Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 6 Everyone is a punching bag

It was the day to deliver medicine to the alchemy room again. Zheng Qiu came to the alchemy room on the stone road with the selected herbs on his back. There are surprisingly many people in the pill room today, there are at least twenty people at a glance.

These senior brothers and sisters seem to be talking about something, talking in a mess.

"Senior brother, senior brother, I'm here to deliver the medicine." Zheng Qiu went to call the one closest to him, "This time there are more scorpions."

"Understood, you put it at the door of the medicine room, and we will sort it out."

"Oh." Zheng Qiu walked in and poured the herbs in the basket into the wooden box outside the door of the herbs room.

All the way in, he vaguely heard a lot of people talking about Senior Brother Mo Junrong, it sounded like Senior Brother Mo had caused something serious. But he couldn't get close to listen, and couldn't know the specific content.

After standing inside for a while, someone noticed Zheng Qiu and gave him a warning look. Zheng Qiu had no choice but to carry the basket on his back and hurried out.

After walking out of the alchemy room, Zheng Qiu didn't think about it. The master said that the Zongli has strict rules and they are not entitled to know many things.

Walking along the mountain road, he suddenly found that there were so many people on the mountain road today, and he could see one or two within a short distance. You must know that there are less than two hundred people in the Mist Seeking Sect, and everyone usually hides in the corners to practice, and there are no people in most of the peaks.

What's the situation? There are many people in Danfang, and there are also many people on the mountain. It's really strange. Soon, Zheng Qiu found that most of these people were going in the direction of the martial arts training ground. Anyway, he had to pass through the martial arts training ground when he returned to the medicine garden, so he might as well follow to have a look, and slip away if the situation is not good.

Arriving outside the martial arts training ground, Zheng Qiu found that many people had already gathered here, senior brothers and sisters surrounded the venue, forming an airtight human wall. Some were short and even stood on top of the wooden figures on the sidelines.

You can't see anything here, and you can't squeeze them, you will be kicked out.

Zheng Qiu looked left and right, hey, you can go up there. His eyes lit up, and he found a tree in the corner of the hall next to it, with vines wrapped around the tree, and the vines went around the branches and hung on the eaves of the first floor of the hall. This vine is thick enough, if you climb to the eaves by yourself, you can see the training ground, and it's still condescending.

Running under the tree, Zheng Qiu grabbed the cane and tugged, no problem. He raised his foot to step on the tree trunk, clasped the rattan with both hands and climbed up. Following the vines, Zheng Qiu climbed up to the eaves, found a comfortable position and sat down, dangling his feet down.

The person in the middle of the martial arts training ground has a crescent-shaped semicircular metal ring in his hand. It is the elder sister who came to the medicine garden to let him plant yiro flowers that day. The elder sister seems to be competing with others, no, no, this is not a competition, this is the elder sister beating someone unilaterally.

I saw the elder sister waving the ring, and a light blue light flashed on the ring. Two feet away in front of her, a senior brother raised his sword horizontally to fight, he was still chanting something, and at the same time, the horizontal sword spine slowly emerged with light.

There was only a bang, like the sound of a copper gong, and the senior brother was blown out and fell to the ground like a rolling gourd.

Zheng Qiu watched carefully from the eaves. He clearly saw that the semi-circular ring in the elder sister's hand turned into an arc-shaped streamer, which hit the sword of the senior brother straight, and then the streamer turned back and disappeared. into the ring.

"You guys, let's go together!" The elder sister randomly hit five of the onlookers, and the people who were hit looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

"What are you looking at? Get your weapons out, hurry up!"

One of the senior brothers took out a square wooden box: "That's offending."

Then he wiped the top of the box with his palm, and instantly three beams of extremely thin silver-white light shot out.

The elder sister reacted very quickly, turned slightly to the left to pass two beams, and blocked the remaining beam with a semi-circle.

Zheng Qiu was far away, so he couldn't see what it was, only knew that the light disappeared when the elder sister blocked it. The remaining few people saw that the one who had made the first move nodded to each other, each took out their weapons and attacked the elder sister.

All of a sudden, streamers of light flew across the martial arts field, light blue, silver, light yellow,

Zheng Qiu was dazzled.

I saw the senior sister kept moving and turning among the five people, and the five people tried their best to cooperate, but they couldn't touch the corner of her clothes.

Seeming to be tired of hiding, the elder sister suddenly jumped up and held the ring high, then turned somersault in the air, and at the same time drew a half-circle outward. In an instant, a huge wave of light blue light exploded from her position. The five besieged hurriedly escaped. Bang bang bang, the light wave spread rapidly, engulfing all five people.

The wind that blows blows the fine sand on the training ground all over the sky, Zheng Qiu quickly turned his head and covered his face to cover it. After waiting for a while, he felt that the fine sand had dispersed, and he patted the sand on his hair and looked into the training ground.

The five people who besieged the big sister just now were lying on the ground and humming.

"Get up! Are you injured at all? Are you lying on the ground and pretending to be dead? Get up!" The eldest sister's voice was full of anger, "Stand up! Have you practiced your skills to the point of sleeping? Get up..."

But no matter how she yelled, those five people just lay on the ground. Zheng Qiu even saw the elder brother who was holding the wooden box just now, turned over quietly, lay face down on the ground, straightened his body and pretended to be dizzy.

The elder sister raised her head, her eyes swept towards the crowd of onlookers. Wherever her eyes swept, people shrank back. Those near the back of the crowd began to sneak out.

"Run, run, all the brothers and sisters have slipped away, am I looking for death if I stay here?" Zheng Qiu hurriedly climbed down the eaves, and ran around the training ground to the medicine garden.

Too bad, I didn't take the pannier! Halfway through the run, Zheng Qiu remembered. Do you want to go back and have a look?

He turned back and crept closer to the training ground. Half an hour has passed, the people on the martial arts training field have dispersed long ago, and the brother who was lying on the ground just now has also disappeared.

As luck would have it, no one! Zheng Qiu secretly delighted, ran to the tree on tiptoe, and the basket was indeed here.

Phew, the sound of people falling from the sky suddenly came from behind.

"Pharmaceutical boy!"

Zheng Qiu froze all of a sudden, isn't this the voice of the elder sister?

He turned his head slowly, and it really was: "Master, master... big sister."

The elder sister didn't wear a veil, Zheng Qiu found that she was very beautiful. No, no, none of the practitioners is ugly, and even ugly ones can be cultivated into good-looking ones. Then he noticed that the elder sister's face was dark, as if there was still fire not coming out.

It's over, maybe I will be beaten too, Zheng Qiu hugged the back basket tightly, feeling his legs go numb.

"Yaotong, where is my Yi Luohua?"

"I, I, the flowers are very good. The three plants will ripen immediately."

"how much longer?"

"Two, two, three, four, four, five days."

"How many days?" Zheng Qiu felt that he was really confused. He didn't know how many days it would take for Yi Luohua to ripen. It's not up to him whether the flowers are ripe or not.

"Four, four days." He recalled the color of the petals and guessed a day.

"Okay." The elder sister ignored Zheng Qiu and flew away in Liuguang.

"Phew, I was scared to death. Oops, oops, what if the Yi Luohua is not ripe in four days, it's over, it's over." Zheng Qiu really wanted to slap himself twice, talking nonsense.

He picked up the basket and rushed all the way to the medicine garden. The master said that medicinal materials grow in a good environment and can mature in advance. If he took more care of Hua, maybe he could catch up with time.

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