Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 454 Pheasant Turned into a Big Meatball

When the pheasant walked, it jumped and wobbled. It turned out to be a lame chicken, no wonder it didn't run far.

Zheng Qiu quietly controlled the surrounding bushes and approached the lame pheasant.

Then the palms clenched tightly, and the branches of the bush quickly wrapped around the lame pheasant's body, holding it firmly.

Zheng Qiu came out from the woods, picked up a wooden stick, aimed at the pheasant's head and knocked it down hard.

The pheasant croaked, its head drooped and it stopped moving.

Grabbing the chicken by the neck and lifting it up, he found that the pheasant had been knocked to death with a stick. The joy of catching the prey filled his heart, but he was soon overwhelmed by worries.

It took a long time to catch a pheasant. Jiaoma's tooth was bigger than this pheasant, and it was not enough to use as a snack.

According to his own efficiency in catching prey, what year and month will it take to get enough food for a meal?

Raising his hand and tapping his forehead, he said to himself: "Zheng Qiu, Zheng Qiu, hurry up and think of a way to fill the stomach with Jiaoma."

Sitting on the ground and thinking for a long time, Zheng Qiu suddenly thought of something. When he was a gladiator, he had killed people.

It was a treasure hunting competition. After Ermao and Ma Peng died, he broke through to the Qihua realm one step at a time, and at the same time used the power of the "wood spirit" for the first time.

The light green light released by the "Wood Spirit" has an extremely terrifying attack effect.

The flesh of the two practitioners who were recruited began to swell wildly, transforming from a human into a huge meat ball, and finally exploded to death.

Zheng Qiu scratched his head. According to the situation at that time, the "wood spirit" can actually make flesh and blood grow more.

This should be the other side of the healing effect of "Wood Spirit", the aggressive side.

But now, I can take advantage of this feature of the "wood spirit" to turn the pheasant in my hand into a huge pheasant ball.

In that case, Jiaoma would have enough food.

Thinking of this, Zheng Qiu threw the pheasant to the ground, sat down cross-legged and began to call the "wood spirit" deep in his mind.

The pale green phantom of Zheng Qiu slowly emerged from the back of my mind, also posing in the posture of luck.

The familiar refreshing feeling quickly spread from the head to the whole body.

Zheng Qiu raised his hands, tried his best to push this force into his palms, and released it to the pheasant in front of him.

A pale green light slowly emerged from the palm, accompanied by white energy, the light spots slowly floated over and merged into the pheasant's body.

At this time, an inexplicable force was transmitted to Zheng Qiu's mind out of thin air, which gave him a sudden boost of energy.

Needless to say, this must be the result of people from the Ancient Tooth Sword School worshiping the portraits.

Practitioners' spiritual strength is indeed stronger than that of ordinary people, and worshiping portraits will bring more benefits to Zheng Qiu.

He felt that his mental power was growing rapidly, and his control over the "wood spirit" was also improving significantly.

The light green light spots released on the palm are more and faster than before, and the refreshing feeling in the body becomes clearer.

The pheasant's body was injected with this force, and suddenly began to wriggle irregularly, as if every piece of meat came alive.

Then, the body of the pheasant expanded rapidly like blowing air, getting bigger and bigger.

The whitish pieces of meat overflowed from under the feathers, and the gurgles squirmed more and more. The shape of the chicken was rapidly disappearing, and it developed into a round meatball.

Soon, driven by the power of the "wood spirit", the pheasant completely turned into a large meat ball with a diameter of two feet. The whitish color of the flesh showed that it was still chicken in essence.

Zheng Qiu rubbed his nose and thought to himself: "It really works, but it looks a bit weird and disgusting..."

But in order to let the Jiaoma fill his stomach, Zheng Qiu took his attention away from the strange appearance of the meat ball,

Continue to release light green light spots and vigor.

The meat ball continued to grow larger, from two feet in diameter to one foot, then to one foot and five feet, and finally to two and a half feet.

At this time, he saw that cracks began to appear on the surface of the meat ball, and the cracks were gradually expanding, as if there was a tendency to explode.

He quickly stopped the power injection, took out the healing herbs, made a paste and applied it to the cracks, making the meat balls round and smooth again.

Looking at the huge chicken ball like a house, Zheng Qiu murmured, "Eh... it should be edible after making it like this. Bring the big stupid horse over here to try."

Thinking of this, he ran towards the position where the Jiaoma was, and also used Qi Jin to guide the way to bring the Jiaoma to the meat ball.

Looking at the huge chicken ball, Jiaoma was stunned, and instinctively took a few steps back.

It has never seen such a thing, it looks disgusting and weird, the villain brought himself here, maybe he wants it to eat this thing.

Qingyue grabbed the paper puppet, flew down from the wooden platform on the back of the big stupid horse, and floated to Zheng Qiu's side.

He tilted his head and asked, "Boss, what is this?"

"This is a pheasant."

"Pheasant? Does the pheasant look like this?" Qingyue became more confused, raised her tail and pressed it against Zheng Qiu's forehead, "Boss, do you have a fever and your head is burning?"

Zheng Qiu patted its tail away, raised his finger and tapped Qingyue's little head: "Fever? Send your head!

This is the pheasant chicken ball I bred with wood spirits, it looked like this just now..."

Zheng Qiu told what happened, and Qingyue blinked her eyes, her eyes full of suspicion.

"Boss, are the things you make really edible? Don't eat the stupid horse to death."

"Don't worry, you can eat it. Even if it eats up your stomach, I still have the rejuvenation grass to cure it."

As Zheng Qiu said, he took out the seeds of Rejuvenation Grass from his sleeve and shook them in the palm of his hand.

Seeing that the boss was so confident, Qingyue flew in front of Jiaoma, pointed at the big meat ball and made a gesture of opening her mouth to eat, signaling Jiaoma to try to take a bite.

The big stupid horse glanced at the white meat ball, shook his head like a rattle, and refused to go forward to eat it no matter what.

It has never encountered such a strange thing, and God knows what will happen if it is eaten.

I have finally grown up to my current size, if I die from eating out of nowhere, it will be too late to cry.

Seeing that the big stupid horse refused to try, Qingyue frightened it with her teeth and claws, and insisted that it come forward to eat.

Jiao Ma showed hesitation in his eyes, it seemed that if he didn't eat this strange thing, he would be beaten.

In the end, under Qingyue's intimidation, it cautiously stepped forward, opened its mouth, grinned its teeth, and scraped lightly on the meat ball.

The meat ball was scratched by the sharp teeth of the Jiaoma, and a piece of chicken was torn off immediately, about the size of a chair.

In Jiaoma's thinking, even if there is something wrong with this strange thing, if he eats a little bit, he will not lose his life.

Diarrhea at worst is better than being beaten.

The scraped piece of chicken was chewed over and over in the mouth for a moment.

The feeling on the tongue told it that this thing was really meat, it seemed to be the meat of some kind of bird.

But why the birds turned into big balls, the Jiaoma's head couldn't figure it out.

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