The next day, Zheng Qiu asked for leave from the shopkeeper of Zuishan Tower, moved a stool and sat at the gate of Daoxiangju and waited for the rabbit. The master wanted to come with him, but he refused. Zheng Qiu said that the master is old, and he will be exhausted from waiting every day.

Daoxiangju is located in a relatively quiet location in Bihe Town. There are not many pedestrians and shops here, so Zheng Qiu doesn't have to keep an eye on the street all the time. The first day, did not wait. The next day, I still haven't waited, the third day, the fourth day...

Every day, he waited until late at night when the gate of Daoxiangju was closed. In the morning he got up early again and came here before Daoxiangju opened. It didn't take long for Zheng Qiu to wear heavy dark circles under his eyes.

"Hah, hah." Zheng Qiu stuffed a pepper into his mouth, chewed hard a few times, and sucked in the cold air with his tongue drooping. Inspirited, he counted the days on his fingers. Today is the eighth day, and I have been waiting for no one. If Zheng Qiu is not in a hurry, it must be a lie. But there are still two days, there is still hope, and we cannot give up now.

The sun climbed to the center of the sky little by little, and then gradually slanted, and it was afternoon. Zheng Qiu held his head, his eyelids couldn't stop drooping, and sleepiness kept pushing him into dreamland.

Hey, hey, at this moment, a familiar voice suddenly floated into his ears. Although the sound was very soft and far away, to Zheng Qiu's ears, it was like a big gong hitting his head.

"A cultivator is flying over!" Zheng Qiu jumped up from the stool in an instant, and ran to the middle of the road to look around.

Huh, huh, the voice sounded again, Zheng Qiu's eyes blurred, and he saw two figures walking towards the gate of Daoxiangju. He rubbed his eyes. One was tall and the other was short. The man was wearing a blue-striped white-bottomed robe, and the woman was wearing two braids. That's right, they were the brothers and sisters of Qianyun Zong that he had been waiting for.

"Wait a minute, wait a moment!" Zheng Qiu chased after him, waving his hands.

When the girl heard someone approaching from behind, she threw a wave of air back without turning her head. Zheng Qiu was running when he suddenly noticed the dust rising up on the ground in front of him, and rushed towards him.

Oops, Zheng Qiu cursed inwardly, it was the same as the day at the end of the year, but now there is no snow, and he would be half disabled if he tried this trick.

He hugged his head with both hands, bent his body down, and rolled to the side screaming. As soon as he left the spot, the air wave blew past his heels and even swept away a shoe.

"It's you again!" The girl recognized Zheng Qiu lying on the ground, tilted her head and said angrily, "Why are you still here? Didn't you ask you to find old man Ming Zong?"

"I, I know, I'm going. But..." Zheng Qiu was interrupted by the girl before he could finish speaking.

The girl crossed her hips and looked down at Zheng Qiu ferociously: "But what, do you have any objections?"

Zheng Qiu quickly waved his hand: "No problem, no problem, I just don't know how to get there."

"Won't you go by skyboat?"

"Tianzhou? What is Tianzhou?"

Unexpectedly, the girl tilted her head, turned around and walked directly to Daoxiangju, and at the same time said: "It's hopeless, you're too stupid, just stay here and rot."

"Hey, you haven't told me what Tianzhou is!"

"Junior Sister, Junior Sister!" Senior Brother yelled and walked towards Daoxiangju.

Zheng Qiu saw it, got up quickly, ran over and grabbed his sleeve: "Big brother, big brother, don't leave me behind. What is that sky boat? Big brother, please tell me."

Seeing that the junior sister had disappeared, the senior brother turned around and asked with a puzzled expression: "Little brother, didn't you have a sect before, why didn't you know about Tianzhou?"

Zheng Qiu shook his head: "I really don't know, I've never heard of it."

After thinking for a while, the senior brother smiled: "Presumably the little brother's sect is closing the mountain and does not communicate with the outside world, so I don't know. Well, I will tell you about this Tianzhou."

The senior brother led Zheng Qiu into Daoxiangju, and found a seat by the garden, "Little brother, have some tea." The senior brother poured out a cup of clear tea and pushed it in front of Zheng Qiu.

"Oh, oh, thanks.

Zheng Qiu looked around, the environment in Daoxiangju was really elegant, but his mind was not there, "Brother, can you talk about Tianzhou?" "

"Hehe, look at you in a hurry."

The Cloud Sleeve Continent is extremely vast, so far no one knows how big it is. Although there are countless sects in Yunxiu, each sect is far away from each other because it needs to choose Lingshan, choose a blessed place, and avoid conflicts with other sects.

For ordinary people living near sects, it is almost impossible to go to another sect across a large area of ​​barren mountains. Similarly, for practitioners who can fly, going to those sects separated by thousands of mountains is also a terrible thing.

But it is impossible for sects to stay in touch with each other, so more than 700 years ago, an elder of Qianyun sect invented Tianzhou.

Tianzhou is a magic weapon, a magic weapon that can fly. To activate this magic weapon, only two cultivators above the Qi control level are required.

There are different sizes of Tianzhou boats, and the smallest one can seat fifteen people. It can also hold a lot of things, and the exchange of goods between sects also depends on this. Among the many advantages, one point is the most important, that is, the sky boat flies faster than most practitioners.

Now, the liaison posts established by Qian Yunzong in various places in Yunxiu are actually post stations for riding Tianzhou. But if you want to ride the sky boat, you need to give enough rewards. The senior brother spilled some tea on the table and drew a map with his fingers.

"Go out from the west of the town, go west and turn over two mountains, and then turn to the south. Go south and turn over three more mountains, you will see a particularly high mountain, on the top of which is the nearest Qianyun sect Post station. After you go up, give the cloud talisman to the people inside, and they will take you to Qianyunzong when the Tianzhou departs."

Zheng Qiu scratched his head: "Cloud talisman? What is cloud talisman?"

"The cloud talisman is the piece of jade that junior sister gave you."

Zheng Qiu left his seat, stood next to his senior brother, bent his knees and prepared to kowtow on the ground. The senior brother stretched out his hand to lift his arm, the strength was so great that he couldn't knock it down no matter what.

"It doesn't have to be like this, you might become my junior brother, Qian Yunzong doesn't talk about that."

Zheng Qiu had no choice but to stand up straight: "Thank you, brother, thank you!"

The senior brother counted on the fingers of his left hand and said to Zheng Qiu: "A sky boat will fly by in about half a month. You'd better leave quickly. If you miss it, you will have to wait another month."

Zheng Qiu went to the market to find the master, and hurried him home with him. They came to Yunyou's room again, and Zheng Qiu told the story of Tianzhou from beginning to end. After listening to it, Yunyou expressed that she was very surprised. She had been on the mountain for so long, and she only knew Qianyunzong, but she didn't know that there was such a thing as Tianzhou.

"Sister Yunyou, don't worry about it now. As long as we arrive at Qianyunzong's inn within half a month, we can fly to Qianyunzong in a skyboat."

"I..." Yunyou hesitated when she heard the words.

"Sister Yunyou, don't think too much, there are only five mountains at the post station, I will push you over. When we get to Qianyunzong, we will look for exercises, exercises that can make your legs grow."

Yunyou stared into Zheng Qiu's eyes, and she could only see the sincerity revealed in her master's eyes.

Her hands couldn't help trembling slightly, maybe, maybe God gave her another chance, the dead heart was caressed by a ray of hope, and it started beating again.

Yunyou nodded vigorously to Zheng Qiu: "Well, I'll go together!"

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