you know this dry cloud? Zong's situation? Do I want to go?"

"Of course you are going, this is a rare opportunity." Yunyou touched the jade piece, raised her head slightly, and told Zheng Qiu while recalling.

Qianyun Sect was founded more than 1,400 years ago, and it is one of the only three thousand-year-old sects left on the Yunxiu Continent.

Qianyun Sect is very strange, never participating in any battles between sects, but it occupies more than one hundred mountain peaks, and has established contact stations all over the mainland. If you want to ask why no one wants to attack Yunzong, it has something to do with what it has done.

The Qianyun Sect will send disciples to go to every corner of Yunxiu, search and buy exercises and formations, and then hide these things in a place called Wentian Pavilion. Every five years, each sect will go to Qianyunzong to purchase the required exercises and formations. At that time, there will be a celebration there, called Qianyun Dianshu.

Qianyunzong's most famous technique is the Qiankun Gathering Cloud Formation, but this is not a formation for attacking or defending, but a formation that gathers the energy of heaven and earth, transforms the spiritual veins of mountains, and assists in cultivation. This Qiankun Gathering Cloud Formation can also be bought, any sect, as long as the reward is sufficient, the people from the Qianyun Sect will come to set up the formation in person.

So Gan Yunzong is more like a businessman doing business. There are only things you can't afford, and there is nothing you can't buy. Other sects are naturally willing to make friends with it, so that they can buy more and better things.

There is still a saying among cloud sleeve practitioners: There are thousands of cloud sleeves, and all of them come from Qianyun.

Yunyou returned the jade piece to Zheng Qiu, and said: "Zheng Qiu, you are not good enough to practice. But Qianyunzong has countless miraculous skills and methods, and there is always one that will allow you to embark on the road of cultivation." .You want to go to Qianyunzong no matter what you say.”

Zheng Qiu turned to look at the master: "Go with the master, then you can also practice!"

The master waved his hand: "I'm quite old,

Impossible, impossible. "

"Didn't Sister Yunyou say that there are all kinds of exercises there, and there must be some for older people to practice."

"This..." The master didn't know how to answer. Could it be possible to find such a practice, a glimmer of hope suddenly appeared in his heart.

"By the way, Sister Yunyou, you can go together. Maybe there is a way to make your legs grow back."

"Me?" Yun You was stunned, Zheng Qiu was right, she might really have a chance to go to Qian Yunzong.

But soon, her eyes dimmed again: "Qianyunzong is at least three thousand mountains away from here, and I can't go there at all."

Zheng Qiu raised his hand and gestured in the air: "Sister Yunyou, can't you fly? You can fly over."

Yunyou lowered her head: "Fly? My meridians are all destroyed now, and I don't have any cultivation. How can I fly?"

"Sister Yunyou, don't cry, don't cry. It's okay, I can push you all the way to Qianyunzong. I promised, I will push you wherever you want to go."

Yunyou shook her head, turned the wheelchair with both hands, and leaned against the bed: "Don't be stupid, take me, can you climb a mountain in a day? Even if you can climb a mountain in a day, it will take ten years to reach Qianyunzong. Even So what if you arrive? My meridians are all destroyed, what else can I practice?"

After all, Yunyou grabbed the armrest of the wheelchair, propped herself up vigorously, and climbed onto the bed little by little: "You guys go out, I'm tired and need to rest."

Leaving the room with the master, Zheng Qiu was full of frustration: "Master, what should we do? Qian Yunzong is so far away, we can't take sister Yunyou with us. Even if you and I go, we don't know how long it will take."

The master didn't answer, but looked at the green hills in the distance, stroked his beard and thought about something. After a long time, the master suddenly asked: "My dear apprentice, do those two people from Qianyun Sect know that you have no cultivation?"

"Uh, I seem to know."

The master clenched his fist and hit his palm: "That's right."

"Ah? What's right?"

"Good apprentice, there must be other ways to go to Yunzong. They definitely don't let you walk there with your feet."

"Other ways... the master is right! They definitely didn't let me walk."

"Apprentice, can you still find those two people now?"

"This..." Zheng Qiu scratched his head, "I don't know where they are either."

The master took Zheng Qiu to the river and sat on the wooden bench for fishing. He looked at the water surface reflecting the stars at night and said slowly: "My dear apprentice, don't worry. At this time, you have to be patient like fishing. And master Tell me, what are those two people like? What clothes are they wearing? What kind of temper do they have?"

Zheng Qiu took a deep breath, calmed down and began to recall, from the day when he was overturned on the snow, he talked about it bit by bit, trying not to miss every detail.

After the master listened carefully, he stroked his beard and said slowly: "It seems that this girl is a master who can't afford to suffer. Her senior brother will follow her in everything. Then when did you first see them?"

"Uh, the second day of the New Year's Eve."

"The next day... so they were near Bihe Town during this time."

"Maybe, I don't know."

The master slowly frowned: "Well, according to the girl's temper, she probably wouldn't sleep in the mountains. If she wants to stay in a hotel, the best place in the town should be Daoxiangju. Apprentice, did you notice today that they came out Where did the restaurant go?"

Zheng Qiu tilted his head and thought for a while: "It seems to be going to the left."

The master's eyes lit up: "Yes, you have to go to the left to get to Daoxiangju from Zuishan Tower. My dear apprentice, I have a clue. Let's go to Daoxiangju to see tomorrow, maybe we can run into each other."

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