Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 576 Crystal Sea Li Hai Sun City

After hesitating for a while, Jiao Chi nodded and said, "Then take the two of them there.

But follow what I told you before, saying that the two of them are your servants, you know. "

Seeing Qingyue nodding again, Jiao Chi waved his front paw lightly: "It's not too late, let's set off immediately."

Qing Yue turned her head and winked at Zheng Qiu and Gu Ya.

Zheng Qiu gave a thumbs up calmly, praising Qingyue for her flattering skills, coaxing Long into agreeing to everything so quickly.

Qingyue stretched out her two front paws, supporting Zheng Qiu and Gu Ya one by one.

Turn around and fly off the ground, pass through the dry space outside the building, and follow Jiao Chi to swim towards the center of the crystal sea.

Swimming in the sea and looking down at the bottom of the sea, the surface of the high and low mountains is covered with colorful crystals. Looking down from above, it looks like a night sky with twinkling stars.

As it approached the center of the crystal sea, the power of heaven and earth in the sea became more and more intense.

Even at depths where there is no sunlight, due to the high concentration of the Force of Heaven and Earth, the seawater is slightly fluorescent.

Between the colorful underwater mountains, buildings occasionally appear. These buildings, like Jiao Chi's house, are all made of spar from the Crystal Sea.

Each building has a different style, reflecting the preferences of the owner, and some of them have extremely weird shapes, and there is no place to place a room.

But what these buildings also have in common is that they are huge, often covering two or three peaks.

The further you go, the denser the crystals on the seabed become, and the light that emanates illuminates the seawater brighter.

At the same time, the distance between buildings is also getting closer, from tens of thousands of feet apart to thousands of feet apart, and finally one building can see another building.

Near these buildings, there are long snake-like figures swimming.

Huge ones, petite ones, dragons and dragons, it looks like a market full of pedestrians.

At this time, Jiao Chi, who was swimming ahead, frowned, with a puzzled look on his face.

He whispered, "It's strange, did something big happen? Why don't everyone go to sleep and run out to wander around."

Although the muttering was relatively small, Qingyue still heard it, and when she rolled her eyes, she also noticed this slight abnormality.

Uncle Jiao Chi said that dragons like to live alone, and dragons are usually not active, especially adult dragons, who spend most of their time at home dozing off.

In fact, this is a way of training dragons, which can be inherited through blood while sleeping, and learn instinctive spells passed down from ancestors.

And sleeping can also accumulate the power of heaven and earth, not every dragon has a lot of power of heaven and earth that can be sucked.

But now, the dragons of the Crystal Sea are like merchants going to the market, going back and forth between the buildings, and stopping to talk from time to time.

Qingyue speeded up to swim to Jiao Chi's side, and asked, "Uncle Jiao Chi, is there something important in Crystal Sea?

Or is it that everyone came to see me to search for my blood? "

"Using the dragon-hunting array has nothing to do with non-royal dragons, and it must have nothing to do with you. I'll go down and ask, don't run around."

After finishing speaking, Jiao Chi turned around and dived, swimming between the buildings.

Because Qing Yue and Jiao Chi communicated in Dragon Language, Zheng Qiu and Gu Ya couldn't understand a single syllable.

The two could only watch the conversation in a daze, and then Jiao Chi dived down to find other dragons.

Wandering around for a while, Jiao Chi floated up, with a serious look in his eyes.

He said: "The dragon of the royal family suddenly ordered that all members of the dragon family stop sleeping and stay on alert.

If there is an abnormality, it must be reported to the royal family as soon as possible. "

Qingyue blinked her eyes, tilted her head and asked, "What do you mean?"

Jiao Chi clenched his front paws into fists and shook them slowly: "The royal family has only issued this order three times, and it was when the dragon family encountered a powerful enemy, and I am afraid this time it will be the same.

Girl, follow me closely, don't get lost. "

Qingyue nodded in agreement, but she was muttering in her heart: "The Dragon Clan encounters a powerful enemy, so what does that have to do with me.

I ran back to Yunxiu Continent, could it be that the enemy can still follow me? "

Continue to swim forward, and soon, the undulating mountains on the bottom of the sea suddenly disappear and become a smooth road.

The flat rocky bed of the seabed stretches into the distance, with no end in sight.

The rock bed is also covered with spars, and they are denser than the outside. The spars here are like dense green grass leaves on the lawn, piled up into a thick colorful carpet.

In front of the carpet made of crystal stones, there is a circle of tall buildings.

The spar is made of five colors, the real dragon is in the shape of the vast ocean, the Milky Way surrounds the world, and the sun and flowers embrace Huaiyong and become kings.

Looking down from a distance, the building looks like a circle, also made of colorful spar.

No matter how hard you squint, you can't see the other side of the circle.

I don't know how big the circular building is, but Zheng Qiu reckons that it would be no problem to put the whole Great Wilderness of Yunxiu Continent inside.

The buildings in a circle are very tall, about the same as a mountain peak, at least more than 1,500 feet.

The buildings have different shapes, some are like shells, and some are like swimming fish.

But these buildings are all connected to each other and form a whole, one after another, forming a tall city wall.

No matter how the shape changes, there are dragon sculptures on every building.

The delicate sculptures are lifelike, while the rough sculptures have only a long outline, and even the claws and dragon capital cannot be seen.

And in the middle of this circle of buildings, that is, at the center of the crystal sea, there is a round sun suspended in the sea water.

The sun is very big, but I can't see how big it is.

The soft light illuminated all the surrounding sea water, and for a moment, Zheng Qiu almost mistakenly thought that this was the land under the sun.

But the water-proof bubbles around him told him that he was still on the bottom of the sea, surrounded by sea water.

Feeling that the light has no temperature, he guessed that this sun is a luminous body shaped by some powerful spell.

Just like the light stone used by practitioners for lighting, it also does not emit heat.

Jiao Chi pointed to the distance with the tip of his claws, and said to Qingyue: "Girl, this is the residence of the royal family, remember what I said earlier, be obedient, and don't touch things randomly."

Then, he looked at Zheng Qiu and Gu Ya, and said in the human language of Yunxiu Continent: "You two swim by yourself, don't let the girl lead you.

Also, from now on, don't say a word, don't make any sound.

If you offend the dragon of the royal family, you will be blessed. "

Zheng Qiu and Gu Ya looked at each other the same way, immediately jumped off Qingyue's front paws, obediently swam to Qingyue's back to follow.

This dragon named Jiao Chi is not bad, and he would kindly remind him.

Going to the territory of the strongest dragon clan, even if all the masters of the top ten sects are here, there will be no waves. Obedience to the arrangement is the prerequisite for survival.

Seeing that the two humans were very obedient, Jiao Chi's eyes showed a look of satisfaction, and he led the way to the royal residence.

The closer you get to these buildings, the taller you can find the buildings, and there is a gate in front of it, a completely golden gate.

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