Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 442 Removing Shrubs Upstream of the Stream

Qingyue looked at the wooden barrel with her head, and said, "It's a trivial matter!"

After all, it opened its small mouth and spit out a trace of blue air. The airflow is very strong, like the Milky Way at night, shining brightly.

Immediately afterwards, the blue power of heaven and earth expanded suddenly, turned into a raging stream of water, and filled the barrel in the blink of an eye.

The excess water overflowed and flooded the entire yard thoroughly.

Zheng Qiu picked up the wooden bucket and walked back into the house, and said to Feng Caosan: "Caosan, go and call your father, and bring this bucket of water back.

Starting tonight, you are not allowed to drink any water from the stream, but only the water in this bucket. Remember? "

"Ahem, remember, cough, I'm going to call my dad right now."

Soon, Cao Sanpa rushed over and took the heavy wooden barrel back.

In the next few days, Feng Caosan went to the clinic every day to tell Zheng Qiu about his health as before.

After drinking the water in the wooden barrel, Cao San's cough symptoms began to ease, and it only took two days to completely get rid of the symptoms.

Zheng Qiu stared at the teapot on his table, thinking: "Judging from the situation of Cao San's recovery, there must be something wrong with the stream.

But Fenglu Village relies on this stream to support them, and it is completely impossible to prevent them from drinking water. "

Zheng Qiu remembered that the villagers had said that Fenglu Village had never had this kind of disease before, and that the strange disease began to spread thirty or forty years ago.

In this way, it is very likely that the stream water is polluted, and the disease can be eliminated as long as the source of the pollution is removed.

So he left a note on the table, and set off for the stream that crossed Fenglu Village.

This stream is not wide, only about one zhang or two feet. The shallow position can only reach the elbow when reaching out to the bottom, and the deep position can not reach Zheng Qiu's shoulder.

The stream is relatively turbulent. If something pollutes the stream, it must be upstream.

Zheng Qiu stimulated his legs slightly, and took a step forward along the bank of the stream, running upstream.

Under the blessing of vigor, he can take two to three feet with each step, and his figure quickly shuttles across the grass, like a bird gliding against the tip of the grass.

While running, he turned his head sideways to observe the stream to see if there were any strange things falling into the water.

Running and running, the stream became narrower and shallower.

At this moment, Zheng Qiu saw a large cluster of plants growing in the water not far ahead.

The lush appearance is like lush aquatic plants protruding from the bottom of the water, and like flat grass cutting off the stream.

Zheng Qiu leaned to the side, squatted down and inspected carefully.

The leaves of these plants are triangular in shape, with hairy filaments on the edges, and the stems are relatively short, making the whole plant look a bit dwarf.

Zheng Qiu had never seen this kind of thing before, so he pulled up a plant and looked through it.

The stems of these plants are very hard, and the root system is also very thick. They should be a kind of shrubs that grow in the soil.

But these shrubs are now in the water, which obviously does not match its appearance. Perhaps this is the cause of the strange coughing disease in Feng Lu Village.

He tore off a leaf, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it. The taste of the juice was very refreshing, a bit like herbs for throat.

"Cough cough, cough cough!"

Before he could make a judgment, Zheng Qiu's throat felt itchy, as if a bunch of ants were crawling around.

It made him cough violently.

But this situation only lasted for a short time. With the circulation of energy, the itching feeling gradually faded away, but the throat was still dry and uncomfortable.

This kind of plant is so powerful that it can even be tricked by itself. No wonder the villagers suffer from the strange disease of coughing.

There are four mountains away from Fenglu Village. Those villagers are ordinary people and cannot come to such a far place. No wonder no one has discovered the reason after thirty years.

Zheng Qiu hurriedly used the "True Jue of Vegetables and Trees" to pull out the shrubs in the water one by one.

Then he ran to a place far away from the stream, and performed the "Twenty-Eight Methods of Stone Obedience", dug a large hole in the ground, and buried all the shrubs in it.

However, he still kept a plant for himself, and planned to take it back to cultivate seeds and keep it as a collection.

After clearing the creek, he walked upstream for a while, and after confirming that there was nothing else, he turned back and rushed back to Fenglu Village.

When we returned to Fenglu Village, the sky was already pitch black.

Zheng Qiu did not tell the villagers about this incident, he decided to observe for a few more days to see if the cough symptoms of the villagers would improve.

Sure enough, on the third day, the strange coughing diseases of the villagers disappeared one by one, and even the frail old people stopped coughing.

The village immediately rejoiced, and everyone gathered in front of the wooden pagoda, put out all kinds of food, sang and danced to thank God for forgiving them.

Seeing that Feng Lu Village's strange illness has been cured, Zheng Qiu decides to leave.

However, the day before leaving the village, Zheng Qiu found the respected elders in the village and showed them the plant.

"Old gentlemen and old women, I have something to tell you the truth.

It's a shrub I found upstream in the creek and it makes a scratchy throat and a lot of coughing.

At that time, there were many shrubs growing in the stream, which polluted the water source. After drinking the polluted stream, people would suffer from strange coughing diseases.

Although I have pulled out all the shrubs in the stream, I am afraid that after a few years, this kind of shrubs will still fall into the stream.

If there is another strange coughing disease in the village at that time, please tell the villagers and send a few able-bodied people to search upstream of the creek. "

After all, Zheng Qiu broke off a part of the bush and gave it to several elders, who can use it as a comparison when searching later.

Several elders expressed their gratitude and hoped that the saint could stay longer. They would tell the villagers about this and ask the villagers to tear down the wooden pagoda and erect a statue of the saint.

Zheng Qiu shook his head and refused, saying that he just did some insignificant things and couldn't bear such a thank you.

The next day, Zheng Qiu packed up the clinic, restored the house to its original appearance, and walked towards the gate of the village on the gravel road in the village.

However, at the gate of the village, he was stopped by the little boy Feng Caosan, who insisted on dragging him to the wooden tower in the village.

Arriving outside the small square of the wooden pagoda, Zheng Qiu found that more than one hundred and thirty villagers of Fenglu Village were here.

The villagers lined up neatly and bowed to the wooden pagoda under the leadership of the elders.

When he knelt down, he saw a half-foot-high wooden statue on the incense table in front of the wooden pagoda from a distance.

The statue holds a bush in its own image.

After three kowtows, an elder stood up and said to the villagers.

"For the sake of our Fenglu Village, the sage is not allowed to tear down the wooden pagoda and build statues, but we must not forget the sage's kindness in curing diseases.

On behalf of several elders in the village, I decided to store the statue of the saint on the top of the tower, and the tower has since been renamed the Saint Tower.

You have to come here every month to worship and give thanks, and wish the saints health and longevity, prosperity and prosperity. "

Following the elder's words, a man in red and green respectfully held up the statue of the saint, and walked slowly and solemnly into the wooden pagoda.

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