Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 29 Standing Stone House in the Snow on the Peak

The snow is vast, the road is long, one hour, two hours, finally, the top of Zheng Qiu's head is no longer thick rocks, replaced by the sky with snowflakes falling. Here they are, they climbed to the top of the mountain.

After stepping the last inch of the mountain road, Zheng Qiu fell down in the snowdrift with a thump. Turning over, let the snowflakes fall on the face, the melted water droplets mixed with the sweat droplets, flowing along the skin into the collar, cool.

Arms, legs, back, Zheng Qiu felt that his whole body was limp, as if his bones had been removed, and it was difficult to lift a single finger. The sky in front of him was gray, and he didn't know if it was because the sky was overcast or because his eyes were blurry.

"Zheng Qiu, don't lie on the ground, you will catch a cold." Yunyou moved the wheelchair to the side, bent down and pulled his arm up, letting him sit on the wooden wheel. But Zheng Qiu was like a rag doll. Pull him up and sit up straight. After a while, he slides to the ground, pulls him up again, and slides to the ground again.

How could this happen? Yunyou turned Zheng Qiu's face around and found that his eyes had lost energy: "Zheng Qiu! Wake up, Zheng Qiu! You are just tired, don't pretend to be dead!"

She bent down and picked up a handful of snow and wiped it on Zheng Qiu's face, then pointed at the crowd and pinched it hard.

"It hurts, it hurts!" When the finger was pinched, Zheng Qiu immediately turned his head and yelled.

Yunyou let go of him: "You are so tired, do you know that? Hush, don't talk, take a good rest first."

Time passed little by little, and the master regained his strength first. He walked slowly to Zheng Qiu's side, checked his apprentice's situation, and then said to Yunyou: "Yunyou, thanks to you just now, if you didn't find out early, this silly boy might have something wrong."

Yun You had an apology on her face: "It's all my fault, if you don't take me with you, you won't work so hard."

The master touched Zheng Qiu's head and smiled: "Don't blame yourself for this matter, whether you take me or you, it is Zheng Qiu's decision. When we come to Qianyunzong, he is the one among us." Boss, you and I are followers."

After the master said this, Yun You also smiled: "Yes, you and I are both servants, and we have to listen to the little boss."

After a long time, Zheng Qiu finally had some strength. He stood up slowly with the help of the wheelchair. Where he was sitting, the snow was melted by the heat of his body, and a large puddle of water was dripping. Zheng Qiu touched the legs of his trousers, they were all wet, and a stream could be squeezed out with his hands.

"Good apprentice, let's go to the station quickly. The wheelchair master will push it."

Zheng Qiu looked in the direction pointed by the master, and found that the peak had been cut into a large platform, and on the other side of the platform stood a building. The building is round and covered with thick snow. At first glance, I thought it was a huge steamed bun.

Zheng Qiu leaned on the back of the wheelchair, and slowly approached the station together with the master.

Walking up to him, he raised his head and looked carefully. The post station was built entirely of stones, more than four feet high, and each stone had a regular shape, not like it was simply excavated from the mountain, but more like a large burnt brick.

The gate of the post station is a stone arch hole without a door panel. As soon as he stepped inside, Zheng Qiu felt warm. He turned his head and looked around, and found that there were stoves on both sides of the hall, and the kettle hanging on the iron frame of the stove was spitting out white gas.

"Is anyone here? Is anyone here..." Zheng Qiu yelled as he approached the stove to dry his pants. After a while, a young man walked out from the corridor on the left side of the hall. The young man was wearing a white robe with a green cloud pattern on his chest.

"Someone. What's the matter?" The young man's face darkened when he saw the people in the hall, "Who are you! What are you doing here?"

The master stepped forward and saluted: "We are from Bihe Town, and we come here to take the sky boat."

The young man stepped back a few steps away from the master, frowning with disgust on his face: "Tianzhou? You know Tianzhou. You beggars can ride on Tianzhou? Get out of here!"

"Who are you calling a beggar? Why are you like this? You scold people when you come up." Zheng Qiu ran over,

He raised his head to express his dissatisfaction.

"Yeah, whatever you say is a swear word." Yun You also echoed.

"Yo! Did you give me face?" The young man rolled up his sleeves, "Do you know where this is? This is the post station of Qianyunzong, the site of Qianyunzong!"

Zheng Qiu jumped to retort: ​​"What's wrong with Qianyunzong's station? Can Qianyunzong be unreasonable?"

"Get out by yourself, or I'll beat you out!" The young man stretched out his fingers and kept pointing out of the gate, "Why should a bunch of beggars dug out of the dirt pit reason with you! Old beggars, little beggars, There is still a residual..."

When he scolded the person in the wheelchair, the young man froze for a moment, before he bit the waste words back into his mouth. Something was wrong, he felt something was wrong, even though the clothes and appearance were messy, he could still see that the woman in the wheelchair had an outstanding appearance.

There are a hundred people who come to the station every year if not three hundred. There are not many big men, but there are also many hidden masters. With his eyesight trained for a long time, how could a woman with such a face be a beggar.

The young man put down his hands, calmed down and thought for a while, the Qianyun Zong station is high on the dangerous peak, how could it be possible for a real beggar to climb up, besides, these people also know about Tianzhou...

"Cough, cough," the young man coughed twice, and suddenly asked in a relaxed tone, "Why do you want to take the sky boat?"

The young man's attitude changed too quickly, Zheng Qiu stretched his neck on his hips and wanted to argue with him.

"You, me, us..." Zheng Qiu scratched his head and couldn't react.

The master replied on his behalf: "We are going to Qianyunzong by Tianzhou."

The young man was shocked in his heart, these people really have a way, thanks to his quick thinking, otherwise he would really be pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

The young man asked again: "Is it going to Qianyunzong, not to other Qianyunzong stations?"

Now Zheng Qiu came to his senses: "Yes, it is to go to Qian Yunzong."

"Um, it's okay to go to Qianyunzong, but it costs a lot of money to take this skyboat, you..." The young man didn't continue, but looked at the clothes of the three of them.

"We don't have any money!" Zheng Qiu yelled back, and before the young man's face turned pale, he took out a piece of jade from his clothes, "But we have this! People from Qianyunzong told me that if I have this, I can ride the sky boat. "

"Cloud talisman!" Seeing the jade piece, the young man opened his mouth wide open, as if his jaw was dislocated. Realizing that he had lost his composure, the young man quickly closed his mouth and quickly put an amiable smile on his face.

"Tianzhou can sit on it, of course you can sit on it, you can sit on it for as long as you want with the cloud amulet."

"This is my master, this is my sister, we are all going to Qian Yunzong."

"Of course, of course they all go." The young man bowed and apologized, "It's just that the Tianzhou will not arrive until two days later, so I'm really sorry."

Zheng Qiu looked back at the master: "Master, we have to wait for two more days."

Before the master answered, the young man said first, "Don't worry, don't worry, there are rooms in the inn. You can stay here first, I have a change of clothes here."

The master cupped his hands in return: "Thank you so much, Qian Yunzong is indeed a great sect!"

While stretching out his hand to pat Zheng Qiu for fear, he said in a low voice: "My good apprentice, thank you soon."

"Oh, thank you."

The young man waved his hand and refused: "No thanks, no thanks, I'll take a few of you to the room. By the way, my name is Liu Mouzhi, and you can call me Mouzhi. If you need anything, just call me."

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