Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 31 Qianyun Tianzhou is not like a boat

After breakfast, Liu Mouzhi accompanied Zheng Qiu and the others to the gate of the inn. He pointed to the open space and told them that the Tianzhou would stop here when it arrived. Besides them, the cultivator wearing a vest and bare arms also came to wait in the open space.

As soon as the cultivator walked to the open space, white steam rose from his body. Zheng Qiu squinted his eyes and observed for a long time, and found beads of sweat on the man's arms and forehead.

It was warm in the post station before, and there were no traces of sweat evaporating on his body, but once outside, the evaporating sweat condensed into large balls of white water vapor in the cold wind.

I don't know what kind of exercises this person practiced, and he made himself like a kettle.

"Hey, Brother Mouzhi, isn't there a practitioner in the post station? Why didn't he come out to wait, did he forget?"

Liu Mouzhi bent down slightly, and replied: "This sky boat is headed towards the Zongmen. The one who is not on the way will have to wait four days for the sky boat he takes."

Zheng Qiu blinked: "It turns out that there is more than one Tianzhou, and the direction is different. It's amazing."

After waiting for a while, Liu Mouzhi suddenly said, "Tianzhou is coming, everyone stand back."

"Come here? Where, where?" The weather is not very good today, the sky is covered with cloudy clouds, and it seems that there will be heavy rain. Zheng Qiu turned his head and looked around the sky. He couldn't see anything flying towards him except clouds. He didn't know what the Tianzhou Liu Mouzhi was talking about looked like.

Liu Mouzhi took out a square board the size of two palms from his arms, and drew a few symbols on it with his fingers, and then a light green halo lit up in the middle of the square board. Liu Mouzhi raised his right foot, Yun Gong stepped down suddenly, and a circle of air waves came out from his feet, blowing away the snow on the ground.

It was only then that Zheng Qiu discovered that on the ground in front of Liu Mouzhi's feet, there was a circular magic circle with a diameter of one foot, and a square groove in the middle of the circle, which was exactly the same size as the square board in his hand.

He bent down and carefully pressed the square board into the groove. The moment the square board was completely pressed into the groove, Zheng Qiu felt the ground under his feet vibrate suddenly. Then, accompanied by the sound of rocks rubbing against each other, the snow on the open space in front of them kept arching.

Wow, wow, the snow was scattered, and four square stone pillars as thick as buckets rose from four directions in the open space. The stone pillars are curved, and the four directions are curved towards the center, in the shape of stars arching the moon.

Each stone pillar is engraved with a long curse pattern, extending down into the snow.

The stone pillar rose to a height of two feet before stopping. Zheng Qiu opened his mouth and asked in surprise, "Brother Mou Zhi, what is this?"

"This is called Zhoutai," Liu Mouzhi showed a proud expression, "The Tianzhou is one of the three masterpieces of our Qianyun Sect. From the day it was built, unless it is damaged, the Tianzhou will never land. And the Zhoutai, It is specially used to let the sky boat dock..."

Liu Mouzhi straightened up and pointed to the sky: "Look, that's Tianzhou."

Zheng Qiu raised his head and looked towards the sky in the direction of his fingers. The clouds stirred, rolled, and scattered, and a hole was opened in the gloomy sky, and a large gray saucer rushed out of it. The dish is round, flat on the outside, thick in the middle, with a faint metallic luster, looking like two dishes buckled together.

Zheng Qiu was dumbfounded, it turned out that Tianzhou was a big dish, and he thought Tianzhou was like a boat. He looked at Liu Mouzhi next to him, who still had a proud smile on his face.

Zheng Qiu pouted, thinking in his heart: This Tianzhou is really ugly, dusty and bare, with patterns and no patterns, decorations without decorations.

The sky boat descended slowly, boom, as the metal and the stone pillars of the boat platform collided with sparks, the big disc was firmly supported. Zheng Qiu stood on tiptoe and looked at the top of the Tianzhou, and found that there were many small round windows on it, which looked like a dinner plate with many holes poked by iron nails, which made it even uglier.

Creaking, metal friction sounded, and the bottom of the sky boat opened, extending a ramp to the snow. Then a young man came down from inside, also wearing a white robe with a green cloud pattern on his chest,

Same as Liu Mouzhi's.

The young man looked around and asked, "Only four of you on the sky boat?"

Liu Mouzhi nodded: "Only four, are there any vacancies up there?"

"Yes, there is no business this trip." The young man untied a cloth bag from his waist and waved to everyone, "Okay, come up, tell me where you are going."

The cultivator in the vest rushed to the front, grabbed a handful of things and threw them into the cloth bag, and said in a rough voice: "Stunning Waterfall Cliff Station." After speaking, he stepped up the ramp without looking back.

Zheng Qiu was curious about what that man threw into the bag. But his sight was blocked just now, so he didn't see it, only heard the sound of tinkling, not like metal like silver coins or copper plates. Just as he was thinking, someone gave him a slight push from behind. Zheng Qiu turned his head and found that it was Liu Mouzhi who signaled them to board the Tianzhou.

"We are going to Qian Yunzong, three people."

The young man nodded, and shook the mouth of the bag to Zheng Qiu.

Want money? No money. Zheng Qiu reached into his pocket to get the cloud talisman, but Liu Mouzhi who was next to him secretly held him down. Liu Mouzhi went around in front of Zheng Qiu, took out a bulging kit and threw it into the cloth bag: "That's enough, let's send them to the Zongmen."

The young man didn't move, and stared at Liu Mouzhi for a while: "You have something to hide, who are these three people?"

"They are all relatives of my Liu Mouzhi."

The young man thought for a while, and then showed a meaningful smile: "Let's not talk about it. You three, follow me to the sky boat."

Zheng Qiu didn't understand why Liu Mouzhi didn't let him take the cloud talisman. Isn't it possible to use the cloud talisman to ride the sky for nothing? He looked at the master and found that the master was shaking his head slightly at him. Since the master doesn't let me take the cloud talisman, then don't take it and listen to the master.

Pushing the wheelchair onto the Tianzhou with the master, Zheng Qiu saw the ramp at the back retracted into the compartment of the Tianzhou under his feet, and then creaked, and the door at the bottom closed. Withdrawing his gaze, Zheng Qiu turned to look inside Tianzhou.

The interior space looks larger than the exterior and is divided into two floors. There is a hall in the middle of the first floor, and there are eight compartments around the hall, four on the left and four on the right. There is no cubicle space available, with a staircase leading to the second floor at one end and a locked door at the other end. After boarding the Tianzhou, the young man just walked in there and locked the door behind his back.

In the middle of the hall was a circular metal shelf, on which stood a strange green stone.

Hum, the soles of his feet shook suddenly, then Zheng Qiu felt his body sink a bit, and then lightened again, he looked at Master and Yun You.

Yunyou smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, this is how it feels when you just fly."

"It turns out that flying is like this..."

Soon his feet returned to calm, Zheng Qiu stomped on the ground, his eyes were attracted by the green stone in the middle of the hall.

At this moment, a large pile of spells lit up on the stone surface, densely packed like stars, shining with a faint light. Zheng Qiu approached and saw that there was also something engraved on the metal shelf, not spells, but crooked lines.

Those gloomy lights are like flowing water, seeping into these lines little by little, going down the shelf, and finally sinking into the metal floor.

The master stopped Zheng Qiu and prevented him from climbing up the rock again: "My dear apprentice, don't touch it, let's sit in the cubicle."

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