Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 480 Bringing the Jiaoma Back to the Mountain

There are still many cultivators on the grass, and compared with ordinary people kneeling and offering sacrifices, the cultivators are much calmer.

They stood on the periphery and looked up, whispering and speculating about Malaysia's origins and capabilities.

At this time, shouts sounded from the front of the crowd: "If you have meat, pay the meat, if you don't have meat, pay, and if you don't have anything, don't stand here and watch.

Annoyed Grandpa Ma, there is no good fruit for you!

If you have meat, pay the meat, if you don't have meat, pay..."

Zheng Qiu turned to ask a practitioner nearby: "I heard from the townspeople that you only need to bring the meat and you don't need to pay. Why do you have to charge money now?"

The cultivator pointed not far away and replied, "Look there."

Looking in the direction of the finger, there is a simple wooden shed on the grass, which seems crooked and hastily built.

The practitioner then replied: "There are pigs, sheep, and a few buffaloes in this shed.

If you don’t bring any meat, but pay to buy one of the animals, that’s considered showing respect to Malaysia. "

Unexpectedly, those two guys who raised horses took the opportunity to make money.

Zheng Qiu suddenly felt unhappy in his heart, he is the master of Jiaoma, even if he earns money, how can he get rid of himself.

He walked through the crowd to the front, and it was indeed the two horse cultivators who were shouting.

Zheng Qiu cleared his throat and shouted to the two dark-skinned guys: "Hey, I'm back!"

The yelling of the two stopped abruptly, and they stared at Zheng Qiu in a daze. After only a few days, they certainly would not forget that this young man in a white robe is the master of Dama.

The two greeted each other with smiles on their faces, addressing each senior, and asking why the senior came.

At the same time, he also introduced the results of raising horses in the past few days, saying that the horses are in good spirits and have grown taller and fatter.

Zheng Qiu knew that they were asking questions knowingly, and that they introduced the situation of raising horses was to show that they were capable of raising horses, and hoped to continue to raise them.

"Continue to let you raise horses? Continue to let you make money?"

Zheng Qiu blocked their long talk with a straight face, and continued: "It seems that you have earned a lot in the past few days, so I don't have to pay you the rest of the money.

Come on, I want to take the horse away. "

The two wanted to argue again, but after seeing Zheng Qiu's unkind expression, they both obediently shut their mouths.

They did earn a lot of money by taking advantage of their visit to Malaysia, and the few animals raised in the wooden shed were sent by others.

Now that the strong young man opened his mouth to drive people away, it would be better for them to go back, lest they offend the strong man and move their heads.

The two dark-skinned practitioners bowed and bowed their hands to salute Zheng Qiu, then packed up the money bag and left the grass in a hurry.

After driving the two away, Zheng Qiu turned around and walked in front of Jiaoma, raised his foot and kicked Jiaoma's nose.

At this time, the big stupid horse was lying on the ground, gnawing his head down on a pile of meat in front of him, and suddenly felt his nose was kicked a few times, and his temper suddenly came up.

Pfft, it exhaled a huge snort, blowing the pile of meat over it.

Then he stood up angrily, raised his hoof and stomped heavily on the ground.

Rumbling, rumbling, thousands of flower drums seemed to be beating on the ground, and the violent vibrations were transmitted in all directions.

The sacrificial table was overturned,

The incense candles fell on the ground, and the townspeople screamed in fright, and turned around to run away.

The expressions of the cultivators onlookers also changed drastically. One by one, they mobilized their strength to prepare for defense, and retreated to the distance at the same time.

"What's so fierce, I haven't seen you for a few days, and my temper is getting bigger and bigger!"

Zheng Qiu kicked away the scattered pieces of meat, raised his head without fear, and looked at the grinning dragon horse.

The Jiaoma lowered its head and glared angrily at the villain who kicked him, but when he saw the villain's appearance clearly, his stepping on the ground froze instantly.

Isn't this villain in white clothes his boss, the boss also has a long helper, it hurts when he beats him.

It blinked its big eyes, swung its tail and lay back on the ground again, tilting its head and pretending that nothing happened just now.

Da Ma stopped being angry, and those fleeing townspeople stopped one after another and turned back to look at the situation.

The practitioners who retreated to the distance also leaned back, their eyes scanning back and forth on Zheng Qiu and Da Ma.

Zheng Qiu ignored the crowd of onlookers, jumped onto the wooden platform on the horse's back, shot out a white energy, and commanded the big stupid horse to stand up and hurry.

The big stupid horse's mood suddenly improved, and the boss was not angry, so he didn't need to be beaten.

It quickly stood up and walked towards the distance with four hooves, like a four-storey house skimming across the grass.

The jiaoma is tall and has very long steps. Even if it didn't run, it only took five sticks of incense to reach Tazi Mountain.

When the craftsmen on the mountain saw such a huge monster, they were both curious and afraid, so they stopped their work and waited and watched.

Zheng Qiu jumped off the wooden platform and asked the craftsmen if they could build a strong road for Jiao to go down the mountain on horseback.

The craftsmen said that it could be done, but larger and heavier stone slabs were needed to pave the road, so as not to be trampled by flood horses.

"No problem, no matter how heavy the stone slab is, it can move!"

Although Jiao Ma is powerful and can help the camel transport things, the craftsmen are just ordinary people and have no ability to control this giant beast.

Zheng Qiu can only take it to the top of the mountain first, and wait for the brothers Roaring and Kanchi to come back and let them drive the Jiaoma.

In the process of going up the mountain, Zheng Qiu discovered that besides running, the Jiaoma is not bad at climbing cliffs.

It can stand upright on its hind legs like a human being, put its hooves on the protruding rocks of the cliff, and lift itself up with jumps.

Climbing to the top of the mountain, Jiao Ma looked around and turned around on the grassy slope.

It also knew that this was Zheng Qiu's place, so it didn't get close to the building, for fear of crashing into things and making Zheng Qiu angry.

Seemingly aware of the existence of Jiaoma, Qingyue yawned and got out of Zheng Qiu's collar, turning her head to look at the unfamiliar environment around her.

Then it asked: "Boss, what kind of place is this? The house hasn't been built yet."

Zheng Qiu said with a smile: "This place is called Tazi Mountain, it is my site, and it is also your new home.

In the future, I will change its name to something nicer, and the medicinal material store will open here, doing business for the entire Yunxiu Continent. "

After listening to Zheng Qiu's words, Qingyue's drowsiness disappeared immediately, and she floated to the ground screaming.

It grew to a length of one and a half feet, buried itself in the grass and rolled: "Wow, we also have our own mountain, the boss is amazing!

Haha, this grass is mine, this house is mine, this forest is mine too..."

Qingyue floated into the air again, shuttled around on the top of the mountain, and assigned everything she could see.

Except for the big stupid horse which belongs to Zheng Qiu, Qingyue claims to own everything on the mountain.

Zheng Qiu spread his hands and said to Jiao flying in the air: "The whole mountain is yours, so how can I do business? How about you do business, okay?"

:. :

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