Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 399 Beast Control Spell Controls Magpies

Li Mojian pointed to the lush forest and said: "The two female disciples of Wenjianzong told me that people from the Great Wilderness City live here, and it would definitely not be appropriate for the two of us to ask along the way.

By the way, I remember that the suzerain seems to have taught you a spell for investigation, can you cast it now? "

"Of course, senior brother, just look at it!"

Mingkong Zilin pulled out a blank note from her sleeve, and then untied the white jade tube hanging from her waist.

Opening the white jade tube as thick as a thumb, there were several charcoal pencils stored in it. She poured out one of them and drew complex lines on the paper.

While drawing, she introduced to her senior brother: "This is not called a detective spell, but it has a name, it's called Beast Controlling.

He was willing to teach me after I broke through to the divine realm, and it took half a year to learn it.

The spell is not difficult, but it requires a lot of mental control to cast it. "

As she said that, Mingkong Zilin had already drawn the spell, and then she raised her head and looked towards the woods, as if she was looking for something.

After looking around for a while, she raised her hand and shot a blue faint energy, rushing into the dense treetops.

There was the sound of clattering branches and leaves, and then a bright-colored magpie was rolled down.

The magpie fell into Mingkong Zilin's jade palm, its wings and feet were firmly locked by Qi, and it could only twist its head in a panic and chirp.

"Don't be afraid, I won't eat you again!"

Zi Lin injected energy into the note, lit up the pattern of the spell, and then tore it in half along the center of the pattern.

Stick one half to the palm of your hand, and the other half to the back of the magpie's neck.

As soon as the talisman was pasted on, the chirping of the magpie stopped suddenly, its body trembled a few times, and it stood up unsteadily.

The magpie didn't fly away, but stopped on the palm of the hand blankly, staring straight ahead.

Mingkong Zilin turned her head and asked Li Mojian: "Senior brother, what color and shape are the clothes in the Great Wilderness Gucheng?"

Li Mojian frowned while resting his chin: "Hmm... It seems that there is no imperial uniform in the lonely city of the Great Desolation, why are you asking this?"

"Beast psychic is to control living things to help oneself find things.

Birds are stupid and can't recognize too complicated content, so they can only start with the appearance of the clothes. "

"Let me think about it."

Li Mojian walked around in the same place for a few times and replied: "The wind and sand in Dahuang is relatively strong, so people in the isolated city of Dahuang often wear turbans and wrap their heads with turbans.

Now when I go to Wen Jianzong, I don't know if they will still wrap their headscarves.

Hmm... By the way, the subordinates of the lord of the Great Wilderness and Lonely City have fixed clothes.

I can't remember the color of the clothes, but there is a big order word embroidered on their clothes. "

"Brother, your clue is useless! Birds can't read!"

Seeing that the junior sister was a little anxious, Li Mojian quickly comforted her: "Don't worry, I'll think about it, think about it again!

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm "

Mingkong Zilin pouted,

Tilting his head to look at his senior brother, why does his answer sound so unreliable.

"only these?"

Li Mojian spread his hands: "I can only think of these."

"Okay, then I'll give it a try, I hope the bird will be smarter."

Mingkong Zilin grasped the hand with the paper talisman, stuck it to her forehead, closed her eyes and concentrated.

Through the talisman paper torn into two parts, she passed the clue that there were large red characters on the clothes to the magpie.

The magpie shook its small head, as if trying to receive this spiritual message.

After a while, it spread its wings and flapped, making a flying motion.

Zilin opened her eyes, raised her palms up, and the magpie was thrown into the air, flapping its wings and flying away.

Li Mojian looked up at the sky and asked, "Junior Sister, let me go now?"

"Brother, don't worry, if you fly back, don't forget that I still have half of the talisman in my hand."

After finishing speaking, Mingkong Zilin walked to the side of the road, swept away the fallen leaves on the surface of a stone, sat down and waited patiently.

The magpie, controlled by the psychic psychic, flew in circles on the mountain. Whenever it sees a house, it descends and stops outside the window to look in.

The practitioners in the house will of course find the chirping magpie, but they just treat it as an ordinary bird and ignore it at all.

When Mingkong Zilin pasted the talisman paper, she deliberately peeled off the feathers on the back of the magpie's neck, and then covered the feathers after pasting them.

Unless someone catches a magpie and examines it carefully, he will find the talisman paper, but no practitioner will be idle and catch birds to play.

The magpie searched one house after another, and soon flew to the foot of the other side of the mountain.

There are also houses here, five in total. It landed outside the house, and landed on the edge of the window to peek around.

In the first room, a practitioner was lying on the bed and dozing off. His coat was thrown aside, and was covered by the table so that the details could not be seen.

The magpie does not jump into the house to examine it carefully, it flies away from the window frame, and lands on the window of the second room to look in.

This time it found its target, a cultivator wearing a long robe sitting behind a table drinking tea.

There is an obvious large character on the clothes, which is red.

It chirped a few times, flapped its wings and flew around the five houses, then turned its head and flew away.

However, it had just flapped its wings twice, and before it flew two feet away, a net bag came down from midair.

The net bag tightened quickly, binding the magpie into a ball and making it impossible to move.

Then a seven or eight-year-old girl ran out of the house, holding a simple wooden slingshot in her hand, squatting down next to the magpie.

This girl is Gu Ya who pretends to be Zheng Qiu's righteous sister.

Gu Ya picked up the net bag, smiled and said to herself: "Haha, now there is something to play with!

Don't be afraid, you will be my pet from now on, I will train you to be very obedient, pointing to where to fly. "

Just as she was talking, Gu Ya's small hand that untied the net bag suddenly stopped.

She sensed that something was wrong with this magpie, she seemed a little silly, and would not struggle to fly away except calling.

Flipping the magpie, she soon discovered that there was a folded talisman hidden under the feathers on the nape of her neck.

"This magpie is actually controlled by a spell!"

Gu Ya is well-informed, so she naturally knows that there is a spell that can control birds and beasts for her own use.

So she grabbed the magpie and ran into the house, pursing her lips, thinking about the controller's intention of letting the magpie come here.

"Controlling a not-so-intelligent animal like a bird can only do some simple things. It was flying around in circles outside just now, and it should be looking for something."

Turning back to the direction of the bed, Zheng Qiu sat cross-legged on it, meditating with his eyes closed.

Gu Ya somewhat guessed the purpose of the magpie's visit: "It is estimated that they are here to find someone, if you use this method to find someone, you must be looking for the most special person.

The special people here are only me and Zheng Qiu. "

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