Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 536 Qingyue Receives Tianhe Pill

Qingyue blinked, wondering what this conch turtle meant, it turned to look at Zheng Qiu, wanting to ask Zheng Qiu's opinion.

Although Zheng Qiu heard that Gu Ya mentioned Tianhe Dan, but he had never seen it before, so he also turned to look at Gu Ya.

Gu Ya immediately nodded to confirm, saying that the tender yellow ball held by the conch turtle is the inner alchemy of sea beasts, Tianhe Dan.

"So this is Tianhe Pill!"

Qingyue pinched the ball with the tips of her two claws, took it from the conch turtle's front claws, and held it in front of her for careful observation.

At this time, the conch turtle seemed relieved, shook its body and slowly dived into the water, swimming far away.

Seeing this scene, it would be strange if Zheng Qiu and Gu Ya couldn't figure it out.

Obviously, Conch Turtle offered the Tianhe Pill as a treasure to Jiao, in exchange for the chance to leave safely.

Gu Ya said that each sea beast should have two Tianhe pills.

Losing one of them will not affect the health of the sea beast, but the power will be reduced by half.

She couldn't help but sigh in her heart, she didn't expect that the sea beast would take the initiative to offer the Tianhe Pill to Jiao, isn't this the same as the landlord going to the field to collect rent.

In the past, he had worked so hard to hunt sea beasts, but this boy Zheng Qiu actually relied on Jiao to solve the matter of Tianhe Pill.

Qingyue held the bright yellow Tianhe Pill, and flew to Zheng Qiu, showing it cheerfully.

"Boss, look, this is a good thing, right!

It turns out that it is so simple to make Tianhe Pill, so I know it. I will go to the bottom of the water later and let those sea beasts hand over all the treasures. "

Zheng Qiu was also very surprised, it turned out that Tianhe Pill could be obtained in this way, and he thought it was going to be a big fight.

He asked Gu Ya: "How is Tianhe Pill used for cultivation? Is it taken directly?"

Gu Ya shook her head and explained: "Of course it can't be taken directly, it must be fused together with medicinal materials to form a pill.

Only after taking the refined pill can one absorb the power contained in it. "

What, it needs to be refined together with other medicinal materials to make pills before it can be used. Isn't He Dan the raw material used for alchemy that day.

Since it is a raw material, Tianhe Pill is equivalent to medicinal materials, Zheng Qiu immediately thought of his Lingcui Mountain.

It's really great news. I bought more Tianhe Pills from Boundless Tianhe and sold this unique medicinal material on Lingcui Mountain.

At that time, practitioners all over the world will definitely flock to him. Not only will he be able to make a fortune, but Lingcui Mountain's reputation will also become even louder.

He took out a bag from his wide sleeve and put the second-level Tianhe pill in it.

Then he took out a water-avoiding talisman and said, "Then what are you waiting for, let's go underwater and get more Tianhe Pills back."

Of course, Qingyue and Gu Ya got the unanimous consent of Qingyue and Gu Ya, and Gu Ya also took out the water-proof talisman paper, used the talisman paper to create a new bubble outside her body, and then jumped into the water with a plop.

The underwater world is very different from that on the water surface. The sunlight penetrates through the waves, casting filaments of light in the vast sea water.

The farther you are from the water, the less sunlight you get.

Under Zheng Qiu's feet, there was a dark blue deep space, which revealed endless darkness.

Zheng Qiu fumbled for the things he was carrying, and found that he did not bring a lamp stone.

Without lampstones to illuminate,

To dive into the dark deep sea rashly is not to enter a dangerous place to seek death.

So instead of diving into deep water, they swam around in shallow water near the sea surface looking for passing sea beasts.

Once a strange-looking sea beast is found, Qingyue will volunteer to rush up, baring her teeth and claws to intimidate the sea beast, asking them to hand over Tianhe Pill.

Zheng Qiu and Gu Ya worked secretly and followed behind to prepare in case the sea beast got angry and turned to attack Qingyue.

But it turns out that their worries were completely unfounded.

Regardless of whether the sea beast is big or small, fierce in appearance or harmless to humans and animals, after identifying Qingyuejiao's identity, it will respectfully offer its Tianhe Pill.

Then act as if nothing happened, so what should you do?

In less than an hour, the bag in Zheng Qiu's hand was completely full. There were a total of more than 20 Tianhe pills below level two, and eight Tianhe pills of level three or above.

Zheng Qiu shook the bag in his hand and complained: "This bag is too small to hold so much.

Hey, I knew it was so easy to get Tianhe Pill, so I brought a bag of rice..."

Next to him, Gu Ya stared fixedly at Zheng Qiu's face with big watery eyes, wishing to go up and slap the kid a few times.

Obtaining Tianhe Pill is so easy, such words can be said.

Others are desperately working hard to defeat the sea beasts in order to obtain Tianhe Pill.

If Zheng Qiu's method of obtaining rent is known to the sects of Yunxiu Continent, they must not eat him alive.

Of course, Gu Ya would not say this kind of thing.

She also has her own thoughts, with the current relationship between herself and Zheng Qiu, it must be easy to get Tianhe Dan.

The more Tianhe pills Zheng Qiu got, the more he got.

The two of them just floated in the water, swimming stop and go, and followed Qingyue, who was proud and arrogant, all the way to harvest in the distance.

Several hours after they left, a brownish-black shadow swam quickly through the water.

This shadow is also in the shape of a long snake, with two horns on its head and four claws on its body.

That's right, this guy is also a jiao like Qingyue.

This brown-black jiao, after swimming here, also began to search for sea beasts, asking them to hand over the Tianhe Pill.

But Sea Beast only has two Tianhe Pills in total, and one has already been presented to Qingyue, so how can they hand over the second one.

Handing over the second one doesn't mean killing them.

Different sea beasts made different sounds, while twisting their bodies and gesticulating, trying to tell the brown-black giant flood dragon what happened just now.

At first, the brown and black dragon was very angry, thinking that these sea beasts did not want to hand over the Tianhe pill.

With a roar, it stretched out its claws, and directly tore a fish-shaped sea beast into pieces.

Seeing that there was only one Tianhe pill among the sea beast's corpses, the brown and black dragon was obviously stunned for a moment.

After a moment of silence, he raised his head and roared to signal the sea beasts to disperse.

As for itself, it swam back in the direction it came and went, and quickly disappeared into the deep blue sea water.

In the deep seabed, where the sun cannot reach, in the darkness, there is a strange brilliance shining.

It was a sharp cone-shaped mountain, rising from the rock bed of the seabed, standing straight.

And outside this conical peak, there is a huge transparent sphere wrapped around it.

The ball is composed of crystal clear crystals, like a huge water bubble, supported by the mountain peak in the center.

In the crystal clear spherical bubbles, there are many tall buildings with strange shapes scattered here and there.

Inside and between buildings, colorful luminous objects are arranged and embellished, dispelling the surrounding darkness.

Under the reflection of these colorful rays of light, one can see a long snake-like figure flying within the sphere.

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